Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 386 The spread of news

On the sea, the Wanli Sunshine was traveling through the sea. It was already the second day since Kizaru's defeat.

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A newspaper fell from a high altitude and was caught by Usopp. When Usopp saw the contents of the newspaper, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Big event!!! Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, come and see"

The Straw Hat Pirates on the ship were all alerted by him and gathered around him. After everyone read the newspaper, everyone was shocked.

"Senior Tianyu, you are really too strong." Sanji murmured to himself.

Everyone nodded in agreement. The navy admiral was so powerful, but he was defeated by Tianyu, which is enough to prove how powerful Tianyu is.

Especially Nicole Robin. Of all the people present, she was the only one who was fearful of the Admiral.

In her childhood, the navy left a deep psychological shadow on her, and even now, she has not completely gotten out of it.

But when he saw what was written in the newspaper that Tianyu captured Admiral Kizaru, Robin felt that his psychological shadow suddenly dissipated. The Admiral had nothing to do with him. As long as they were strong enough, they would fail and die!

At this moment, Robin's eyes sparkled a little when he looked at the photo of Tianyu in the newspaper.

"Did that uncle really capture General Kizaru?" Nami still couldn't believe it.

Fortunately, Robin calmed down in time and analyzed seriously: "If this happens, the Navy will not give up. I'm afraid a war is inevitable."

"Luffy, should we go back and help?" Zoro asked.

Luffy was rarely impulsive. He shook his head and said, "Our strength is too weak. Those enemies are far more powerful than us. If we go there, we won't be able to help at all. Instead, we will be a hindrance!"

After everyone heard this, they fell silent and thought about it carefully, isn't it just like this?

A mere pacifist can drive them to a desperate situation!

In front of Uncle Tianyu, the pacifist can kill him instantly with just a move of his fingers. This is the stark difference.

Then Luffy looked calm and looked at his companions very seriously: "Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Chopper. Everyone, listen to me. I hope that everyone will separate for the time being and find a suitable training place for themselves." Let’s make ourselves stronger. If we want to realize our dreams, we must become stronger.”

"The time is set for two years. Two years later, we will reunite in the Shampoo Islands!!!"

Luffy had been thinking about these words since he went to sea.

What happened at the Shampoo Islands made Luffy deeply realize that if you want to get along in the world of pirates, you can't do it without strength!

A naval admiral can make them despair. If Uncle Tianyu hadn't appeared in time, they would have been wiped out long ago. How could they talk about becoming the Pirate King?

After everyone heard what Luffy said, they all looked at him in surprise, as if they couldn't believe that these words would come out of Luffy's mouth.

Because Luffy's usual personality is that of a reckless tease, he is never willing to use his brain when he can do it!

It is really surprising that such a person would say this.

But after everyone thought about it, they felt that what Luffy said was very reasonable. In this world where the jungle prevails, strength is really important.

If they are all as strong as Senior Tianyu, why bother to run away in confusion this time? I am afraid that when Kizaru saw them, he would have turned around and ran away as soon as possible!

"What Luffy said makes sense!" Sanji lit a cigarette for himself and said calmly: "The new world is a more dangerous and chaotic place. With our current strength, we cannot conquer such a place."

Zoro said firmly: "I agree to meet again in two years!"



"I agree!!"

Everyone nodded, then put their palms together and agreed to meet again in two years.

Daughter Island, the Nine Snakes Pirates.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The huge body ran, causing the ground to shake. Running was a giant woman with a face that looked like a snake.

Seeing this giant woman, all the residents of Daughter Island will bow down respectfully and dare not stop her.

At this moment, the giant woman didn't care to say hello to other people. She held a newspaper in her hand and ran towards the palace in the center of the island at extremely fast speed.

"Sister! Sister! Big things"

The giant woman shouted as she rushed into the palace and stopped in a spacious hall.

Sitting on the main seat in the hall was a woman who was extremely beautiful and charming. This woman's appearance, figure and temperament were completely beyond description in any words. It was impossible for any normal man to reject her after seeing her. charm.

This woman is really the leader of the Nine Snakes Pirates and the emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom of Daughters Island - Boya Hancock.

One of the Shichibukai under the current king, she is known as the most beautiful woman in the world and is nicknamed the Empress.

"Marigold!" The empress looked at her hurried sister and said with a headache: "If you keep running like this, you will trample on the floor!"

"Sister, I didn't mean it, but something big really happened!"

"What's the big deal?"

"The Navy Headquarters has sent us a mandatory summons, asking us to gather at the Sabaody Archipelago to capture a person!"

The Empress was a little surprised when she heard this. The Navy Headquarters actually issued a summons to these pirates. It seems that something big has really happened.

"Who is being captured?"

"It's Senior Tianyu!" Marigorud said a name with great excitement.

"What?" Hearing the name Tianyu, the Empress immediately left the chair in shock, stood up, and fully displayed her perfect figure.

In the original plot, just because Luffy beat up the Celestial Dragons, the Empress helped him in various ways and even fell in love with him.

But now Tianyu is not like Luffy who fights a little. More than ten years ago, he had already killed a Celestial Dragon in the Navy Headquarters.

And now he has killed one, captured two, and captured the Navy Admiral on the Sabaody Archipelago, and is fighting the Navy head-on.

Of course, there is also Tianyu's goal that everyone in the sea knows, to kill all the Celestial Dragons, which makes the Empress tremble.

Not only the Empress, but also her two sisters admired Tianyu very much.

Having become slaves of the Celestial Dragons, they had the most unforgettable hatred for them.

And now Tianyu's performance made them all feel relieved, breaking their inner demons, and at the same time aroused infinite admiration.

"After more than ten years, Senior Tianyu finally appeared again." The Empress's pretty face showed an excited look.

She thought of the unspeakable admiration and curiosity in her heart when she saw the newspaper that Tianyu killed the Celestial Dragons at the Navy Headquarters. Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, Tianyu actually reappeared today.

"Sister, don't be too excited. Senior Tianyu is in danger now!"

After hearing this, the Empress calmed down a bit and asked, "What's going on?"

"According to the information I got, Senior Tianyu suddenly appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago yesterday." Marigorud roughly told the Empress what happened.

When the Empress heard that Tianyu defeated the Navy Admiral Kizaru and even captured Kizaru, she couldn't help showing a look of shock on her pretty face.

Especially when she heard that Tianyu had killed another Tianlong and captured two Tianlongs, the Empress was even more agitated and could not control herself.

The Empress hated the Tianlongs to the core!!!

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