Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 400 The Navy is Defeated


The tornado is heading towards the Sabaody Archipelago, and everything is destroyed wherever it passes.

"No, he's going to destroy this island!" Garp's face was extremely solemn.

Akainu's face turned pale when he heard it. He did not doubt Garp's words. It was not difficult for this super giant tornado in front of him to destroy the island made up of giant trees under his feet.

"Vice Admiral Garp?"

Akainu shouted. Now he had no choice but to rely on Garp to join forces with him.

Garp's face was solemn, and he shook his head helplessly and said truthfully: "I'm sorry, in the face of such an attack, I can't do anything!"

"Damn it."

After listening to Garp's words, Akainu stared at Tianyu in the air, gnashing his teeth and roaring unwillingly: "Tianyu!!!"


The giant trees collapsed, the earth sank, and when the super giant tornado landed on the island, the entire Sabaody Archipelago ushered in its doomsday, and everything was destroyed! ! !

Later, the tornado was completely out of control. Even Tianyu himself could not control the super giant tornado he created. He could only stay away from it to avoid being affected.

The tornado raged on the Sabaody Archipelago for more than half an hour. Almost all the giant trees were uprooted. The entire island was destroyed beyond recognition before the tornado completely disappeared.

When everything calmed down, the Sabaody Archipelago had disappeared.

It seems that Tianyu's combat power seems too exaggerated. In fact, there are many masters who can destroy islands in the entire world of pirates.

For example, Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji, these three generals, can almost destroy the Sabaody Archipelago with just one big move!

If Whitebeard attacks with all his strength, he can even sink the entire continent!

In terms of destructive power, Tianyu is still far behind Whitebeard, but the abilities of both sides are different, so the attack power they show is also different.

Tianyu can launch tsunamis, create giant tornadoes, and also have lightning effects. The attack special effects are undoubtedly very powerful!

Simply put, it is better to show off and looks more gorgeous.

Whitebeard does not have such advanced special effects, but his attack power is really unambiguous!

After a long time, the sea was too calm, and Tianyu stood on a huge wooden board, panting violently.

At this moment, his face was pale, his head was full of sweat, and he looked overdrawn.

Creating that super giant tornado consumed a lot of his physical strength, mental strength and magic power.

If it were someone else, they would have died long ago with such a large consumption. Tianyu could still bear it because his spirit and physique were strong enough.

After resting for more than two hours and recovering some physical strength, Tianyu stepped on the long sword and flew on the sea.

He was looking for the traces of Akainu and others. After destroying the Sabaody Archipelago, Akainu and others had no place to stand.

But Akainu is a devil fruit user, a complete landlubber. If he falls into the sea, he will lose all his strength. In this vast ocean, without strength, he will definitely die!

So far, this war can be said to be won by Tianyu. He destroyed the navy's fleet by himself. Such a record, as long as it is spread, will definitely make Tianyu famous all over the world! ! !

However, Tianyu still dare not be careless, because Garp is not a devil fruit user.

This old man can become the top master in the world of pirates, relying entirely on his own hard power.

Suddenly, there was a movement in the distance.

With a "splash", Garp emerged from the sea, fished the person in his hand out of the sea, threw him on a broken log, and lay on the broken log and gasped.

The guy thrown up by Garp was naturally Admiral Akainu.

At this moment, the top fighter of the navy was like a dead dog, lying on the broken wood weakly and motionless, and it seemed that he had completely fallen into a coma.

All devil fruit users have the weakness of being afraid of sea water. As long as they come into contact with sea water, they will lose all their strength and become worse than trash!

Therefore, devil fruit users are also jokingly called landlubbers, a group of people abandoned by the sea!

But in this world, most devil fruit users act on the sea.

Conquering the sea is their dream; becoming the king of the sea is their pursuit!

This is the strangest place in the pirate world. If Tianyu has such a weakness, he will never get close to the sea. It is also good to occupy the mountain and be the king on land.

"Tianyu!!!" Seeing Tianyu flying over, Garp looked ugly and said with difficulty: "The navy lost!"

Such a quick surrender is naturally because Garp is afraid that Tianyu will continue to attack Akainu.

The navy has three admirals in total, one of whom, Kizaru, has become a prisoner of Tianyu. If Akainu dies here, only Aokiji will be left alone.

At that time, the navy will no longer have the power to suppress this sea, and I am afraid that the entire sea will riot in an instant.

As for himself, Garp did not think much.

Tianyu remained silent, his eyes still looking at Akainu and Garp, mainly Akainu.

Although Garp's reputation is no less than Akainu, for most pirates in this world, the decisive and murderous Akainu is more frightening.

Because no pirate that Akainu encounters can survive, and they don't even have the life to enter the prison.

So if Tianyu kills such a person, it will definitely have a greater effect than Garp.

Of course, the main reason is that Tianyu doesn't like Akainu and wants to kill him!

As for Garp, although his position is different, Tianyu still likes him quite a lot.

As soon as he saw Tianyu's eyes, Garp felt that something was wrong and quickly said, "Tianyu, what are you going to do?"

Tianyu said lightly, "Old man, take the vice admirals over there back, I want to stay with Akainu!"

Garp's face sank: "Tianyu boy, are you really going to fight the World Government to the death?"

After hearing this, Tianyu smiled first, and then pretended to be surprised and asked, "Am I not an enemy of the World Government now? I heard this red dog say before that he would kill me at all costs!"

Garp was stunned, then gritted his teeth and said, "Tianyu boy, you know the importance of Sakaski without me telling you. Once he is killed, the balance of power between the navy and the pirates will be broken. Without the suppression of the navy, the lawless pirates in the entire New World will mess up the world!"

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