Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 378: Straw Hat's Despair

On the other side, Luffy and his companions also faced a huge challenge. They were also attacked by pacifists.

And Zoro's old injury happened to break out at this time, which directly caused them to be caught off guard by the pacifists.

"Gear 3!"

Watching his companions get injured one after another, Luffy became ruthless and bit his right thumb into his mouth, then blew it hard.

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Suddenly, Luffy's right arm swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a few breaths, it had become a giant hand.

Obviously, the body is still a normal human, but dragging a giant arm, how to see how weird

This is Luffy's current nirvana, the third gear giantization.

"Rubber rubber. Giant spin bomb!"

With Luffy's angry shout, his giant fist blasted towards the pacifist.


The giant fist hit the pacifist and knocked him away. He was indeed the son of luck and had the aura of the protagonist.

However, after Luffy used the third gear, his body had serious side effects and shrunk.


Like a deflated balloon, Luffy shrank quickly and turned into a child in the blink of an eye, lying on the ground and gasping for breath.

His companions were not much better, sitting on the ground and gasping for breath.

Luffy and others were still too weak now. Just a pacifist made them suffer.

Looking at the pacifist lying on the ground and unable to move, Nami said in fear: "It feels like he can still move. It's terrible!"

Usopp gasped: "If that's the case, it's too bad. I have no strength at all."

"But speaking of it, what on earth is this guy? Why doesn't he look like that Shichibukai?" Zoro looked solemn.

"Looks like a cyborg!" Franky said.

"Let's take a break and leave here!" Luffy panted with his tongue sticking out.

Just as everyone was about to speak, a cold voice came from the top of the tree: "You guys are really too much. You hit so hard that you broke my PX-4!"

"Who is it?" Nami was frightened like a frightened bird.

"Is it the enemy? Where?" Luffy and others were also shocked.

"There, on the tree!" Chopper found a huge figure on the tree.

The next moment, two huge figures jumped down from the treetops and landed on the ground, making a huge noise.

Seeing these two giants, Luffy and others looked desperate, because one of the giants was exactly the same as the artificial Shichibukai lying on the ground.

The other giant was shorter than the pacifist, a fat man, wearing a bellyband and carrying a huge axe that was bigger than him. He looked fierce and ferocious, and it was not easy to mess with him at first glance. It was Zhan Taomaru.

Looking at the beaten pacifist on the ground, Zhan Taowan said angrily: "Do you know that it costs a warship to make such a pacifist? Really, how can I explain to that guy Vegapunk?"

"Another Shichibukai, is this guy the real one? Hey, this can't be true." Usopp's face was pale and terrified, and his other conditions were almost the same as Usopp.

Franky asked loudly: "Big Axe, who are you?"

"Humph, no matter how you ask, it's useless. I won't tell you anything. I am the man with the strongest defense in the world and the most tight-lipped man, Zhan Taowan!!!" Zhan Taowan said proudly.

Everyone was stunned. This guy said that he was the most tight-lipped while actively answering other people's questions. Is there something wrong with his brain?

"So your name is Zhan Taowan?" Usopp said subconsciously.

Zhan Taowan was stunned, and then shouted angrily: "This is what I want to say. Px-1, attack them, don't let them run away!"


Px-1 pacifist immediately launched a shock wave attack, and everyone was blown up.

"Everyone, hurry up and escape separately, we don't have the strength to fight anymore!" Luffy shouted loudly, his expression was extremely solemn, and everyone began to flee separately after hearing it.


Suddenly, a beam of laser shot from a distance, directly piercing Zoro's chest, blood splattered, and Zoro himself fell to the ground. The sudden change scared Luffy and others.


Usopp, who was closest to Zoro, screamed, tears came out, and the others were pale and looked in Zoro's direction.

"You are so slow, old man Kizaru!" Zhan Taowan said unhappily.

"Kizaru?" Nico Robin's pupils shrank suddenly when she heard the name.

"Everyone be careful, he is the admiral of the navy!"

The admiral of the navy!!!

The highest combat power of the navy headquarters, everyone is completely desperate.

"Are we going to die here?" Nami's face turned pale, without a trace of blood.

Even Luffy didn't know what to do at this moment. The admiral came in person. Unless a miracle happened, they would die this time.

Especially not long ago, they had personally witnessed the strength of Admiral Aokiji, and they understood what the four words "Admiral" meant.

"It's too late to find me now!" Kizaru said in a strange tone, looking at Zoro who was struggling on the ground.

"Reward 120 million Baileys, Pirate Hunter Zoro." Kizaru said indifferently: "It seems that your injuries are very serious. Why don't I send you on your way? Rest in peace!"

While speaking, Kizaru walked towards Zoro, raised his right foot, and aimed at Zoro's head.


Golden light flashed, as long as Kizaru's foot landed, Zoro would definitely die!

"Zoro, go!!!"

Luffy shouted like crazy, but it didn't work, because Zoro was completely unable to move.

At this moment, he could only collapse on the ground helplessly, letting others slaughter him, like a fish on a chopping board.

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