Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 321 Visiting Wudang

"We'll leave first."

Tianyu was a little speechless. He casually greeted the Prince of Nanwang, and after a few words, he took Lu Xiaofeng, Gongsun Lan and others and went straight out of the palace.

The Prince of Nanwang had a lot of affairs to deal with. After hurriedly sending them out of the palace, he ran back.

If he wanted to succeed the emperor, there were still many things to deal with. He had to stay in the palace for at least half a month. Before the overall situation was settled, he must not run around.

Of course, Tianyu's subsequent plan did not require the Prince of Nanwang. Tianyu was already very satisfied that he could be the emperor safely and steadily.

And the key to being an emperor is the balance and game of interests of all parties.

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Although Tianyu's martial arts are very high, there are not many things he can do. He can't just kill the whole family of a political enemy, right?

If he doesn't follow the rules of the game at all, even if he becomes an emperor, it is destined to be a short-lived dynasty!

Tianyu supports the Prince of Nanwang for the future fortune of the human race, not because he is bored and wants to create an emperor for fun.

At this time, we can only hope that the Prince of Nanwang will be better, not worse than the beheaded emperor.

"Ding, the selected summoner quelled the rebellion of Prince Taiping Gong Jiu, made great contributions, was awarded the title of Imperial Master, and obtained 1200 reputation points, and the current reputation value is 8500 points!"

"Ding, the main task: On the night of the full moon, on the top of the Forbidden City, watch or participate in the peak battle between Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuxue, completed!" The summoning space prompted.

"There are still fifteen days left, it's time to go to Wudang"

Tianyu calculated the time, his expression was extremely calm, and the remaining time was more than enough.

Since the Taoist Zhang Sanfeng founded the Wudang Sect in Wudang Mountain at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Wudang Sect has become a core topic that cannot be avoided in the martial arts world.

Wudang Sect is also extremely magical. Since the beginning of the sect, it has been known as the first sect of Taoism.

It is obviously just a small sect with not much history and not many disciples, but its status can vaguely be on par with Shaolin Temple.

Whether in Jin Yong's system or Gu Long's system, Wudang Sect is a top-notch sect.

Wudang Mountain has also risen in popularity because of this, and is known as: "The eternal and unparalleled scenic spot, the world's number one fairy mountain!", "The four famous mountains all bow, and the five immortal mountains all pay homage to the sect!".

Tianyu was puzzled by this, and could only say that Zhang Sanfeng was awesome! ! !

The main hall of Wudang Sect was solemn and solemn, and a wisp of fragrance was lit. The head of the sect, Shi Yan, sat in the middle, with a pale face, as if he was seriously ill.

There were dozens of Taoists sitting in the hall, with different figures, old and young; but these dozens of people were all first-class masters in the world!

Sitting on the futon next to Shi Yan was Mu Dao Ren; Mu Dao Ren held a broken sword and closed his eyes slightly. In addition to being chic, he also had a bit of indifference.

These days were the days when he and Tianyu had an appointment to fight, and it was precisely because of this matter that the elites of Wudang Sect came together.

Although the sun was about to set and Tianyu had not yet appeared, Taoist Mu was not in a hurry. He sat quietly in the hall without saying a word.

His patience has always been very good. For example, he has been planning for the position of the head of the sect for thirty years, and he is still full of patience now.

"Head, Uncle Mu, it's not good!"

At this moment, a young Taoist priest suddenly ran in from outside the hall.

His face was very anxious, and he completely forgot the rules of Wudang Sect.

If there was no emergency, he would never dare to rush in like this, because that would let him know what it means to deal with it according to the sect rules!

"What's wrong?" Shi Yan asked.

"The Lord of Baiyun City, Ye Gucheng, is here in person!"

"Please come."

"He must bring his sword up the mountain!" The young Taoist priest's hands were still shaking: "The disciples are incompetent, and the brothers who stayed behind in the Jiejianchi can't stop him!"

This is indeed a very serious matter. This is a ** to the entire Wudang Sect!

Since the establishment of Wudang Sect, no one has ever dared to offend Wudang in this way!

"Where is he?"

"Still by the Sword-Unlocking Pool. Several of my uncles were also injured by his sword."

"I'll go take a look." Mu Dao Ren stood up, without even looking at Shi Yan, and strode out.

The whole place was silent!

"Let's go take a look together!"

After a moment, Shi Yan sighed.

As soon as the words fell, the sound of breaking through the air continued to sound, and a few seconds later, the hall was empty!

Wudang Sword-Unlocking Pool.

The Sword-Unlocking Pool is not just about unlocking swords. Wudang has set a rule that no matter if you are a king, a general or a minister, you must put down your weapons in the Sword-Unlocking Pool to show respect for Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang.

There is no such situation where Zhang San takes off his sword and Li Si carries a butcher knife and happily goes up the mountain.

After the rules are set, of course there is enough force to enforce them, so not far from the Sword-Unlocking Pool, there are always several first-class swordsmen stationed.

Most people in the martial arts world put down their swords happily after seeing the masters of Wudang come out.

When Shi Yan heard that Ye Gucheng was coming in person, he increased the number of stationed masters several times.

Because there were so many people, there were long swords everywhere beside the Jiejian Pool. Of course, these were the swords of the Wudang disciples themselves.

Dozens of Wudang masters stood in turn beside the Jiejian Pool, staring blankly at the swords on the ground with embarrassed faces.

Everyone had a small hole on their right wrist that was constantly bleeding.

The Wudang disciples present were all mediocre, and at least three of them had swordsmanship that was enough to rank in the top 50 in the world!

But in front of Tianyu, they were still so vulnerable!

"It's almost time, Taoist Mu should be here too." Tianyu glanced at the embarrassed people, and his heart moved slightly.

Everyone had a task to do, and Tianyu was too lazy to embarrass the group of workers. He only gave them a sword and stabbed their wrists.

After all, Wudang is a famous and upright sect, and it also pays attention to rules and manners. Once stabbed by Tianyu, the weapon will not be able to attack again after it falls to the ground.

So, the Taoists stared at Tianyu with big eyes, but they were helpless.

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