Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 420: The Power of the Shock Fruit

A terrifying huge vortex suddenly appeared on the sea surface, like a black hole, as if it could swallow everything.

Then, there was a strong wind in the sky, the wind was blowing and the clouds were rolling, and the dark thunderclouds began to rotate rapidly.

A tornado quickly formed under the black cloud, and a large amount of seawater was sucked into it under the attraction of the tornado.

Dragon sucks water!!!

Including the thunderclouds in the sky were also sucked into the tornado. In just a few breaths, a giant tornado mixed with seawater and thunderclouds was quickly formed under Tianyu's control.

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This is a huge, weird and extremely terrifying tornado, towering into the clouds, as if connecting the sky and the earth.

It contains a large amount of seawater and thunderclouds, and thunder is constantly flashing in it.

As we all know, water can conduct electricity, that is to say, the giant tornado at this moment is already full of thunder.

Huge electric arcs flickered continuously, entwined around the tornado, and looked extremely scary.

Once caught in this tornado, the consequences can be imagined

The super giant tornado that once destroyed the Sabaody Archipelago appeared again.

As soon as the super giant tornado appeared, it immediately dominated the entire battlefield.

Its powerful attraction sucked countless sentinel robots flying in the sky into it, and they were quickly strangled into pieces by thunder.

Suddenly, a large number of sentinel robots were unable to dodge, and all were sucked away by the powerful suction of the tornado and buried in it.

Tianyu can also control the super large tornado, move on the sea, and massacre the sentinel robots.

Such power can be called the power of destruction. Seeing such a powerful super giant tornado appear under Tianyu's control, all the mutants were shocked and dumbfounded

"Is this guy a god?" Wolverine asked in doubt.

At this moment, Tianyu said that he was a god, which might be a little exaggerated, but his attack methods and attack strength were really despairing, and they were comparable to those of gods.

Only gods could use methods such as controlling lightning, controlling the sea, and creating tornadoes.

Countless sentinel robots died in the super giant tornado. Fortunately, the sentinel robots were not human beings and did not have human emotions.

Otherwise, with such heavy losses, the human army would have been defeated directly because of the spread of fear.

On the contrary, the sentinel robots did not have human emotions and were still faithfully carrying out the pursuit mission, without any intention of retreating because of their own heavy losses.

From this point of view, in terms of war, intelligent robots are indeed more advantageous than humans, because they are fearless!

After Tianyu's tsunami, thunder and tornado attacks, the sentinel robot army had lost two-thirds of its troops, and now only one-third is left.

Their intelligence was not low. Seeing the horror of the giant tornado, they immediately changed their strategy, completely dispersed their forces, surrounded from both sides, and bypassed the tornado's attack range.

Seeing this situation, Tianyu immediately stopped the output of mana. After all, maintaining such a powerful tornado would consume a lot of Tianyu's own energy.

Without Tianyu's mana maintenance, the super giant tornado lost control and moved far away. As for where it would blow, it was unknown.

"Prepare for battle, we can't let them ruin the plan!"

On the ground, seeing the sentinel robots surrounding them, all the mutants were ready for battle.

The whole person of Iceman turned into a white ice sculpture, exuding amazing coldness all over his body.

Sunspot was covered with fire, completely turned into a flame figure.

Wolverine showed his adamantium claws, and Storm and Magneto both floated up, ready to use their own abilities to start fighting the enemy.

"All of you get out of the way!"

Suddenly, a steady voice came over: "I'm afraid I'll hurt you by mistake later!"

Everyone was stunned and looked at Tianyu.

"This guy... won't he have any more terrifying abilities?" Storm said in horror.

She had never seen someone as powerful as Tianyu. If such a person had appeared earlier, what would the sentinel robots do?

Now it seems that Tianyu has a more powerful trick. Is he still a human?

The other mutants didn't say anything, but subconsciously became nervous and prepared to run away at any time to avoid being affected.

Tianyu didn't pay attention to the others. He bent his body slightly, clenched his fists, and slowly gathered and accumulated strength.

A white gas mask appeared above his fist. In the horrified eyes of the mutants, Tianyu, who had accumulated enough energy, suddenly punched out with both fists, hitting the void on both sides of him.

"Bang Ka!"

A crisp shattering sound sounded, as if it was an attack from a god, and the void on both sides of Tianyu was directly shattered.

The cracks spread like a spider web, and the space was shattered by Tianyu's punch like a mirror, and then the power of destruction appeared

"Buzz buzz buzz"

The earth shook, the sea roared, and the volcano in the distance was erupting violently. The whole world was wailing and shaking.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake?" Flash asked screamingly.

"This is Tianyu's ability, what kind of ability is this?" Storm asked tremblingly in fear.

"Damn. Does he want to destroy the world?" Wolverine's face turned pale.

Even the usually calm Magneto seemed to be frightened and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh, my god!!"

All the mutants felt that the world was about to be destroyed. With one punch, the heaven and earth were roaring and shaking.

This is really terrifying! ! !

As all the mutants were terrified, the surrounding environment changed dramatically again.

The frequency of ground shaking increased and soon turned into a real earthquake.

It can be clearly seen that countless houses on the coast collapsed. In the blink of an eye, a small town turned into ruins, and even those towering trees were uprooted and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the town had been abandoned for a long time and there were no residents, otherwise this wave would have been a huge loss.

The volcano in the distance was violently erupting magma, and countless huge volcanic rocks were sprayed into the sky, and then carrying a lot of flames, fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

The sea was surging, and then a tsunami appeared. This tsunami was even bigger than the one Tianyu had just created!

The most serious thing was the void. Tianyu's punch had broken the void, and even space cracks appeared around it.

The powerful shock wave covered all the sentinel robots, smashing them all.

In just a blink of an eye, the sentinel robots in the sky turned into fragments and fell into the sea like raindrops.

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