Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 350: Searching for Spider-Man

"Wanda, let me go!" Quicksilver struggled, "No matter what this guy did to you, I can beat him!"

Scarlet Witch shook her head, neither letting go nor hurting Quicksilver.

Tianyu laughed, "Wanda, let him go!"

"But, Master"

Tianyu interrupted, "Don't worry, he is your brother after all, I won't hurt him."

Hearing this, Wanda withdrew her chaos magic.

Tianyu looked at Quicksilver and said, "Pilcher Maximoff, I will give you a fair challenge; as long as you win, you can take your sister away; if you lose, you must be loyal to me like your sister!"

Hearing this, Quicksilver agreed without thinking, "Okay, you bastard, just wait to be beaten!"

In fact, he had no choice at all, because he couldn't leave his sister behind and let her follow someone he didn't know the details of and leave alone.

"Wanda, you step aside first." Tianyu waved his hand and said.

After hearing this, Scarlet Witch walked aside in silence. Quicksilver was furious when he saw his sister actually listened to Tianyu so much: "Asshole, what did you do to him?"

Tianyu smiled and waved his hand, saying: "Beat me, I'll tell you!"

"You asked for it!"

As soon as Quicksilver's voice fell, only a residual image was left on the spot.

Fast, too fast! !

As expected of Quicksilver, this speed is already incredible. Even Tianyu's nerve capture ability can't see his running speed clearly.

The iron block started! In an instant, Tianyu's body became indestructible.


Almost at the moment when the iron block started, the sound of impact sounded.

Tianyu couldn't help but take two steps back, and his head tilted slightly to the right.

He didn't see what happened clearly, but he knew that it should be Quicksilver who punched him on the left face.

The impact of this punch was not small, which was completely caused by the extremely high speed.

However, with this little strength, it is still a long way to go to break Tianyu's defense.

After being hit by this punch, Tianyu stood firm easily. On the other hand, Quicksilver was covering the back of his right hand with his left hand, jumping non-stop on the spot, gasping for breath.

With that punch just now, he seemed to hit a piece of steel, not a person.

Quicksilver looked at Tianyu in horror: "What kind of monster are you?"

Tianyu smiled faintly and did not answer, but said: "If your fist has only this little strength, I advise you to save some energy and surrender directly!"


Quicksilver suddenly disappeared from the spot, leaving a residual image, and then returned to the spot. When he appeared again, there was an iron rod in his hand.

"Then please try this!"

After the words fell, Quicksilver disappeared from the spot again. At this time, an invisible force spread in all directions.

Quicksilver had just run two steps when he was tripped, and the whole person screamed and fell to the ground.


This fall was not light, and a lot of dust was raised on the ground.

One of Quicksilver's shoulders was worn and looked bloody. The faster the speed, the greater the inertia of the fall.

Scarlet Witch saw Quicksilver so miserable, and she showed a worried look, but out of loyalty to Tianyu, she did not make any expression.

Tianyu came to Quicksilver and lifted him up from the ground directly: Now, can you swear allegiance to me?

Tianyu was still very optimistic about Quicksilver. In the original plot, Quicksilver's performance was very eye-catching, and many Avengers suffered at his hands.

The reason why Tianyu was able to deal with him easily was that his various abilities just restrained Quicksilver's speed, but not everyone had so many abilities as Tianyu.

Tianyu felt that if Quicksilver was given a weapon, Quicksilver could exert a stronger combat power and had great potential.

Quicksilver was lifted up by Tianyu, feeling the restraint on his body, and his face was ugly.

"Pilcher, surrender to the master quickly." Scarlet Witch said.

After hearing this, Quicksilver's face became even uglier. He was about to say something, but Tianyu spoke first, in a cold tone: "We have a bet. If you don't want to abide by it, I will take your life!"

Quicksilver: "."

In the end, Quicksilver still surrendered. When Quicksilver swore allegiance, his attitude towards Tianyu immediately changed.


The contract took effect, and Quicksilver was 100% loyal to Tianyu.

"You have recovered a subordinate, and the current task progress: 2/10!"

Hearing the system's prompt, Tianyu smiled slightly, and then looked at the brother and sister. At this moment, the brother and sister stayed quietly beside Tianyu, like Tianyu's shadow.

"Let's go, let's go to the hospital first and treat Pilcher's wounds."

After hearing this, Scarlet Witch showed a trace of gratitude on her pretty face. They were just absolutely loyal to Tianyu, not puppets, and still had their own ideas.

When Tianyu returned to New York, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

A Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly arrived in Queens, New York. Inside the Rolls-Royce Phantom, there were four people, Tianyu and Scarlet Witch, and the killer girl hired by Tianyu.

Tianyu, Scarlet Witch, and the non-mainstream girl sat in the back seat, and Quicksilver sat in the driver's seat.

This Rolls-Royce was naturally another new one bought by Tianyu. As for the previous supercar, it was thrown into a garage by Tianyu.

Because supercars only have a good driving feel, but they are not very comfortable to sit in for a long time

"Master, what are we doing here?" Scarlet Witch, who was sitting next to Tianyu, asked curiously.

"Find someone." Tianyu said with a smile, and then gave an order to the non-mainstream girl: "Invade the network, I want to find a guy named Peter Parker."

After a few seconds, the voice of the non-mainstream girl sounded: "BOSS, a total of 1137 Peter Parkers were found!"

Tianyu was stunned. There are so many people with the same name as Spider-Man?

"Narrow the scope. I'm looking for a high school student who lives in Queens."

After hearing Tianyu's order, a face appeared on the non-mainstream girl's computer screen soon.

"We found a target Peter Parker who meets the matching requirements. He is 17 years old and lives in Forest Hills, Queens, New York. He is currently a student at a certain high school and his guardian is his aunt May Parker!"

Seeing the file on the screen, Tianyu laughed: "That's him. Is he in class today?"

"According to the surveillance, yes!"

"Very good, let's go directly to his school."

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were a little confused when they heard this, but this was their master's business and they would not ask about it.

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