Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 23 Killing Yu Canghai

"Old Third?"

"Third Senior Brother?"

Hong Renxiong and Luo Renjie rushed out when they heard something wrong.

Outside the door, a handsome young man with a smile on his face was standing among the corpses, holding a shiny long sword.

It looked familiar, and seemed to be the standard long sword of the Qingcheng Sect disciples.

And Yu Renhao lay motionless in front of the young man, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

"A group of four heroes?" Tianyu smiled and threw the ordinary long sword in his hand.

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar to provide you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

The long sword pierced Luo Renjie's heart like lightning, and with endless power, the long sword lifted his body and nailed it to the courtyard wall.

Hong Renxiong only reacted at this time, staring at Luo Renjie hanging on the wall with bulging eyes.

The young man on the opposite side had just thrown this sword, and he didn't react at all.

If the target is himself, then he is hanging on the wall! ! !

Thinking of this, Hong Renxiong's sword-holding hand trembled involuntarily, and the long gown on his back was soaked with cold sweat.

"This sword is better." Tianyu looked around, bent down and picked up the long sword in Yu Renhao's hand.

"Kill!" Hong Renxiong was shocked, unsheathed his long sword, and suddenly stabbed Tianyu in the back.

"Huh?" Tianyu raised his long sword, and a style of "Flute on the River" hit Hong Renxiong's wrist.

Hong Renxiong's long sword fell to the ground and he quickly retreated.

"Be careful!" The door outside the hall suddenly exploded, and a short Taoist flashed to Hong Renxiong's side and dragged him back.

The sword light flashed again in the air. Hong Renxiong screamed, and a stream of blood shot out from his chest and fell to the ground.


Yu Canghai jumped back to the door of the hall, looked at the body of Hong Renxiong in his hand, and his face was gloomy as if water was about to drip out.

He threw the body to the ground without hesitation, and with a clang, the long sword was unsheathed.

The moon was bright in the sky, and the moonlight and the sword light merged into one, swaying in front of him.

Although Yu Canghai still looked like a wretched dwarf, his aura was extraordinary.

"Who are you?" Yu Canghai held the sword in his hand, feeling relieved.

"The one who killed your son."

"You! Are you Lin Zhennan's son Lin Pingzhi?"

"Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward." Tianyu smiled.

"How can your swordsmanship be so strong? Who taught you?"

"If you want to fight, then fight. If you don't want to fight, kneel down and kowtow three times, and I will allow you to commit suicide."

"You little bastard is too much! My own child died at the hands of you little bastard. Even if you don't come to me, I will cut you into pieces!"

"It's a bit wrong to kill only your son. The family should be complete."

"Your son is alone down there, and he is probably bored. Fortunately, you have a deep father-son relationship, and you can meet in a while." Tianyu maintained Lin Pingzhi's personality and said elegantly.

"Bullshit!" Yu Canghai was furious, jumped up, and the sword light stabbed at Tianyu's face like a rainbow.

The extremely bright sword light burst out, dazzling people's eyes.

The self-castration version of the Exorcist Sword Technique involves internal force and light skills, which can add some wonderful changes to many moves of the Exorcist Sword Technique that are not very wonderful.

It was used in a thunderous and lightning-like manner, strange and unpredictable, making it impossible to defend against.

However, Tianyu's forced practice of the Sword Manual of Exorcism did not have so many strange changes.

The only thing was fast! It was dazzlingly fast!

One move "Flower Blooms to See Buddha" blocked Yu Canghai's sword move, and one move "Purple Air Coming from the East" twisted Yu Canghai's long sword away.

Another move "Straight to the Yellow Dragon" stabbed the long sword into Yu Canghai's throat.

The three moves added up to only about one second.

Even Yu Canghai could only see a flash of light, and then his throat hurt slightly, and the strength of his whole body quickly drained away.

"What a fast sword!"

Yu Canghai stared at Tianyu in a daze, then fell down with a bang, his pupils dilated rapidly, and he was obviously dead.

"This bonus is a bit scary! Is the strength of the bronze level so exaggerated?" Tianyu's eyes lit up slightly.

Then he dropped Yu Renhao's sword and drew Yu Canghai's sword and hung it on his body.

The sword body was as sharp as water, with two ancient seal characters "Longquan" engraved on it.

The real Longquan Sword, also known as Longyuan Sword, originated in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Legend has it that it was forged by two great sword masters, Ou Yezi and Gan Jiang.

But Yu Canghai obviously did not have the ability to get this legendary sword. It was most likely the Longquan Sword forged in Longquan Village, the hometown of swords.

Although it is not a divine weapon, it is also a good treasure, enough to match the identity of Yu Canghai as the leader of his sect.

"Master!" The disciples in the hall and the backyard realized that something was wrong at this time and gathered in a hurry.

Seeing Yu Canghai's body, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

"I killed your master and your brothers on the ground."

"You can choose to avenge them and then be killed by me. Or you can follow me to do things." Tianyu played with the long sword in his hand without raising his head.

He was short of a few coolies, so he didn't want to clear the place.

Of course, if this group of people really wanted to die, Tianyu didn't care.


Several disciples looked at each other, their faces were extremely ugly.

Rush forward and avenge the master?

Revenge for nothing!!!

Yu Canghai's martial arts were higher than theirs, but he was instantly defeated by this young man.

It would be useless if everyone attacked together.

Then surrender?

It seems like a good idea.

"I am Hou Renying, the eldest disciple of Qingcheng Sect. I am willing to lead the people of Qingcheng to obey the orders of the young hero and dare not disobey!"

After a moment, a man in white knelt down and said loudly.

"I am willing to follow the eldest brother to submit to the young hero!"

The remaining disciples of Qingcheng Sect breathed a sigh of relief, knelt down one after another, and shouted loudly.

The atmosphere was actually a bit warm.

Tianyu was very satisfied with this and took these people as his subordinates to help him run errands.

He tried hard to maintain Lin Pingzhi's personality to prevent Lin Pingzhi's personality from changing drastically after he left and being killed by others as if he had gone astray.

"There will be very few excellent summoners like me in the future!" Tianyu couldn't help but sighed with his hands behind his back.

Fuwei Escort Agency.

Chief Escort Lin Zhennan seemed to have aged ten years overnight. He stood blankly in the hall, and dried tears could be vaguely seen in the corners of his eyes.

He had just finished discussing with the escort leaders when he saw this scene.

The more than 20 escorts who were sent out to ask for reinforcements were all sent back in a miserable state.

Calculating the time, they were killed just after they went out. There are not many sects in the world that can be so powerful, and Qingcheng Sect is one of them.

Facing such a powerful enemy, Lin Zhennan also felt deeply powerless.

"What? You said. Ping'er also went out?" Mrs. Lin screamed in the courtyard.

"Yes, the young escort leader said that he had told the chief escort leader."

"It wasn't so scary at that time, and no one outside drew blood lines. We thought it wasn't so serious."

"What did you say?" Lin Zhennan was shocked and rushed to the courtyard.

"They said Ping'er went out in the evening. It's been two hours now, and he hasn't come back yet." Mrs. Lin's voice was faintly crying.

"Now. Not back yet?" Lin Zhennan trembled and smiled bitterly.

As parents, they certainly knew that this precious son had always been arrogant and deliberately avoided this topic all day.

I was afraid that he would be resentful and go out to challenge the enemy on his own, which would be extremely dangerous.

Unexpectedly, the most feared thing still happened.

Thinking that there were so many masters in the Qingcheng Sect, and the master Yu Canghai was still an unfathomable master, Lin Zhennan's heart suddenly sank.

"I want to find Ping'er!" Mrs. Lin also thought of this, and her mentality collapsed immediately.

"Don't go yet! The enemy's martial arts are superb. If Ping'er encounters him, it will definitely be difficult to escape."

"Now that I can't see him, it is most likely that the enemy has captured Ping'er and wants to lure us out of the hole and defeat us separately." Lin Zhennan calmed down, his voice a little hoarse.

"Wait, wait, you big head ghost! More than 20 people have died now. If we wait any longer, what if they kill Ping'er?" Mrs. Lin said angrily.


"Chief escort, escort lady! The young escort is back and is now outside the gate." At this moment, a escort hurriedly trotted in.

"You rebellious son, you still dare to run around at this time! Let him come in to see me quickly." Lin Zhennan was secretly happy, but his face suddenly darkened and he said angrily with a stern face.

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