Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 382 Declaration of War


A huge ball of thunder erupted in the void, printing the entire sky purple.


A golden figure escaped from the thunder and landed on the ground. This person was Kizaru.

The clothes on his body were already a little charred, and a large piece of the cloak of justice on his back was missing, making him look a little embarrassed.

Kizaru's fruit ability is a natural devil fruit, and his body can transform into natural elements to avoid attacks.

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Ordinary physical attacks cannot harm him at all, but Armed Haki is the nemesis of all Devil Fruits.

Although Tianyu does not have such a thing as armed domination, Tianyu added magical power to the attack just now.

Mana can not only communicate with heaven and earth, but also evolve into earth, water, wind and fire. It can naturally cause harm to those with natural devil fruit abilities.

If you really want to use magic, your magic power will overwhelm the domineering power of armed colors.

In the attack just now, although Kizaru energized his body in time, part of his body was still hit by Tianyu's attack with added mana. This was also the first time Kizaru was injured since he became a general.

"General Kizaru, how does my attack feel?" Tianyu's face was full of smiles, but actually he was sighing in his heart: "The natural devil fruit is really difficult!"

This ability to transform into elements is really too perverted. If you don't have the ability to arm yourself with Haki, or have the ability to directly attack elements, no matter how powerful your attack power is, it will have no effect in front of those with natural Devil Fruit abilities!

The Tathagata Divine Palm move just now consumed a lot of Tianyu's energy, only to result in Kizaru being slightly injured.

On the surface, it seemed that Tianyu had made a profit, but Tianyu felt that it was not a good deal, because he wanted to plot not just Kizaru alone, but the entire navy headquarters.

"You are really surprising, Tianyu!"

Kizaru no longer had the indifferent look he had before, his eyes were fixed on Tianyu, and the Tiancongyun sword in his hand appeared again, treating Tianyu as a formidable enemy.

"This is just a warm-up, there will be more surprises later!"

When Tianyu said this, he suddenly turned his eyes to the woods nearby and said loudly: "Pluto Rayleigh, how long do you plan to watch here?"

After hearing this, everyone was stunned and subconsciously looked in the direction of Tianyu's gaze.

Even Kizaru was slightly startled after hearing the name Pluto Rayleigh, and looked in that direction.

A moment later, in the shadows, a slovenly man walked out from behind the big tree, and it turned out to be Pluto Rayleigh.

"Today's young people are really scary!" Rayleigh sighed as he walked forward: "It seems that I am really old and can't even hide!"

"Pluto Rayleigh!!"

Seeing Lei Lei's appearance, Kizaru's expression changed again.

Maybe the younger generation don't know what the name Pluto Rayleigh means, but as a naval admiral, Kizaru knows very well how powerful Pluto Rayleigh is.

This is a top man whose strength is not inferior to him, a legendary pirate on the Grand Line.

"Although I have heard about you on this island, I didn't expect it to be true!" Kizaru looked at Pluto Rayleigh and asked: "What? I don't want a good retirement life, are you ready?" Will you continue to be a corrupt pirate?"

Reilly smiled calmly: "If the Navy Headquarters can cancel the wanted order against me, I can retire peacefully."

"The evil deeds of pirates cannot be erased, let alone the members of the Roger Pirates. You are all a group of sinful people!" Kizaru said expressionlessly.

Seeing that the two people seemed to be about to start exchanging business blows, Tianyu couldn't help but interjected: "On this occasion, shouldn't you two say less?"

Lei Li laughed and said, "Oh my, you are disliked by young people. When you get older, you tend to be verbose. If Tianyu can't make you change your mind, then together with me, can you let these young people go?" Woolen cloth?"

Before Kizaru could express his position, Tianyu suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Mr. Leili, take these brats away. As for General Kizaru, I want him to stay on the island for a few days."

After hearing these words, everyone's expressions changed. The smart Nico Robin's pupils shrank suddenly and her face turned pale.

"Luffy, let's get out of here as soon as possible"

Luffy was relatively slow and asked, "What's wrong? Robin?"

"The war is about to break out."

Lei Li looked at Tianyu in surprise: "Tianyu, do you know what admiral means?"

Kizaru had a gloomy face and said nothing, just staring at Tianyu.

Tianyu smiled lightly: "Of course, the admiral is not only the highest combat power of the navy headquarters, but also the commander-in-chief, representing the face of the navy."

"Since you know everything, you shouldn't say such things."

"Mr. Lei Li, you may not know much about me!" Tianyu said arrogantly: "My ambition is to kill all the Tianlong people!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically. Robin and Nami's faces turned pale with fear.

Kill all the Celestial Dragons. No one in this world has ever dared to say such a thing! ! !

As a naval admiral, Kizaru couldn't just sit back and watch someone say such a thing.

"Your idea is really dangerous, Tianyu!" Kizaru held the sword of Ame-no-Kume and stared at Tianyu: "As an existence that openly defies the World Government, I can't leave you alone!"

"Want my life?" Tianyu laughed: "Then just come and try, see if you can do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the demon-slaying long sword appeared in Tianyu's hand.


The violent mana surged out of Tianyu's hand, not only covering Tianyu's whole body, but also completely covering the long sword.

With the blessing of mana, his demon-slaying long sword can attack Kizaru.

Rayleigh looked at the rampant Tianyu and frowned deeply.

"No wonder he has the nickname of God Slayer, he is really a complete lunatic, this is bad."

As a smart man, Rayleigh certainly knew that the war started after Tianyu said that.

Between the navy and Tianyu, only one can survive! ! !

"Luffy, you guys leave here quickly!" Rayleigh said.

"Okay, uncle!" Luffy agreed, and looked at Tianyu worriedly, and asked Rayleigh: "Uncle, what about Uncle Tianyu?"

Luffy was grateful to Tianyu for saving them.

Rayleigh waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about him, you little guys should leave here as soon as possible, this place is about to become a war!"

Usopp said worriedly: "Luffy, let's listen to uncle, whether it is Uncle Tianyu or the admiral of the navy, they are real monsters, even if we stay here, we can't help at all."

Luffy naturally knew this, but he was very loyal, and he was very uncomfortable to leave his comrades and escape alone.

Suddenly, Luffy shouted to Tianyu: "Uncle Tianyu, you must survive!"

Tianyu laughed: "Don't worry, Straw Hat Boy, we will meet again one day!"

Seeing Tianyu so generous, Luffy and others were envious, and Nami, Robin and others also shouted: "Uncle, you have to be careful!"

Then the group of young people quickly left here under the escort of Rayleigh.

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