Tianyu smiled: "I want to know if my life is in danger in the next five days?"

After hearing this, Hawkins began to play with the divining cards in his hand in the air. His movements were not hurried and he did not show any amazing visions. He looked like a liar.


Soon Hawkins drew a card, and naturally it was Tianyu's divination result.

Seeing the hexagram on the card, Hawkins said calmly: "You are not going to die prematurely. There is no life threat in the next five days. However, if you don't use external help, it may be difficult to achieve your wish."

After Tianyu heard this, he immediately frowned and asked for help from outside? Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind.

"Basil Hawkins, thank you for your divination and advice." Tianyu smiled.

"You're welcome." Hawkins still looked calm: "It is an honor for me to be able to serve your Excellency, a powerful man."

Tianyu nodded, turned around and left without saying anything else.

Hawkins looked at Tianyu's back, and a divination card in his hand suddenly burst into flames.

"It looks very bad. This island will be very dangerous in the future. We can't stay here for a long time." Hawkins murmured to himself.

"Captain, who is this uncle? He hurt Cisco, should we just let him go?"

"The great pirate Tianyu many years ago!"

Pirates: "???"

Among the memories instilled by the system, many years have passed since Tianyu became famous, and these pirates have long forgotten his name.

Hawkins said calmly: "More than ten years ago, Tianyu broke into the Navy headquarters and killed a Celestial Dragon, shouting a declaration to kill all Celestial Dragons."

Hearing this, the expressions of all the pirates nearby changed greatly, and Hawkins continued: "And after that incident, Tianyu successfully escaped from the Navy headquarters, with a reward of 2 billion beli, and disappeared. Unexpectedly, more than 10 years later, Tianyu Today, the other party showed up again."

The pirates next to them were already pale and frightened. Everyone knew about the big event more than ten years ago. In the hearts of all pirates, the name Tianyu is definitely synonymous with the most vicious person!

The opponent dared to kill the Celestial Dragons at the Navy Headquarters. Who in the world has the courage?

Thinking that they were almost about to fight Senior Tianyu just now, these pirates were all frightened.

At this time, Hawkins stood up and said in a calm tone: "Since Senior Tianyu appears here, it will inevitably lead to a war with the navy. Let's go."

"Yes, yes! The captain is right, let's get out of here quickly!"

A group of pirates quickly followed Basil Hawkins and headed towards the port.

Tianyu is very happy now. He did not expect that he would get such an unexpected harvest after asking Basil Hawkins to help with divination.

"Although Hawkins's combat ability is not strong, his divination ability does have two brushes. With the help of external forces, I really should do this. Maybe I can have a chance to destroy the Navy Headquarters."

During the last global competition, he used the Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates to cause trouble at the Navy Headquarters and crippled the Navy in one fell swoop.

Originally, he thought that this time would not reach the time of the war, so Tianyu had no more ideas.

But what Hawkins just said about using external forces instantly made Tianyu's mind come alive.

Yes, if he doesn't rescue Ace this time, he will naturally not be able to seduce the Roger Pirates, but the Whitebeard Pirates are different.

The life experience arranged for him by the system was enough to attract the navy to the Chambord Islands and start a war.

And if he starts a war with the navy, he can continuously weaken the navy. Presumably Whitebeard is willing to come in and intervene in order to save Ace.

As long as the navy continues to weaken, the possibility of Whitebeard saving Ace will naturally become greater.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, this saying is very appropriate here.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Ace has been imprisoned in Impel Down City. Otherwise, it may not be possible.

If it were anyone else, he would naturally not be able to confirm the news, but Tianyu knew the plot, and he was very sure that Ace was definitely in Impel Down City now, and the Whitebeard Pirates had also received the news.

In this way, there is a basis for cooperation. Even if he does not save Ace, he only needs to contact Whitebeard, and the other party will definitely not refuse.

"I'm so stuck in my thinking that I didn't think of this solution. I have to ask others to remind me. I shouldn't!"

After some review, Tianyu's eyes became excited.

As for whether the absence of the Navy Headquarters will affect the subsequent war on top, that is none of Tianyu's business.

Anyway, before the war begins, he will inevitably leave this mission world.

"According to the current time period, Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, has been sent to the Navy's prison by Blackbeard."

"After Ace entered the prison, the day for Ace's execution was probably set. Whitebeard must have received the news and was preparing to rescue Ace, thus triggering the next war on top."

"If I send someone to notify Whitebeard at this time, will he come to help me? In order to save Ace, I believe Whitebeard will not miss such an opportunity, right?"

While Tianyu was thinking, a newspaper on the ground caught his attention.

In the newspaper, the Navy Headquarters indeed stated that Fire Fist Ace would be publicly executed on a certain date.

Tianyu smiled as he picked up the newspaper: "This is a rare opportunity. To save your son, knowing that I will use you, will you still come, Whitebeard?"

Although he said so, Tianyu already had the answer in his heart. He knew Whitebeard and knew what kind of person he was. Even if he knew that he was being used by me, he would definitely come back to save his son.

It's just that after coming, maybe his attitude towards me will not be too good.

But it doesn't matter. No matter whether his attitude is good or bad, in front of the navy, they will definitely join hands to destroy the navy.

In this way, Tianyu's goal is achieved. If the navy is really destroyed, when Whitebeard wants to turn against him, he has completed the task and left, and Whitebeard can't even find him.

"The plan works!"

With a clap of his hands, Tianyu determined his own action plan in this mission world.

The first point is to find a way to lead the navy to the Sabaody Archipelago, after all, he can't leave here.

The second step is to kill all the navy that arrives at the Sabaody Archipelago as much as possible to achieve the goal of defeating them one by one.

As for the third step, which is an all-out war, I believe Whitebeard will have arrived by then, and I will not be alone.

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