Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 384 Tianyu's Madness

"Tianyu, how are you going to deal with me?" Huang Yuan spoke again, looking at Tianyu.

After being hit by Tianyu's solid sword, his chest was almost pierced, and the injury was very serious, which directly made him lose most of his combat effectiveness.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being. I want you to see the destruction of the Navy Headquarters with your own eyes!"

Hearing Tianyu's words, Huang Yuan was a little disdainful: "Tianyu, don't think that you can despise the Navy Headquarters just because you defeated me. If you are too arrogant, you will not have a good end."

Tianyu smiled slightly and did not continue to explain.


At this time, Rayleigh finally rushed back. After seeing the broken battle scene, Rayleigh couldn't help but sighed: "What a two monsters!"

However, when Rayleigh saw Huang Yuan sitting on the ground with half of his body stained with blood, he was shocked.

Then he looked at Tianyu again, and was even more surprised by the small wound on his shoulder!

In the current situation, even a fool can see that Tianyu has won.

"Tianyu, you are really surprising!" Rayleigh couldn't help but say.

As a legendary pirate, Rayleigh certainly knows how powerful the admiral of the navy is. Everyone who can sit in that position is the top powerhouse.

Especially Kizaru, Rayleigh has long heard of this man's power. If Rayleigh and Kizaru are against each other, Rayleigh thinks he can protect himself, but the possibility of winning is very small.

After hearing Rayleigh's words, Kizaru's face is a little ugly. He is seriously injured now. If it weren't for the power of the devil fruit, he would have fallen down long ago. How could he still sit like this now.

"Tianyu, what are your plans next?" Rayleigh asked first, and then persuaded: "Why not stop while you are ahead? You can defeat a general, which is enough to make your name spread throughout the Grand Line. Go to the New World, that is your stage!"

After hearing this, Tianyu smiled slightly. He knew that Rayleigh liked him and was doing it for his own good.

If he were a native resident of the pirate world, he would definitely consider Rayleigh's opinion seriously.

With his record of defeating Kizaru, he might be able to become one of the Five Emperors in the New World. After all, even Luffy can become the Fifth Emperor.

Unfortunately, he is not. He came to this world with a mission. In order to pursue a higher mission evaluation, he could not listen to Rayleigh's advice.

"Mr. Rayleigh, thank you for your advice!" Tianyu smiled and said, "But my pursuit is not one piece."

Rayleigh is not a fussy person. Seeing that Tianyu has his own ideas, he stopped persuading him.

"So what are you going to do next?"

"I want to challenge the Navy Headquarters!"

Rayleigh frowned at first, then suddenly said cheerfully: "You are really ambitious!"

"Mr. Rayleigh, this island will be very unsafe next time, don't you want to leave first?"

"No, I believe you have your own confidence in doing this. I don't want to miss such a lively scene." Rayleigh said with a smile: "Maybe I can witness a miracle!"

Tianyu also laughed: "In that case, Mr. Rayleigh, just watch carefully!"

Then Tianyu went to a distance, fetched a wooden box, and then came to Zhan Taowan.

Zhan Taowan was knocked unconscious by his palm before, and has not woken up yet.


Thunder suddenly appeared in Tianyu's palm, and then slowly approached Zhan Taowan.

Instantly, the huge tingling sensation stimulated Zhan Taowan to wake up.

"Tianyu." Seeing Tianyu's face, Zhan Taowan was so scared that he stepped back repeatedly and couldn't help shouting: "Old man!"

Kizaru said weakly: "Don't call me old man, I can't even protect myself now!"

After hearing this, Zhan Taowan looked at Kizaru and was immediately shocked.

"Old man, you are injured?" Zhan Taowan asked in disbelief: "Tianyu, did you do it?"

Tianyu was too lazy to answer, threw the wooden box to Zhan Taowan, and said: "Zhan Taowan, you return to the Navy Headquarters immediately and give this gift to Zhan Guo. Tell Zhan Guo that I will give him three days. If he doesn't come within three days, then the other two Tianlong people and Admiral Kizaru will stay here forever!"

"What?" Zhan Taowan couldn't help opening the wooden box, and saw the head of Saint Charlos inside, and was shocked: "Tianyu! You are really a lunatic!!!"

Besides this sentence, Zhan Taowan didn't know what else he could say!

It's not like the Celestial Dragons have been killed before, but it's never been seen that after killing a Celestial Dragon, someone would capture the Navy Admiral and have the people around the Navy Admiral deliver the head of the Celestial Dragon to the Navy Marshal.

This behavior is no longer something that can be described as crazy!!!

To be frank, in the eyes of Zhan Taowan now, Tianyu's behavior is definitely seeking death.

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