Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 328 Death is coming

Time passed, and the rest day passed quickly. Tianyu opened various strategies given by the extraordinary group and checked them out.

It is worth mentioning that there is a very interesting mission world "Death is Coming" on the thirteenth floor of the rooftop.

For powerful people, this mission world is a complete defeat, because after entering, part of the strength will be suppressed!

Moreover, this mission world is known as the mission world where crimes are committed below the 20th floor of the rooftop!

And Tianyu arrives


The reason why I am interested in this mission world is because of its difficulty. The harder it is, the higher the reward!

Tianyu has watched all of the movie series about Death Comes.

The plot is about a protagonist who can predict the future, predict various fatal dangers in advance, and then avoid them.

I thought I could escape the disaster, but I didn't expect that the God of Death came to the door one by one and killed all those who were lucky enough to escape the disaster.

The way the God of Death kills is not to kill directly, but to influence the surrounding environment and use some seemingly coincidental means to harvest lives. This is the plot of The God of Death is Coming.

Tianyu estimates that the main mission of the mission world "Death is coming", if nothing else, should be about avoiding the pursuit of death.

The purpose of watching the various strategies given by the extraordinary team is to know the mission in advance, so that he can more calmly formulate plans for the main mission.

In fact, the official mission guide is released to create a few more powerful selectors in the country and increase the strength of the country. It is best to allow these people to serve the country.

Of course, what is announced is not the core strategy, but only the public strategy that everyone knows.

After all, on the Internet, the possibility of information leaking is almost 100%, and the Dragon Kingdom has no intention of feeding other countries with its own flesh and blood.

I found the guide on Death Comes and opened it.

"The mission world on the 13th floor of the rooftop is another test mission world, and it is also a large-scale mission world."

"Although there are no clear regulations on the rooftop, there will be a large mission world every five to ten floors."

"Large-scale mission worlds are generally more threatening, and the degree of death is the highest, including the arrival of the God of Death. Without further ado, let's get to the topic."

"The Death is Coming mission world is a very scary mission world. Everyone must be careful when participating in this mission, because in it, people may die in the mission world before you have time to react."

"The main mission in the mission world is a survival mission. If you survive for one day, you will get an E-level evaluation. If you survive for two days, you will get a D-level evaluation. If you survive for three days, you will get a C-level evaluation. If you survive for four days, you will get a B-level evaluation. If you survive for five days, you will get a B-level evaluation. If you can get an A-level rating and survive for six days, you will have a superior S-level rating. And so on!"

"Similarly, the longer you survive, the higher your rating will be!"

"Remind me again, when entering the mission world where Death comes, everyone must pay attention. Once you feel something is wrong, even if you have to pay a certain price, you must return to the selection space immediately!"

"Because Death is Coming is different from other mission worlds. In other mission worlds, when disaster strikes, at least everyone still has time to react."

"And when the God of Death comes to the mission world, once the God of Death takes action, he will most likely kill you instantly, leaving you with no chance to react."

"After entering the mission world, the selection system will automatically set a civilian identity for you, which cannot be modified."

"The place you are on is on a plane. After ten seconds, there will be a spirited young man in the cabin, suddenly yelling, saying that he has encountered a disaster, and clamoring to get off the plane."

"Here's the important point, you must get off the plane with him, otherwise the plane will explode in the sky shortly after takeoff!"

"Correspondingly, from the moment you get off the plane, you will be on Death's blacklist, and then a tattoo like a horizontal bar will appear on your wrist."

"Pay attention to this horizontal bar. Tattoos are very important. They are reminders provided by the selection space. You must always observe them!"

"When you are targeted by death, it is likely to turn dangerous red. When you escape a frontal crisis, the horizontal bar will turn green."

"Through the horizontal bars, you can judge whether you are in danger or safe at the moment. Death's killing patterns are all kinds of strange. There is nothing he can't do except what you can't think of."

"The following is my personal experience. I once survived for three days in the mission world where the God of Death is coming."

"In these three days, the editor experienced a total of nine fatal crises, including car accidents, objects falling from heights, high-voltage wires suddenly falling off, etc. I will not go into detail about the specific processes."

"So every time the God of Death takes action, it's like a coincidental accident, and it's often because of these coincidental accidents that people can't guard against it. After urinating for three days, he was already seriously injured, and then immediately Opted out.”

"Don't try to deceive Death, Death is everywhere!"

"I heard that many big guys have tried many ways to avoid death, such as actively committing crimes and asking the police to put them in jail; or locking themselves in airtight and strong houses and storing a lot of food. But the results are in vain. With one exception, all failed.”

"The god of death is very powerful. As long as you are on his list, he will do everything he can to hunt you down. You cannot use special items in this mission world. If you want to avoid the god of death, you can only rely on your own ability."

"In addition, after entering this mission world, everyone's strength will be weakened, roughly equivalent to half of their own strength."

"In other words, after you enter the mission world of Death, you can only exert half of your strength."

After reading these strategies, Tianyu frowned deeply.

He remembered the plot. In the first movie of Death, there was a character who survived by locking himself in a mental hospital and then escaping the pursuit of the god of death.

It was not until the second part of Death that he ran out and died.

But according to the strategy provided by the Extraordinary Group, this method is definitely not feasible.

Tianyu is completely sure that this god of death has obviously strengthened the pursuit of the Chosen Ones. No matter where he goes, he will find a way to kill you!

But this is normal, otherwise, the Chosen at this level would not be afraid of accidents such as car accidents. Thinking of this, Tianyu frowned slightly.

Originally, in his backup plan, he also wanted to learn from the characters in the movie and lock himself in a mental hospital to avoid the pursuit of the god of death.

But now it seems that this backup plan may not work.

Of course, this is just a backup plan. As long as the first bold plan can be realized, everything will be fine.

After closing the task strategy given by the Extraordinary Group, Tianyu opened the forum and wanted to find out if there were any strategies posted by others.

He wanted to prepare a few more backup plans. Once the first plan failed, there would be more backup plans and more options.

Then the strategy was not found, but there was a post in the forum that attracted Tianyu's attention.

"It's open! Bet whether Tianyu can get an SSS rating in the world of the Death God tonight?"

This is the title of the post. After seeing this post, Tianyu was a little curious and clicked in.

The first floor is the post of the host:

"Everyone knows that according to Tianyu's habit, he has just passed the 12th floor mission world of the Sky Terrace. After a day of rest, he must go to the 13th floor mission world!"

"Among the 13th floor mission worlds, the Death God mission world is the most difficult! Everyone should have heard that it is known as the most difficult in history, and no one has ever been able to get an S-level evaluation in this mission world!"

"And everyone knows Tianyu, and his favorite thing is to challenge the impossible. So the question is, can Tianyu still get an SSS-level super god evaluation tonight?"

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