Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 352 The Chosen One Enters

After hearing Tianyu's words, Peter Parker raised his hand without hesitation and swore an oath.

"I, Peter Parker, hereby swear that I will be loyal to Mr. Ronan in the future and never betray him."

As Peter Parker finished his announcement, Tianyu also received a prompt from the system: "Congratulations on conquering a subordinate, current task progress: 3/10!"

Tianyu nodded with satisfaction and said to the non-Scarlet Witch: "Wanda, remove the scepter's control over him!"

After hearing this, the Scarlet Witch waved her hands, and a red light was shot into Peter Parker's body. In an instant, Peter Parker's eyes regained clarity again.

"Oh! Master, the thing in your hand is really magical. Just now I felt that my brain and hands and feet were completely disobedient, as if another person lived in my body! Master, do you know? This feeling is really terrible, I don't want to..."

As soon as the control of the Mind Gem was released, Peter Parker immediately turned into a chatterbox.

"Shut up! Peter!" Tianyu couldn't bear it anymore, he wanted to continue to control Peter with the Mind Gem.

"Wanda, Pilcher, let's go!" Tianyu ordered.


Peter hurriedly chased after him and asked, "Master, what about me?"

"You continue to stay here to go to school. You are not allowed to come to me without my summons!"


When leaving school, the sun had already set. When Tianyu was about to take Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver to find the next target, Quicksilver suddenly reported: "Master, the Hydra organization just sent me a message, asking Wanda and I to gather."

"Oh?" Tianyu asked curiously: "Where is the gathering place?"

"The church in Sokovia."

After hearing this, Tianyu's eyes flashed with coldness. He remembered the original plot and of course knew that the one who summoned Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch was not the Hydra organization at all.

The Hydra organization in Sokovia had long been destroyed. The only one who could summon Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver at this time was Ultron!

"Don't worry, let's go!"

It's not the time to cause trouble for Ultron yet, so let the Avengers and the Chosen Ones play with Ultron first. Tianyu's current task is to continue to recruit people.

Sitting in the Rolls-Royce Phantom, Tianyu immediately said to the non-mainstream girl: "Help me find the whereabouts of Stephen Strange, he is a famous surgeon."

Stephen Strange, this name is not loud enough at present, but in the future, he will have a resounding nickname-the Supreme Sorcerer, Doctor Strange!

Yes, Tianyu's next target is Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange is just an ordinary person now, but his potential is huge!

As the future Supreme Sorcerer, Doctor Strange's combat power is very strong, and it is definitely worth Tianyu's risk!

Anyway, he has a total of ten places, even if he wastes one, he can afford it.

In less than ten seconds, the non-mainstream girl stopped her hands, and the crackling sound in the car disappeared immediately.

"BOSS, find the matching target. The other party currently lives in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills."

Tianyu has heard of the name Beverly Hills, which is a well-known wealthy area in the country!

There are top residences inside, and many wealthy and famous people live there.

New York is far away from Los Angeles. It takes several hours to fly there, and it takes even longer to drive there, so Tianyu plans to fly there.

"Book me three tickets. The three of us will go to Los Angeles. You wait here."

"Okay, BOSS!" The non-mainstream girl made an OK gesture.

In Sokovia, a dozen of the Chosen followed the guidance of the system and came to the only church in the city.

Their tasks are similar, all centered on Ultron.

When they arrived at the church, the Chosen found a tall figure covered in a black robe sitting in the center of the church.

Although the face of the tall figure could not be seen clearly, it was surprising that a pair of eyes flashing red light occasionally appeared on the face of the tall figure, like a monster.

"I didn't expect that there are such powerful guys like you in Sokovia."

Ultron looked at the group of Chosen and said with a smile: "I want to do something to completely change this planet. I wonder if you are interested in completing this feat with me?"

After hearing this, the Chosen complained in their hearts, "Is it so perfunctory to win us over? If it weren't for the mission, they wouldn't come to such a ghost place."

"We are willing!" Everyone answered in unison.

"Very good!" Ultron stood up and showed his true face. It was a tall robot with a height of more than two meters and a hideous face.

"From now on, you will obey my command. I will let you see a new planet appear with your own eyes!"

Everyone agreed. After Ultron left with a big laugh, none of the Chosen left. They looked at each other left and right, with doubts on their faces.

Finally, someone couldn't help but ask, "Who is Tianyu?"

No one answered, and all of the chosen ones looked unhappy. Since Tianyu was not on their side, he must be on the side of the Avengers.

"This is troublesome"

"Yes, Tianyu is so strong, how can we fight him?"

"According to the inferences in the guide, Thor and Hulk both have strength evaluations that barely enter the gold level, plus God Tianyu. Wouldn't this cost people's lives?"

"Now we can only count on Ultron!"

"Fortunately, fortunately! My mission does not have to directly conflict with those from the Avengers. Brothers, when the time comes to fight, don't blame me for my lack of contribution."

At the same time, a dozen selectors came to the Stark Industrial Building.

In order to show their abilities, these selectors have defeated many security guards. The captain, Tony and others were very surprised to see these selectors.

"Where did these guys with special skills come from?" Tony asked.

"I remember that during the last battle in New York, a group of mysterious guys also appeared." Black Widow said: "But after defeating the Chitauri, these mysterious guys all disappeared."

Hawkeye asked from the side: "Cortana, do you think these guys are the same guys who went to the Battle of New York?"

The captain said: "It's very possible!"

Black Widow thought for a while and asked: "Captain, now these guys say they want to join the Avengers, should we accept them?"

The captain thought for a moment: "They haven't done anything bad. We also need manpower for the time being."

After hearing this, everyone understood what the captain meant. They were generally quite convinced by the captain's words, so they acquiesced.

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