Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 359 Ancient One's Decision

After saying goodbye to Sol, Tianyu thought about it again and went to Kama Taj again to meet the Supreme Mage Ancient One.

In an antique room, Tianyu and Gu Yi were sitting opposite each other, drinking tea.

"Ronan, you seem to be in trouble." Master Gu Yi always had a smile on his face and looked very kind.

"Yes, mage"

Then, Tianyu told Gu Yi his purpose: "Mage, I want to conquer the eldest princess Hela of Asgard. Now the God King Odin has fallen into a deep sleep. I wonder if you can do anything about it?"

Gu Yi actually already knew what Tianyu was going to do, and he also knew that this was the unexplainable existence behind Tianyu who asked Tianyu to do this.

Gu Yi seemed to be able to see some kind of future, and did not interfere at all, and even actively cooperated with Tianyu.

"Ronan, I don't recommend that you go to the eldest princess of Asgard. Hela is a test left by the God King to the God of Thunder. It can help the prince grow. A powerful God of Thunder is good for the earth. When you are away, The Nine Realms also need a strong guardian."

Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately remembered the comics he had read on Earth.

In the comics, Ragnarok was indeed arranged by Odin himself, and the purpose was very complicated.

But his biggest purpose is for his son Thor to truly learn to be strong.

Compared with Thor's growth, destroying a fairy palace is not important at all!

In this way, Hela is really not easy to move, because the contract power given by the system is very powerful. As long as Tianyu is recognized as the master, all desires and ambitions in his heart will be suppressed.

If Hela didn't have the ambition to rule Asgard after being released, what kind of Ragnarok would it be?

Then Tianyu thought of another question and asked with a frown: "But the flame giant Surtur is now subdued by me and obeys my orders. Without my words, he would never leave his lair."

Gu Yi smiled slightly and said, "Leave everything to Thor."

Tianyu understands that even without the flame giant Surtur, Ragnarok will still come. This is a disaster that Thor must experience.

"Ronan, how many more subordinates do you need?" Gu Yi suddenly asked.

"There's still one left to go." Tian Yushi replied.

After Gu Yi heard this, he closed his eyes and seemed to be calculating the future.

After a long time, Gu Yi opened his eyes and looked at Tianyu with a burning gaze: "Ronan, let me take the last spot!"

Hearing this, Tianyu was shocked: "Isn't this the ancient master so bad?"

He never expected that Gu Yi would actually say such words.

Regarding conquering Gu Yi as a subordinate, Tianyu only thought about it at the beginning.

After these several contacts, Tianyu found that Gu Yi was really a wise man and an elder, broad-minded, gentle and easy to respect.

"Ronan, I have seen a future where you will not have much impact on this world." Master Ancient One said with a smile: "And you don't have much time, right?"

"Ronan, don't be mentally burdened. This should be the last time we see each other."

Hearing this, Tianyu felt slightly uncomfortable.

When watching the movie before, he felt very uncomfortable about Master Gu Yi's death. Now that he heard Master Gu Yi admit that he was going to die, Tianyu felt even more uncomfortable.

"Master Gu Yi, is there no way to save it?"

"This is my destiny." Gu Yi still looked kind.

Tianyu sighed in his heart, looked deeply at Master Gu Yi, and said solemnly: "Thank you, Master, for your help and guidance."

Next, under Tianyu's guidance, Gu Yi made an oath.

When Gu Yi finished speaking the last word, the contract was immediately reached, and an invisible force was sealed on her body.

"Huh? It's really amazing!" Master Gu Yi couldn't help but marvel.

She has already felt that as long as Tianyu gives her instructions, she will not be able to resist

That kind of power in the dark is really too powerful, transcending time and dimensions, and seems to be the law of cause and effect.

"You have conquered a subordinate. Current mission progress: 10/10!"

"Congratulations, you have completed the mission. Please note that you can leave immediately or continue to stay in this world. The maximum stay time shall not exceed 24 hours."

After hearing the system prompt, Tianyu didn't express anything. He quickly asked with concern: "Master, how do you feel? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Master Gu Yi said with a smile: "Ronan, should I call you master now?"

"No, mage, you should call me Ronan!"

Gu nodded and then sighed: "Ronan, the existence behind you goes beyond the dimensions I understand. Words cannot describe his greatness!"

Hearing this, Tianyu nodded in agreement. Being able to turn the movies and TV shows he watched in his previous life into real worlds, the selection space has such great power, so it is naturally extremely powerful.

Or it can also be understood that there are so many worlds in the first place, and these worlds are all discovered and opened up by the selection space.

After clearing these worlds, the selection space continuously issues tasks to these worlds, allowing the selectors to complete them, and gives them various rewards.

Perhaps there are more possibilities, but Tianyu is not clear. In his understanding, only these two possibilities are the greatest.

Among these two possibilities, no matter which one the selected space is, it proves that it has supreme power.

It is okay to say that the world with a lower number of floors is still good, after all, the upper limit of strength is not high enough.

But according to what Tianyu knows now, when it comes to the 49th floor, it will be the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy!

After that, who knows how high the upper limit of the world will be when it comes to the 50th, 60th, and even 80th and 90th floors?

Even these worlds can be intervened by the selected space, and it will not be discovered or stopped, which is enough to show how powerful it is!

"I don't know when the spirit of the weapon can wake up?" Tianyu thought secretly in his heart.

The selected space is so powerful, as the spirit of the selected space, it must not be too bad, even if it is seriously injured!

If the spirit of the weapon can wake up now, even if it can't help me, it can more or less tell me some information and broaden my horizons.

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