Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 407 The Benefits of the Strategy

The afternoon of the next day came in the blink of an eye. During this day, Tianyu saw no one except Lin Xueer.

After resting for a whole day, Tianyu felt refreshed, so he looked up the relevant information about the mission world on the 16th floor of the rooftop.

"Hello fellow bosses, you who can come to the mission world on the 16th floor of the Sky Tower must be all bosses with extraordinary intelligence."

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense and get to the point."

"As for the 16th-level mission world guide, the editor has not experienced it myself, so everything written is based on the memories of other big guys who have entered the mission world. If there is something wrong, Please forgive me.”

"The 16th level mission world assessment mission is called "X-Men: Days of Future Past"."

"As we all know, the difficulty of the assessment missions is very powerful. In the editor's last mission world, the Devil Fruit obtained was not very good, so I never dared to enter. I heard that the enemies in this mission world are very powerful."

"According to what other big guys said, after entering the mission world, all the selectors will be in a world comparable to the end of the world."

"In this world, there are powerful mutants. In order to deal with mutants, the government has developed various powerful sentinel robots to eliminate mutants and humans who carry mutant genes."

"However, there are so many humans carrying mutant genes that the sentinel robots are massacred, making people panic."

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"The mission of the chosen ones is to survive in such an environment for at least thirty days and kill a mutant!"

"Note: They are real mutants, ordinary people carrying mutant genes are not included!!!"

"Personally, I feel that this mission is quite strange, because in the mission world, there are very few mutants left being hunted down by the sentry robots, and they are an absolutely vulnerable group."

"After our selectors enter, although they do not have mutant genes, all the selectors will automatically be classified as mutants and become the targets of the sentry robots."

"This should be set up in the selection space, which means that while we have to avoid the pursuit of the sentry robots, we also have to hunt down those poor mutants."

"The mission is like this. There is no point in complaining. After entering the mission world, everyone must be careful of the sentry robot. Once the sentry robot discovers you, it will immediately hunt you down!"

"According to the information provided by the bosses, the Sentinel robot is very powerful. The overall strength of the individual robot is estimated to be Senior Silver level, which is very close to Gold level!"

"Furthermore, sentry robots usually appear in groups, and rarely appear alone. So everyone must pay attention and hide when you encounter a sentry robot!"

"As for the mutants, their number is very small, and they have been hunted down like rats crossing the street. They are almost invisible on the streets."

"However, if you look carefully, you can still find them. I suggest that after discovering mutants, you should not rush to take action first, but slowly follow them and enter the camp where they are hiding."

"If you discover where a large number of mutants are hiding and kill them all, you will make a lot of money!"

"According to the system prompts, the more mutants you hunt, the higher the mission evaluation will be."

"Also, I would like to remind everyone here that if you see a mutant with an x ​​logo printed on his uniform, please do not mess with him!"

"According to what the big guys said, these mutants belong to the X-Men team and are the main force against the Sentinel robots. Each one of them is very powerful."

"If you don't have gold-level comprehensive strength and offend them, you're basically looking for death."

"Okay, that's all I know. The specifics will depend on your performance in the mission world. Finally, I wish everyone good luck."

After reading this mission guide, Tianyu was a little surprised. He had read the original work and of course knew how powerful the sentinel robot was.

It would be an understatement to say that the overall strength of the Sentinel robot is at the Senior Silver level. In the mission world of "X-Men: Days of Future Past", the Sentinel robot is a second-generation product.

The second-generation Sentinel robot has surpassed the existence of mutants.

Because Mystique's genes are controlled by scientists, the second-generation Sentinel robots can imitate mutant abilities to deal with mutants. They can use all powerful mutant abilities.

In addition, the second-generation Sentinel robot also has the ability to fly, the ability to detect mutants, very powerful strength and speed, advanced intelligence, super anti-strike ability, self-healing ability, and laser attack

In short, this is a monster with changeable abilities. They are cold-blooded and murderous. They will not stop until they kill the target. They have no feeling of fear. They are top hunters! ! !

In the movie, the second-generation Sentinel robots performed extremely powerfully. Those powerful mutants, such as Gangli, Iceman, Pyro, etc., were completely crushed in front of the second-generation Sentinel robots.

Only a mutant of Magneto's level, with the cooperation of Storm and controlling the explosion of the plane, killed a group of Sentinel robots.

Tianyu frowned slightly.

"According to the tips in the strategy, the time when the Chosen Ones will be active is obviously in the future. Surviving in such a world for 30 days, avoiding the pursuit of sentinel robots and hunting mutants at the same time, is indeed not a simple task. No wonder many people dare not enter this mission world."

According to the performance of the sentinel robots in the movie, even Tianyu himself dare not guarantee that he can easily survive in the future world of "X-Men: Days of Future Past".

Tianyu is not afraid of a small number of sentinel robots, but he is afraid that the large army of sentinel robots will come to besiege him.

Once surrounded by a large number of sentinel robots, they will attack Tianyu one after another. Even with Tianyu's current strength, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

Because the sentinel robots are not only powerful, but also difficult to kill. They can tire Tianyu to death!

Then Tianyu began to make a plan. This is the benefit of knowing the mission strategy in advance.

He is a time traveler, knows the plot, and then knows the mission strategy, so he can make a plan for the mission in advance, so as not to know nothing and be unprepared and act hastily after entering the mission world.

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