"Hahaha, interesting, someone actually dared to tell me to get out?"

"Your martial arts skills are neither high nor low, barely out of the category of trash, but still vulnerable!"

"If you can enter the state of sudden increase in strength just now, you can barely take a few of my moves, but I guess that should not be without cost, right?" Wu Ming was stunned at first, and then his face became a little cold.

Since he became a martial artist, he has never met an opponent, and even in the world, there is no one who can take three of his moves.

His game of the world, in his mind, is the charity of the gods to the people of the world.

After all, in his heart, the people of the world are just ants, whether it is killing or taking, it is a gift from him to them!

But now, he was actually mocked by an ant, which also made him feel a little angry.

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"Then give it a try!"

The purple-black luster flashed, and Tianyu once again used the magic power in his body.

This time he did not compete with the opponent in force, but directly used the sword control technique, intending to crush Wu Ming.

The sword light was like thunderbolt, like flying wild geese, shooting straight away, without any changes, not even a follow-up move, and all the magic power of the whole body was integrated into this sword.

For such a top master, no change is sometimes the best change.

"It's just a trick!"

Wu Ming looked at Tianyu's full-strength sword and just waved his sleeves carelessly without any fireworks.

But this wave of sleeves seemed to be mixed with more than ten kinds of top sleeves in the world, each of which was a secret of some sects. Even Wudang's flying sleeves and Shaolin's sleeves were included in it.

But Wu Ming's casual wave of sleeves was far more terrifying than these ten kinds of sleeves combined.

In the air, the swords and shadows moved in the wind, as if they were real or fake.

Sword light burst out, and a huge beam of light suddenly burst out from Tianyu's long sword, destroying the sword lights and shadows in the air one by one.

"Sword!" Wu Ming smiled slightly.

Amidst the collapse of the mountains and cracks of the earth, a long and narrow stone flew out and flew straight towards Wu Ming.

In the process of moving, the stone quickly disintegrated and separated, and the handle was opened, forming a long and narrow stone sword.

With a sword in hand, thirteen sword intentions flashed by, the Thirteen Styles of Heavenly Damage!

This was originally the mountain-guarding sword method of the Nanhai School, but unfortunately it was lost 30 years ago. Even the current head of the Nanhai School only learned two of them.

After practicing two styles, it is enough to become one of the top ten swordsmen in the world.

Wu Ming waved his hand, and the thirteen styles of swordsmanship turned into a sword and stabbed straight out.

The next moment, the two long swords collided with each other, and the stone sword and the cold heart sword collided with each other and shattered.

"Don't you swordsmen believe that the sword is alive and the person is dead, and the sword is broken and the person dies?" Wu Ming sneered and slapped out with a palm.

The palm wind was sinister and ethereal, it was the bone-melting palm that had been lost for hundreds of years.

This palm technique sounds similar to the bone-melting palm of the Shenlong Sect, but even if Hong Antong encountered Wu Ming's palm, his bones would be melted into nothing in an instant.

In the ancient dragon plane, the bone-melting palm is a very powerful palm technique.

Ever since the bone-melting immortal used this palm technique to venture into the Xingxiu Sea alone, entered the Chaotian Palace at night, and killed the Yellow Sect's great lama, it has vaguely become the world's number one palm.

Compared with the big handprint of the Tantric Buddhism, and the Tianjue Dimie and Dahunhun Hand of the Xingxiu Sea, it is much more powerful!

The palm wind blew past, as if ghosts were crying at midnight, and the cold wind blew, and there were faint shadows of skeletons, gradually condensing into shape.

Tianyu did not dodge or evade, his eyes condensed, and met Wu Ming's eyes.

The accumulated spiritual power pushed the limit, and suddenly burst out with spiritual shock.

His spiritual attribute is now extremely high. After breaking through the silver level, he can officially use the spiritual shock.

But because the time is too short, Tianyu has only developed this move.

Under his full-strength impact, it is enough to directly blow the head of Lu Xiaofeng, a top master.

In fact, Tianyu has been using spiritual power since he learned the sword-controlling technique, but he has not realized it yet.

But after breaking through the silver level, the role of spiritual power is fully revealed.

Of course, this move can only be used as a killer, and it must not be used normally.

Although spiritual power is powerful, it is also easy to get hurt, and it is extremely difficult to heal!

If the target's spiritual power is higher, it will inevitably receive counter-injury, and it will take at least half a year to recover!

"Wanmiaowufang, the great soul-stealing technique? No, what is this?" Wu Ming snorted and retreated rapidly.

He never thought that Tianyu would have this kind of attack method, so he also suffered a great loss.

Although Wu Ming's martial arts far surpassed any top master, and even his spiritual training had almost reached the peak of this world.

But when he was suddenly attacked like this, his brain also roared, and blood flowed out from all seven orifices at the same time.

In an instant, Wu Ming's face became extremely cold.

The next moment, the bone-melting palm, which was running to the limit, suddenly slapped out, condensing into a wall of air full of death, blocking him.


With a thought in his mind, the demon-killing sword appeared in Tianyu's hand. The sword's power was brilliant and its light was bright.

The air wall was broken with one strike, and several palm powers buried in it suddenly exploded and hit Tianyu's body.

The blood was like pulp, and the bones turned into mud. Tianyu groaned and suppressed the backlash of the mental shock. He ignored the injuries on his body and jumped up. The demon-killing sword fell suddenly, like a thunder god in anger, and there was lightning and thunder for a moment.

In the sky, sword shadows emerged one after another, pointing at Wu Ming who was stunned.


Following Tianyu's order, these long swords galloped away at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, trying to excite souls and kill people!


As the thousands of sword shadows dissipated again, Wu Ming looked at the demon-killing sword inserted in his heart with some confusion. He felt that his vast cultivation was quickly dissipated. He let out a long sigh and struggled for a few times. He fell down hard.

"You have killed Wu Ming, the nameless island owner. The hidden mission has been completed. The unparalleled battle in Wudang Sea of ​​Clouds. You have gained a reputation of 1,000. The current reputation is: 9,999 (the upper limit of the mission)." The selection space prompted.

"Return to space!"

Tianyu gritted his teeth and felt the blood pouring out of his chest and abdomen, and chose to return without hesitation.

Although he successfully killed Wu Ming with the Wan Jian Jue, Wu Ming's bone-transforming palm had also landed firmly on him!

At this moment, his body has been continuously destroyed by the Bone Transformation Palm. If it weren't for the extremely high level of his magic power, he would have turned into a pool of blood!

But even so, he couldn't hold on for too long and had no choice but to return to the selection space.

During the return process, the selection space will help the selector recover from his injuries for free, just enough to bring him back to his peak!

Many masters of the Wudang Sect looked blankly at Wu Ming's body; they looked blankly at the place where Tianyu had stayed before, and they were all dumbfounded, thinking about life.

Even after nightfall, no one wanted to leave!

On the top of the sea of ​​clouds, dressed as white as snow, flying to the sky with a sword, has become an eternal legend in the world, and has never been forgotten for countless years.

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