Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 34 Shattering the Void

"Amitabha, I'm just one move away from you, I'm convinced!"

Fang Zheng smiled bitterly and looked at Tianyu, who was covered in blood, with a look of compassion and a hint of appreciation.

Although he severely injured Tianyu, Tianyu's last sword also penetrated his lungs.

Now he is just using his extremely deep internal strength to barely stay alive, but he can't hold on for long.

Now that life and death have been separated, Fang Zheng is extremely indifferent. The living Fang Zheng is the abbot of Shaolin and the leader of the Baidao. He needs to work hard for the stability and controllability of the world.

But now that he is about to die, he can let go of his status as abbot.

If you are not in your position, you will not do what you want!

This book is first published on ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Regardless of his status as a martial artist, he is also an upright grand master who pursues martial arts to the point of obsession.

Although his stance is opposite, it does not hinder his appreciation of Tianyu's swordsmanship.

It's a pity that Fang Zheng can't figure out why Tianyu's swordsmanship is so fast? It even seemed like there was no internal energy being used to stimulate it at all.

Every thrust of the sword has the power to penetrate mountains and rocks. Is this the legendary innate power? Extraordinary physical strength? Fang Zheng was puzzled.

"Master is also the strongest opponent I have encountered so far." Tianyu smiled with some difficulty.

After being seriously injured, it was indeed extremely laborious to kill Fang Zheng. At the last moment when the injury was replaced, although he pierced Fang Zheng's lungs, he was also hit with a powerful golden steel palm on his right shoulder, and the entire shoulder blade was shattered, and the entire shoulder blade was shattered. The lute bone cracked.

As for minor injuries such as broken ribs, there are countless.

"I am about to pass away. If Donor Lin is not angry, I will destroy my body. Donor Lin, please don't anger others." Fang Zheng's voice became deeper as if he was not physically strong.

"No, the debt will be wiped out after death, and a hundred will be settled once and for all. No harm will come to my wife and children."

"Thank you."

Fang Zheng's cheek twitched and he thanked him, feeling strange.

"Lin Pingzhi, you attacked and killed Taoist Master Chongxu and seriously injured Master Fang Zheng. You are the enemy of heroes in the world! You will not be able to escape justice today."

At this moment, a figure in shaking clothes could be heard, and dozens of people hurried along the mountain road, led by Ding Mian.

"Oh? That's not a small tone. Then what are you waiting for? Come and kill me." Tianyu looked at Ding Mian and sneered.

Just a Songshan Taibao.


Ding Mian was startled and subconsciously took a step back.

"Amitabha, I am the one who brought this matter upon myself. Fellow Jianghu people, please do not allow this matter to embarrass the Lin family." Fang Zheng sighed and said in a deep voice.

The sound echoed in the valley, oscillating back and forth. Fang Zheng's face became visibly ugly, with a slight air of death.

"Junior understands!" Ding Mian was stunned and smiled.

As long as Master Fang Zheng is alive, he will still be the head of Shaolin, and he cannot afford to offend him.

The rest of the people had different thoughts and nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Master, for speaking frankly."

Tianyu dropped the long sword on the ground, the mountain wind blew by, and his clothes fluttered like a celestial being.

"What does this mean, Donor Lin?"

"After today's battle, Lin finally came to his senses and realized that he was in a state of brokenness. He should leave on his own. The mountains will remain green and the water will flow forever. Take care, see you soon!"

Tianyu smiled.


"Return to space!" Tianyu thought to himself.

Under a white light above the sky, Tianyu's figure gradually faded under the gaze of everyone.

After a while, it finally turned into nothingness and disappeared without a trace.

"Broken Shattered Void?"

Fang Zheng stared blankly at the place where Tianyu disappeared, with a blazing light in his eyes.

Then the body paused slightly and passed away.

If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening! To some extent, Fang Zheng is also happy.



"No. 1 in the world!"

"Not only is he the best in the world, he is a god!"

"There is actually someone who can prove the Tao through martial arts, shatter the void, and soar into the sky!"

Everyone looked at the place where Tianyu disappeared with complicated expressions, feeling like they were standing on a mountain of lemons.

Shattering the Void, this is the highest realm of martial arts in the legend.

It is said that one can go straight to the fairy world and become a god.

In the face of this supreme pursuit, anything like founding a sect or establishing a king's hegemony are nothing compared to it.

This wave of Tianyu's reputation can be said to have greatly increased. Killing the famous martial arts master Chongxu Fangzheng is enough to prove his power.

After that, he soared on the spot and became a new generation of martial arts myths. Almost everyone knows about it!

After Tianyu left, even the imperial court personally came forward to pardon Lin Pingzhi and make him a national master!

The only pity is that all this belongs to Tianyu and has nothing to do with Lin Pingzhi.

After Tianyu left, Lin Pingzhi had been selected and was still in the deep mountains and forests.

He didn't have Tianyu's strength, so he didn't dare to come forward to accept this honor. He could only struggle with practicing the evil-repelling sword manual.

The man from the Shattered Void suddenly reappeared, and there was no cultivation at all. What happened was simply chilling.

"Damn it, you've completed the mission I assigned you, but you didn't leave anything for me, and you even made it impossible for me to show up. You're a murderer--!"

Lin Pingzhi looked at the evil-fighting sword manual in his hand, and he wished he could cut Tianyu's five horses into pieces right away!

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