Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 21 The World of Swordsman

Coming to the rooftop, looking at the towering stairs, Tianyu stepped onto the second step.

As before, when Tianyu stepped onto the first floor of the rooftop, many tasks came one after another and appeared in front of him.

He didn't look at these tasks much. Since he already had a goal, he naturally chose the task of Lin Pingzhi in the world of Swordsman without hesitation.

"The task selection is successful. The random plot world "Swordsman" will be entered in 5 minutes."

After the system prompt sounded, Tianyu appeared in the preparation room again.

It was still the same small house and the same life-size mirror. The only difference was that Tianyu had something prepared this time.

Before rushing to the rooftop, they had spent more than 1,000 points in the square to buy a black iron-level knife.

With the bronze-level skill of controlling the knife with qi, how could he not have a knife?

Tianyu directly chose this black iron knife, and then took it with him, quietly waiting to enter the world of Swordsman.

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Not long after, 5 minutes had passed, Tianyu's eyes went dark, and he disappeared into the preparation room.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in an exquisite wing room, surrounded by fragrance, with a pot of hot tea, smoke curling, and the fragrance of tea.

"Ding! Because Lin Pingzhi paid an extra price and chose the advent mode, the summoner of this mission will appear as Lin Pingzhi, the young escort leader of Fuwei Escort Agency!"

"Mainline mission: Get enough reputation. Note: At least equivalent to the reputation of a first-class master, the higher the reputation, the higher the completion rate!"

"Challenge mission: Defeat one of the top masters in this world. Note: Including but not limited to Dongfang Bubai, Feng Qingyang, Master Fangzheng, Ren Woxing, Taoist Chongxu, Zuo Lengchan."

"The maximum stay time for this mission is one month!"

"I didn't expect to encounter the advent mode so early, and it's a reputation mission!" Tianyu sighed.

I learned in school that in the mission world, sometimes the mission publisher will choose the advent mode, and the selector will descend into the world as the publisher himself.

And reputation missions are available in many mission worlds, which is considered a more difficult type of mission, which is still very difficult for Tianyu.

Although he used his own attribute values ​​and skills after the advent, instead of that rookie Lin Pingzhi, even his own strength is not that strong in the world of Smiling Proud Wanderer.

In this case, the top priority is to enhance his own strength.

Thinking of this, Tianyu's heart moved, and he strode out of the door. Now that the Lin family is still alive and well, there must be a set of evil-repelling sword manuals here!

As for the need to give up two taels of meat to practice this thing, Tianyu said it doesn't matter at all. After all, it is the advent mode. This body belongs to Lin Pingzhi, not him.

"Young escort leader, where are you going?"

"Young escort leader, the situation is critical now. The chief escort leader and several escort leaders are discussing and specifically told me not to go out!"

Seeing Tianyu going out, several escorts and porters quickly surrounded him.

"It's okay. I've told the chief escort leader that I'll go out for a while and come back in a while." Tianyu waved his hand and walked out without a care.

Although his strength is not strong in the world of Xiaoao Jianghu, he still has no pressure to deal with ordinary people.

As long as Dongfang Bubai or Feng Qingyang don't come in person, Tianyu can at least run away if he can't beat them. The bronze-level Qi-controlling sword is no joke.

Tianyu went out and turned east and west, and walked more than two miles.

On the side of a stone bridge, he turned into an alley. At the end of the alley was a large stone house with a black door and white room. The house was pitch black.

Xiangyang Lane, the old house of the Lin family.

Tianyu was familiar with the route, and he walked towards the Buddhist temple in the northwest corner with a shake of his body.

There is an ink painting hanging in the Buddhist hall, which depicts the back of Bodhidharma, and describes his nine years of facing the wall.

There is a very old cushion on the west side, with a wooden fish on the table and a stack of Buddhist scriptures. This is where Lin Yuantu lived alone in his old age.

Imagine a hero who is famous in the world, with gray hair, sitting in this gloomy Buddhist hall, knocking on the fish and chanting scriptures until he dies of old age. His mood is probably lonely and desolate.

In the original work, there are a total of 4 people who have really practiced the Sword of Exorcism and its source, the Sunflower Manual, namely Lin Yuantu, Dongfang Bubai, Yue Buqun and Lin Pingzhi.

After Dongfang Bubai and Lin Pingzhi castrated themselves, their personalities changed significantly.

However, Lin Yuantu, who also practiced the Sword of Exorcism, is described as quite heroic.

Yue Buqun just lost his beard and his voice became sharper, without any gay air.

Obviously, castration will cause some physiological changes, but it does not necessarily lead to psychological changes.

Of course, Tianyu was too lazy to explore these things at this time. He bowed to the portrait of Bodhidharma from a distance, which was considered to be a worship of Bodhidharma and also a tribute to Lin Yuantu.

Then, he flew up in the direction pointed by Bodhidharma's right hand and smashed the roof with one palm.

Mud, sand and dust fell down, and a moment later, a ball of red floated down from the hole in the roof. It was a monk's cassock, and countless small characters were densely written on the cassock.

"Ding! Obtain the hidden item Exorcism Sword Technique. The selector can learn it directly at any time, but it cannot generate internal force!"

"If you want to generate internal force, you must first castrate yourself!"

"Self-castration, your sister?" Tianyu's cheeks twitched a few times, and his face became ugly.

This martial arts obviously has bad intentions, and it keeps saying self-castration. It is impossible to castrate oneself.

Although I thought that this body belonged to Lin Pingzhi before, I could accept it no matter what, but when I really faced this step, Tianyu still couldn't bear it.

No matter who the body belongs to, at least in this month, it is Tianyu's own body.

In this case, just learn the evil-repelling sword technique directly. It doesn't matter whether you have internal strength or not. Let Lin Pingzhi choose it himself in the future.

Anyway, I am using my own physical attributes now, and the attributes of 54 points are enough to compete with martial arts masters.

"Ding! Congratulations to the chosen one for learning the Sword of Evil Repelling. The Sword of Evil Repelling will automatically upgrade to the full level of strength, and the physical strength and spirit will increase by 15 points. The skill of Meteor Chasing the Moon will be obtained!"

"Meteor Chasing the Moon: When performing the Sword of Evil Repelling, the speed of the moves will increase by 200%!"

It seems to be okay. Although the internal strength has not been cultivated, this attribute has indeed increased, and there is also an additional skill of Meteor Chasing the Moon.

In general, the power has been reduced, but at least the self-castration item has been omitted.

As for whether Lin Pingzhi can still have such a strong strength after he leaves, with his weak physical fitness, it has nothing to do with Tianyu.

If you really can't stand the weak strength, then close your eyes and everything. It won't take long before you can surpass the period of your arrival.

Now Tianyu is a little envious of the publisher. With the help of the selected space, he learned the skills so easily.

After he leaves, Lin Pingzhi will still be able to master these skills and they will not disappear.

On the contrary, what he learned in this world will automatically disappear after he leaves.

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