Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 25 Killing Tian Boguang

The second floor of Huiyan Tower in Hengyang City was covered with blood. It was obvious that a fight had just occurred.

Linghu Chong sat facing Tian Boguang, his face was pale and his body was covered in blood, and he was weakly picking up the wine bowl.


Yilin sat between the two of them, looking at Linghu Chong with a worried expression.

"Brother Linghu, when it comes to beatings, you can't beat me!" Tian Boguang was very proud and drank all the wine in one gulp.

Taoist Tiansong of the Taishan Sect was already considered a good master, but he had just been wounded by his sword. Even if he did not die, he would still be seriously injured.

Tian Boguang has encountered many masters in his life, but few opponents at this level. It can be said that this is his proud battle.

"You are no match for me if you stand and beat me. If you beat me while sitting, you are no match for me." Linghu Chong rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Oh? Brother Linghu, you have already been completely defeated while standing up. Do you want to sit down and spar with me?" Tian Boguang looked disdainful.

"Why not? But you have to let this little nun go first, and we two brothers can have a good fight. If such a bald little nun stands in front of me, Linghu Chong will lose without fighting."

"I admire it, I admire it! What a clever plan to save the little nun."

"You lied to me to sit and fight with you, and this little nun could take the opportunity to escape. She is fine, but your life is most likely gone."

"If you want to save the little nun, why bother?" Linghu Chong's expression changed slightly and he quickly explained.

"Indeed, why is it so troublesome?" Footsteps sounded, and a handsome young man slowly walked up to the second floor.

"Little brother, I'm Linghu Chong from Huashan. What do you call me?" Linghu Chong was startled and hurriedly winked, signaling the other party to leave quickly.

"My name is Lin Pingzhi, and I am the young escort chief of Fuwei Escort Agency. I came here specifically to kill Tian Boguang today." Tianyu said with a faint smile.

"Shaoxia Lin? This Tian Boguang's sword skills are very powerful. You will definitely not be able to defeat him. Let's go!" Yi Lin was shocked.

Although she was fiercely afraid of Tian Boguang, she was kind-hearted and did not want to see Tianyu die in vain.

"Thank you, little master, but it doesn't matter. Tian Boguang can't hurt me. I wonder if Brother Linghu can give in?" Tianyu said with a smile.

"Give me a chance? Of course you can, but Tian Boguang is very good at martial arts, so please be careful." Linghu Chong's cheek twitched and he looked at Tianyu suspiciously.

He is indeed handsome, but his loud tone is a bit too much, right?

Although Tian Boguang's martial arts is not top-notch, he can probably be ranked among the top fifty in the world with his sharp sword.

Up and down Mount Huashan, only the master and his wife can beat him, and they can't even kill him.

The boy opposite is only eighteen or nineteen years old, how dare he be so arrogant?

"Hahaha, Fuwei Escort Agency? What kind of bullshit is this? You, a little escort chief, still want to kill me?" Tian Boguang smiled angrily.


"I wonder when Tian and that escort agency became enemies?"

"There's no grudge. You're simply more famous. I want to be famous, so I'm going to kill you in exchange for some fame."

Tianyu smiled: "Young people should become famous as early as possible. I believe Brother Tian can understand this truth."

"Understood. I understand your mother!" Tian Boguang laughed angrily: "What kind of cat or dog dares to come to me? If you want to die, just take action."

"Brother Tian, ​​please invite me. I'm a little interested in your sharp knife and want to take a look."

"I will give you three moves. After three moves, you can see me chop off your dog's head with one strike!" Tian Boguang's veins popped out, and the hand holding the long knife trembled slightly.

"That's a pity." Tianyu nodded, drew out the Longquan Sword, and stabbed lightly.

In mid-air, the Longquan Sword turned into a line of light and shadow, and the sword was full of energy.

"You!" Tian Boguang's expression changed drastically. He quickly blocked it with his knife and stepped back quickly.

"I'm offended." Tianyu returned the sword to its sheath with an indifferent expression.

"Are you really just killing me for fame?" Tian Boguang stared blankly at his long knife with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

Elsewhere, a little blood stain spread out and continued to expand.

"Yes." Tianyu smiled.

"You are a madman!" Tian Boguang laughed miserably and spat out a mouthful of blood.

With just one move, Tian Boguang's heart had been cut off by Tianyu's sword.

He was challenged out of nowhere, got hit by a sword out of nowhere, and then almost died out of nowhere!

Tian Boguang felt extremely regretful.

"Brother Tian, ​​there is no need to feel too regretful. I killed Qingcheng leader Yu Canghai before. With him accompanying you below, you won't be alone when you leave."

"You? Hahaha! You actually killed Yu Chaizi too! Interesting, interesting!" Tian Boguang was startled, but he was in a much better mood and started laughing.

Then he tilted his head and died. Although he was not a good person, he was still generous and heroic.

He can barely be considered a man, but if you kill him, just kill him. Why do you care so much about him?

Tianyu didn't care in his heart.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Young Master Lin, for your help." Linghu Chong was stunned, subconsciously staring at Tianyu, and said with some difficulty.

"The noble sect has now arrived in Hengyang City. Liu Zhengfeng's golden basin washes his hands and dinner, and his master should also be there. You might as well go directly to the Liu Mansion to find them." Tianyu said calmly.

I like Linghu Chong very much, saying that he is bohemian, cheerful, bold and unrestrained.

He is also very annoying, he acts recklessly, has no heart, and is still a white-eyed wolf.

Whether it was hiding his adventure, or befriending Tian Boguang, or joining hands with Xiang Wentian, he had screwed everyone in Huashan Mountain.

Tianyu didn't care, because he wasn't the original Lin Pingzhi anyway.

In his eyes, Linghu Chong was just a tool, so there was no need to befriend him, and there was no need to stab him with a sword.

"Thank you, young man. Will you also come to the banquet tomorrow?"

"I think so. I have something else to do, so I won't go today."

In the original story, Linghu Chong was sitting and fighting, but was chopped half to death by Tian Boguang, and couldn't move at all.

Now he feels okay. Although he was stabbed a few times, it's just anemia at most, which doesn't affect his movements.

I guess Linghu Chong himself didn't take it seriously. After all, when you are in the martial arts world, you can't avoid being stabbed.

"Young man, don't forget your life-saving grace. I will definitely tell everyone that you killed Tian Boguang." Linghu Chong said seriously.

"Well, it's a little hard to convince people. Just drag his body over there as a proof."

This Linghu Chong is really sensible, Tianyu is somewhat satisfied.

If he is really a time traveler, he will of course choose to develop secretly and wait until he is invincible before taking action.

But this is a task of the Summoning Tower. If you fail to complete the main task, you will still lose money!

Facing the reputation task, if you can get as much as you can, and if you insist on maintaining your face and demeanor as a master, then you will be like Feng Qingyang, with no reputation and only a few people knowing your existence.

In nine out of ten cases, the main task will fail directly! That's when his brain was filled with water and he was vomiting blood.

Linghu Chong did what he said and asked the hotel owner for a small cart to put Tian Boguang's body in it.

These days, the government is too lazy to care about the revenge killings in the rivers and lakes, and no constable will come to investigate the murder.

But with a corpse standing there, there is no need to do business.

The hotel owner was at a loss by this sudden situation.

Seeing Linghu Chong take the plague god away, he was so moved that tears welled up in his eyes. Not only did he waive the money for the food and drinks, he also gave Linghu Chong a gourd of wine as labor fee.

So both sides were very satisfied.

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