The next moment, Tianyu waved his hand, and stones, steel balls and other scattered items flew out.

Several policemen who were standing in front of him flew out and hit the wall of the corridor. They were either killed or injured.

With his current strength, it can be said that it is very easy to kill a few ordinary people.

Then Tianyu strode out of the mental hospital. At the gate of the mental hospital, countless inspectors had surrounded the place. Seeing Tianyu appear, the inspector commander immediately shouted: "Fire!"

"Ta! Ta! Ta!"

The gunfire continued, but Tianyu did not use his ability to block it. Instead, he directly opened the iron block of the Sixth Form of the Navy, then rushed into the crowd of supervisors and began to massacre.

He was hunted down even for breakfast, which made him feel a burning rage in his heart.


"Ohmygod, damn it, he's an unkillable monster!"


"Ask for support, please support!"


Screams continued to sound from the crowd, and in less than a minute, there were a large number of corpses of inspectors on the ground.

With Tianyu's current strength, in front of ordinary people, he is a veritable super monster. Even if he is touched casually, ordinary people cannot bear it.

The remaining inspectors were frightened by Tianyu's death and drove away one after another.

Tianyu stopped fighting and looked at the horizontal bar on his wrist. It was still red. He smiled coldly and left the iron block open, waiting for the next wave of pursuit.

Since the Sixth Form of the Navy reached the master level, Tianyu was a little surprised to find that the consumption of using iron blocks has become smaller.

And when casting the iron block, he can move around freely without any impact at all!

With his current physical and mental attributes, it would not be a problem at all for three days and three nights.


There was a gunshot in the distance, and then a large-caliber sniper bullet hit Tianyu directly in the head.

However, the imagined scene of a headshot did not appear. There was only a "dang" sound, and the large-caliber bullet seemed to hit the super-strong alloy steel. The warhead immediately deformed and fell to the ground.

After Tianyu took the bullet forcefully, he just tilted his forehead back slightly.

The next moment, Tianyu looked into the building opposite. The sniper in the building suddenly broke out in cold sweat after meeting Tianyu's gaze.

After Tianyu rushed into the building and broke the sniper's neck, the horizontal bar on his wrist finally returned to green.

Then Tianyu came to the road and dragged a man out of the car who had just started the car and was about to leave. Then he sat in the driver's seat and drove away.

"Hey, asshole! Stop it~ That's my car."

Tianyu ignored the driver at all and drove forward. Now he was acting a little unscrupulously.

He can no longer stay in the mental hospital, and now he is wanted by the police. It is very unwise to stay anywhere.

So the place Tianyu went to this time was a morgue. According to the sign on the map, this was the only morgue in the city, located in another relatively remote place.

I went to the morgue, naturally, to find the black coroner in the original plot.

Originally, if Tianyu could stay in the mental hospital forever, he would not be interested in the black coroner at all.

Because he only planned to stay for 8 days and leave immediately after receiving the SSS-level super god evaluation.

But now, since Tianyu has been forced out of the mental hospital, he has to meet the black coroner to see if he is the incarnation of death in the world as the legend says.

20 minutes later, Tianyu arrived at the morgue. The security guard at the door was an old man who looked very old. He was squinting at the newspaper and didn't even see Tianyu enter the room.

There were no security guards in the morgue. After all, there were dead bodies here and no one liked to deal with corpses, so Tianyu entered it easily.

There was a dark wind in the house, and a cold breath hit my face. This was actually just air conditioning.

Naturally, Tianyu couldn't be afraid and began to search inside the house.

"This is not the place you should come. Anyone who disturbs his sleep will be plagued by bad luck!"

Tianyu was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked at the strong black man behind him in surprise.

This guy has a lot of tricks up his sleeve! !

With Tianyu's current keen senses, he can sense even a mouse passing by.

But this strong black man was able to get close to Tianyu without being noticed by him. It was amazing!

Tianyu looked at the strong black man up and down, and said with interest: "I came here to find you. Do you know why I came to you?"

The strong black man sniffed: "Young man, I smell the breath of death on your body. You must be here for him."

"Not bad!!" Tianyu laughed: "So, can you introduce yourself? Some people say that you are the incarnation of death, is it true?"

After hearing Tianyu's words, the strong black man was obviously stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "No, the God of Death does not need to be incarnated. I am just an ordinary person favored by the God of Death, just like you."

Tianyu nodded, the other party did not lie, and the God of Death did not need to create an incarnation to collect corpses for humans.

"Now I am being hunted by the god of death, do you have any good suggestions?"

The black man thought seriously, and then said meaningfully: "We are like mice, being played by cats. No matter what we do, whether it is a trivial matter or a great achievement, taking a plane or getting off a plane, it is a death program, a program designed in advance by the god of death. If you want to avoid death, you must avoid these programs."

Hearing this, Tianyu shook his head and said, "I am different from you, I can't avoid it!"

The Chosen One is a special existence taken care of by the god of death. Even if you hide 10,000 meters underground, the god of death will probably start an earthquake and kill you.

Speaking of this, Tianyu turned around and left, because he had seen that the horizontal bar on his wrist was slowly turning red.

The black man suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and was shocked.

"Give you a piece of advice!" The black man looked at Tianyu's back and said, "If you want to live, you must guess how and when you will die in advance!"

Tianyu left without saying a word.

Although this black man is very mysterious, he is still within the scope of ordinary people and can't help him.

Then, Tianyu drove towards the city and found that the horizontal bar on his wrist had become redder and redder. Tianyu immediately used the iron block in the Navy Six Styles.

At this moment, the car was going downhill. Seeing that the speed was getting faster and faster, Tianyu was about to step on the brake to slow down, but found that the brake suddenly failed.

This stolen car was obviously brand new. Under normal circumstances, it is not so easy to have brake failure. It is obvious that this is another pursuit of the god of death.

Tianyu looked at the scene in front of him. At the end of the downhill road, there was a moat.

"Are you going to drown me?"

Tianyu smiled slightly and tried to unbuckle his seat belt. Coincidentally, his seat belt was stuck and could not be unbuckled.

"Just this little trick, but it can't deal with me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Tianyu pulled hard, and with a "bang", the solid and safe one was violently pulled off by Tianyu.

Then Tianyu pushed open the door without hesitation, jumped out of the out-of-control car, and landed steadily on the ground.


The out-of-control car broke through the guardrail on the shore and fell into the moat.

Tianyu glanced at his wrist. The red color did not disappear as the car fell into the river, but became deeper red.

"It seems that this is a big move, what is the next trick?"

Tianyu raised his head and looked around. When he jumped out of the car just now, he had attracted the attention of many passers-by. At this time, many passers-by were secretly watching him.

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