Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 332: One after another

After the assassination attempt failed, the red bar on Tianyu's wrist slowly faded and turned green.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’πŸ‘πŸžπ•€π•™π•¦.π•Ÿπ•–π•₯

"It seems that after a wave of pursuits fails, there will be a period of buffering, and then wait for the next wave of pursuits to come?" Tianyu frowned.

Not long after, the inspector came to the hotel. Except for those who were related to the deceased, all the guests at the scene were dismissed.

The preliminary identification results showed that all the deceased were confirmed to have died of poisoning. The poison was a kind of neurotoxin, which was very toxic!

After poisoning, once it breaks out, it can kill people within a dozen seconds. Inevitably, Tianyu was questioned.

"Sir, what is your relationship with this lady?"

The questioner was a white inspector. When he saw Tianyu's Chinese appearance, his eyes were a little malicious. In the Ugly Country, racial discrimination has always been very serious.

Tianyu frowned: "Friend!"

"Friend?" The inspector asked: "Why did she die of poisoning, but you didn't?"

"Because I don't like eating cheese baked shrimp, is there any problem?"

"Of course there is a problem!" The white inspector took out the handcuffs and said: "Yellow Monkey, I suspect that this poisoning case has something to do with you, please cooperate with us to assist in the investigation!"

Tianyu's face was calm, and his eyes swept towards the hotel manager, but the hotel manager pretended not to see it.

"Suspect me, what evidence do you have?"

"Mr. Monkey, please go back to the police station first and cooperate with our investigation." The white inspector said.

"I don't think you have the right to do this!"

"No, we do!" Inspector Bai Rang smiled coldly, then pulled out his gun and pointed it at Tianyu's forehead: "Mr. Monkey, I now suspect you are a terrorist. Please kneel down immediately and put your hands where I can see."

Tianyu's eyes gradually turned cold, and he subconsciously glanced at the horizontal bar on his wrist. When he saw the horizontal bar slowly turn red, he sighed.

"So that's it."

He knew that this inspector was so persistent because he was influenced by the god of death.

Of course, this does not mean that Tianyu is not angry, because even if he was influenced by the god of death, he had this idea in the first place, so he did so.

No matter how many accidents the god of death had in the process of killing, if you think about it carefully, they are all reasonable.

For example, the steel bars on the high-rise building suddenly fell down, and after the steel bars aged, this phenomenon would naturally occur, such as car accidents, high-voltage wires, etc.

No matter how coincidental it is, if you really want to investigate carefully, you can still reasonably infer it.

So, this inspector must have this idea in his heart, so he was used by the god of death.

The next moment, a dinner knife flew silently into the hands of the hotel manager. Before the hotel manager could react, an invisible force took him and crashed into the white inspector.

Tianyu's swordsmanship was the one who could do all this.

Puff! !

The dinner knife in the hotel manager's hand just stabbed the white inspector's neck, and countless blood gushed out of the inspector's neck.

"Oh, my god!" The hotel manager was stunned.

The inspector's companion immediately pulled out his pistol, pointed it at the hotel manager, and shouted, "Put down your weapon!!!"

"Ding Dang!"

The table knife fell to the ground instantly, and the hotel manager cried, "Inspector, please listen to my explanation. I don't know what happened just now. It seems that someone is pulling me. I really didn't mean it."

The inspector certainly didn't believe his nonsense, and cursed fiercely, "Shut up, you damn bastard, please lie down immediately and hold your head with both hands, otherwise I don't mind shooting you in the head!"

After hearing this, the hotel manager immediately lay on the ground honestly, but the next moment.

Bang! ! !

With a gunshot, the hotel manager who had just been lying on the ground was instantly shot in the head.

The inspector looked at the gun in his hand and was confused: "Damn it, what did I do just now?"

The voice fell.

Puff! ! !

Behind the inspector, a middle-aged woman suddenly pierced the back of the inspector's head with a fork.


Seeing the inspector fall down with blood all over his head, the middle-aged woman screamed in fear, then fell down softly, and was directly frightened and fainted.


Quiet! The whole restaurant was extremely quiet!

The surrounding guests and hotel waiters were all stunned. They had no idea what was going on.

First, inspector A threatened a Chinese without any evidence, and then the hotel manager killed the inspector with a knife.

Then, the inspector's companion, that is, inspector B, killed the hotel manager with a gun.

Then, a middle-aged woman suddenly went crazy and pierced inspector B's head with a fork.

Fuck! It's so messy.

Everyone had no idea what the relationship between these people was, and what kind of hatred and grudges they had to do such a thing?

In the hotel, only Tianyu had a calm face, because everything that had just happened was operated by him with various abilities.

Tianyu's eyes swept to his wrist, and the horizontal bar returned to green again. He smiled faintly, quietly left the hotel and came outside.

The hotel was no longer safe. Two inspectors had died. The place would soon be completely surrounded by the police. Tianyu was not afraid, but he just felt it was unnecessary.

Then, Tianyu got a taxi on the road.

"Where are you going, buddy?"

"Mental hospital."

After hearing this, the driver subconsciously glanced at Tianyu, but didn't say much.

20 minutes later, the taxi still hadn't arrived at the destination. It wasn't that the driver deliberately took a long detour, but that mental hospitals were generally built in more remote places.

Tianyu suddenly frowned, because he saw the horizontal bar on his wrist, which had slowly turned red.

"Are they being chased so frequently? Is it because I have escaped for 5 days, so the damned Grim Reaper is going to make up for it all at once?"

Tianyu frowned and asked the driver, "How long will it take to get there?"

"Hey, buddy, from where you just started, it is at least 25 kilometers away from the mental hospital. I am not deliberately going slow. If there is no traffic jam, it will take about 10 minutes."

Tianyu nodded and said, "My personal suggestion is that you'd better go faster. This is for your own good."

The driver was puzzled.

Five minutes later, the horizontal bar on Tianyu's wrist had turned dark red.

Without saying anything, Tianyu immediately activated the iron block in the Navy Six Styles, covering his entire body.

This is not over yet. To be on the safe side, he also used his mana.

Although the defensive power of mana is not very strong before there is a specific defensive spell, it is at least better than nothing!

The driver was still humming an English song leisurely, not realizing what would happen next.

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