Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 48 Submitting the Strategy

At the same time, Tianyu also finished his own affairs and exited the summoning space.

Looking at the surrounding environment, he sighed helplessly, and immediately opened the laptop on the table and started typing.

These days, it is easy to pay back debts, but it is not easy to pay back favors! I have lived here for so long and have been protected by the extraordinary people, but the other party has never asked me for any mission world strategy.

Although this is because my father is the founder of the extraordinary group, Tianyu still can't feel at ease.

So I simply handed over the previous mission world strategy to the extraordinary group, which not only returned the favor, but also made the extraordinary group stronger.

After all, it was founded by my father, so it can be regarded as keeping the fat water in the field of outsiders!

After thinking carefully, although he knew all the mission worlds clearly, he couldn't reveal this point, so he chose the mission world he had experienced before.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

I saw lines of words appearing on Tianyu's notebook:

Mortal Zone "Detective Chinatown 1" Mission World Raiders:

Murder Case: Sinuo and Dan are friends. Their fathers both have perverted love for them, so Dan faked his death and hid.

Dan's father Songpa thought Sinuo killed Dan, and secretly followed Sinuo to avenge Dan.

After Sinuo found out, he wrote a diary, which wrote that Songpa followed him and raped him, and the plan to kill Songpa, and deliberately showed it to his adoptive father.

The adoptive father's perverted love for Sinuo made him take revenge. He found a scrapped car based on the diary, sneaked into Songpa's workshop a week in advance, and hid under the bed in Dan's room.

After seven days, the surveillance was covered, and the adoptive father came out to kill Songpa, but accidentally left a footprint.

Then he called Tang Ren to send the Buddha statue, used the corpse to confuse Tang Ren, and entered the wooden box and was sent out, making Tang Ren a scapegoat.

Because of the arrival of Tang Ren and Qin Feng, Sinuo changed the subsequent plan to get rid of her adoptive father.

She swallowed sleeping pills, burned part of the diary, and pretended to commit suicide, so that Tang Ren could find out the motive of her adoptive father's murder.

After she recovered in the hospital, her adoptive father was arrested.

Evidence: The camera had no SD card, which was taken away by her adoptive father. There was a footprint under Dan's bed. The Bluetooth speaker had a memory function and could connect to her adoptive father's mobile phone.

The gold case: Songpa was one of the perpetrators, so they were mixed together. In fact, they were two independent cases.

The gold was in Songpa's Buddha statue. When the gold was found, Tony, Huang Landeng's deputy, would jump out to kidnap Ah Xiang. You just need to wait and see.

After catching Tony, you can easily interrogate the other four accomplices, and all the tasks are completed.

After looking at the strategy he wrote, Tianyu nodded and expressed his satisfaction.

Although it was not very neat and standardized, he was not a professional after all, so it was not bad.

Then Tianyu started to work on the second mission world he experienced.

The first floor of the Tiantai in the Chaofan area, "Chinese Zodiac", the world strategy of the mission:

After entering, look for the Golden Gunman, the mastermind behind the protagonist Ling Lingqi. Look for help

The second floor of the Tiantai, "Swordsman", the world strategy of the mission:

After entering, learn the Evil-Defeating Sword Manual. Fight Liu Zhengfeng at the Golden Basin Retirement Banquet. Defeat Zuo Lengchan. Disguise and break the void!

The third floor of the Tiantai, "Mr. Zombie" mission copy strategy:

After entering, go to the Yizhuang to find Uncle Jiu and find the mastermind evil Taoist priest. Learn Maoshan Taoism from Uncle Jiu. Go to Tengteng Town.

"Well, not bad!" Transfer the strategy to the USB flash drive, and then directly shred the file completely.

I originally planned to give only part of the strategy to the Chaofan group, but Tianyu could feel that Lin Xueer was sincerely protecting him, so he gave it all.

With four copy strategies, I dare not say about the others, but the Chaofan group can definitely mass-produce bronze-level strongmen!

Of course, those people cannot add points as evenly as him, and they must have a main attack direction to reach the bronze level.

Nodding with satisfaction, Tianyu put the USB drive into his pocket and came to Lin Xueer's room.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!"


After the door opened, Lin Xueer, who was full of fatigue, was revealed.

"Tianyu? What's the matter with you?" The first time she saw Tianyu, Lin Xueer became serious.

If Tianyu needed any help, the entire supernormal team would immediately move.

Tianyu naturally saw Lin Xueer's fatigue, but the other party didn't say it, so he didn't ask.

"I'm fine." Shaking his head, he handed the USB drive to Lin Xueer, "This thing is for you, you can arrange it as you like."

After putting the USB drive in Lin Xueer's hand, Tianyu turned around and returned to his room, leaving only Lin Xueer who was a little dazed.

After closing the door in a daze and plugging the USB drive into the computer, Lin Xueer didn't react to what Tianyu meant.

But when he saw the contents on the USB flash drive, his eyes brightened up in an instant, like two little suns.

"This is... This is the mission world strategy that Tianyu has experienced! These are all SSS super god-rated mission world strategies!"

Lin Xueer almost jumped up with joy. Although they didn't ask Tianyu for it, it would be a lie to say that they didn't want it.

No one in this world can resist the temptation of SSS super god-rated mission world strategies!

Unexpectedly, Tianyu gave it to her so casually, without even asking for anything.

"With these extraordinary groups, we can persist! SSS super god rating, I don't believe you can still snatch people away!"

The fatigue on Lin Xueer's face was swept away, revealing two small canine teeth that looked very cute.

As if she suddenly realized her own loss of composure, she quickly put away the smile on her face and turned into an iceberg beauty again.

"However, Tianyu's contribution is so great, what compensation should he be given?"

This really stumped Lin Xueer, because she didn't think Tianyu needed anything at all.

In the Chaofan Building, Tianyu couldn't use the money, and Tianyu didn't lack money with his ability.

Then what else? Power and status? As long as you have the ability, you can get it!

Martial arts secrets? Supernatural bloodline! They don't have the top ones, and Tianyu probably doesn't even look down on the ordinary ones!

Moreover, Tianyu has received four SSS super god evaluations. The first SSS evaluation has a gold treasure chest. Tianyu may have more good things than her.

As for the selection points, forget it. Only the points earned by completing the task can be used to purchase free attribute points. The others can only buy items at most.

"Forget it, let's see what he wants later!"

Finally, Lin Xueer chose to give up and stopped bothering her brain.

At this time, Lin Xueer suddenly remembered that she had forgotten to tell Tianyu about the Dragon King family.

When she arrived at Tianyu's room, Tianyu had disappeared!

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