"God of Death, God of Death, what are you going to do to me now?" Tianyu laughed.

The horizontal bar on his wrist has always been a safe green color. It seems that even if he hides here, the God of Death can't do anything to him for the time being.

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On this day, Tianyu was locked in the cell. No one paid attention to him, and no one gave him food. Tianyu also passed the sixth day smoothly.

The seventh day is coming. As long as Tianyu persists for two more days, he will be able to get the SSS level super god evaluation.

The next morning, Tianyu's door was suddenly opened from the outside, and several white men in suits and ties, who looked like elites, walked in.

"Hello, we are the CIA and want to talk to you!"

Tianyu first glanced at the horizontal bar on his wrist and saw that it was still green, so he relaxed and said, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Sir, before we talk, could you please introduce yourself?" The leading detective said: "We have investigated you and found that all your information is blank, as if it came out of thin air. Can you tell me your identity?"

"Oh, my name is Shen Mo. I am from the Dragon Kingdom and came here illegally." Tianyu began to talk nonsense calmly.


Several CIA members frowned after hearing this. Even if they were smuggled in, there would be no trace left behind.

However, they did not pursue too much. The leading detective said: "Mr. Silence, I come on behalf of the will of Mr. President."


"Yes, Mr. President wants to ask you, are you willing to join the Ugly Country and become a citizen of the Ugly Country? As long as you are willing to serve the Ugly Country, we can assure you that you will be released without charge immediately!"

Hearing these words, Tianyu was a little stunned, and then he understood that it must have been yesterday morning that news of his rapid massacre of dozens of inspectors reached the ears of the senior officials of the Chou Empire.

The senior people thought that he was powerful and valuable, so they sent someone to make this request.

No wonder no inspector came to trouble him all day yesterday, and even the God of Death was helpless. It turned out to be because of the greetings from high-level people.

After thinking about it, Tianyu said, "What if I choose to refuse?"

The leading detective said: "Sir, the crimes you have committed are enough for you to stay in prison for the rest of your life!"

Tianyu laughed: "Can you let me think about it for two days?"

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Silence." The leading detective said: "Your actions have aroused strong protests in the society. Now, many people are demonstrating on the streets outside, asking the official to make an exception and sentence you to death!"

The criminal law system of the Chou Empire has been changing all the time, almost every time a president takes office.

Especially the criminal law of death penalty will be abolished for a while and then restored a few years later.

Now that the death penalty is being abolished, the maximum penalty is life imprisonment.

"So you need to give me a reply as soon as possible. I will give you 24 hours at most!" the leading detective said.

24 hours?

Tianyu nodded: "Okay!"

"I hope you can make the right judgment." After the leading detective finished speaking, he turned around and left with his subordinates.

The right call? Tianyu smiled slightly, he just wanted to delay time.

The day passed quickly. With the high-level people greeting them, even the God of Death could not affect the inspectors.

The God of Death can only control those dead things, and has minimal influence on living people.

Out of care for the chosen ones, the God of Death can affect some emotions of living people, but he absolutely cannot control human thoughts.

If the God of Death was so capable, there would be no way to continue this mission.

During this day, Tianyu lived very comfortably, and someone even brought him food.

The seventh day was just passed by Tianyu, and in a blink of an eye, the eighth day came and was also the last day.

In the morning, those CIA members appeared in front of Tianyu on time.

"Mr. Silence, have you thought about it?"

"I've thought about it, but I feel quite comfortable in this cell. Can you let me stay for two more days?"

The leading detective was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Mr. Silence, I don't have time to joke with you!"

"Do you think I'm joking? I'm serious!"

Tianyu glanced at his wrist and found that the horizontal bar on his wrist suddenly began to slowly turn red, and he was stunned.

Seeing the change in Tianyu's expression, the leading detective asked: "What's wrong?"


Before Tianyu finished speaking, several CIA members suddenly began to foam at the mouth and bleed from their orifices. In the blink of an eye, they fell to the ground without even screaming.

"Holy shit, are you playing so hard?" Tianyu was shocked!

Of course he knew that this must be the handiwork of the God of Death. The God of Death was obviously driven into panic by him. In order to kill him, he even resorted to such unscrupulous means to attack him in front of him.

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