"Made! It's really a day and night defense. It's hard to guard against domestic thieves. I've long suspected that there was something wrong with him, but I didn't expect that it was really him who did it. Chen Si.ling looked at the evidence and then listened to Li Xianglan's story, and he became furious.

But he quickly calmed down, "You are from the Southern Army Intelligence Department, why do you do this?"

Of course Chen Si Ling was referring to why Tianyu and the others betrayed the Golden Gunman and came to help them.

"Tell me! What do you want?"

"We don't want anything!" Tianyu shook his head, and then said, "I just have a small thing that I would like to ask Chen Si Ling for help with."

Tianyu then told Li Xiangqin what he had done to make amends. This was what Tianyu had promised Li Xiangqin, and since he had promised, he must keep his word.

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"that's all?"

"That's it! If you really want to say why? It is that I hope my motherland will get better and better. Such garbage should not live in this world."

When Tianyu said these words, everyone looked at Tianyu differently, with a hint of admiration.

Especially Ling Lingqi, who felt that she was right to hand over the skills to Tianyu.

"Okay! Very good!" Chen Si Ling laughed loudly and patted Tianyu on the shoulder, with admiration in his eyes.

"I will report to Kyoto now to arrest this scum!" Chen Si Ling did not waste any time and immediately reported the matter to Kyoto.

Due to the solid evidence, the arrest warrant was quickly approved and was given full responsibility to Chen Si Ling.

Seeing this, Tianyu's face was full of smiles, knowing that the matter was done, and it was only about 8 hours before Tianyu came here.

After the discussion, everyone quickly took action. First, Chen Si.ling made a call to confirm that the Golden Gunman was in the base, and then everyone headed straight to the base.

With Li Xiangqin as an internal agent, everyone quickly entered the base.

"No, wait a minute!" Looking at the dark and quiet office building in front of him, Tianyu stopped everyone.

"What's wrong?" At this time, everyone looked at Tianyu and asked with some doubts.

"Let them go in first, and we'll wait a moment!" Tianyu said, and then motioned to Aimi to ask other intelligence officers to go in and explore the road first.

This time, not only Tianyu and a few people came to the base to arrest the Golden Gunman, but also some intelligence personnel from the Northern Army. There were more than forty people in total.

Let Chen Si.ling take these people with him, naturally to prevent any accidents from happening.

"Quack! There's no such trouble, just rush in." Da Gangya stood up directly, and then strode towards the office building.

And more than thirty intelligence officers behind him also followed Da Gangya.

"Bang!" A gunshot was heard, followed by a scream.

Then violent gunfire rang out throughout the office building, and a melee began.

"How could there be an ambush? Could it be you?" The Goddess of Beauty's expression changed and she directly aimed the gun at Li Xiangqin.

She did not doubt Tianyu, and if Tianyu wanted to trick them, she would not tell them to stop.

"Miss Aimei, please calm down and be careful of taking away the fire!" Ling Lingqi was a little nervous.

"I didn't!" Li Xianglan was really aggrieved. She really didn't report the news, and she didn't know why this happened.

"It's not her!" Tianyu said, and then secretly said that it was true.

The Man with the Golden Gun could become the commander-in-chief of the Confederate Army. Naturally, he was not a simple person. He never believed in Li Xiangqin from the beginning to the end.

After all, Li Xiangqin is just a chess piece in his hand, a killing knife.

It was probably the time when Li Xiangqin disappeared that made him realize something was wrong.

And the phone call Chen Si.ling gave him aroused his suspicion.

"Bang!" The originally dark building suddenly lit up.

"Let's go! Fight in." Tianyu's face was filled with murderous intent.

"Chen Sir. Ling, I'll leave the outside to you, and leave the Golden Gunman inside to us." The loud gunfire naturally triggered the entire base.

The alarm began to sound, and the troops in the entire base began to gather here. Only Chen Si Ling could stabilize these people.

"No problem, just be careful." Chen Si Ling responded.

"Yeah!" Tianyu stood up and walked towards the building. At the same time, two pistols appeared in Tianyu's hands.

Behind them, Aimeishen, Ling Lingqi, and Li Xiangqin also picked up pistols.

Of course, what Ling Lingqi was holding was a flying knife. This guy was a genius at practicing swordsmanship, but his marksmanship was a mess.

Even if you stand in front of him, he can't hit you with his gun. It's not an exaggeration to call him an idiot with a gun.

The battle in the office building was extremely fierce, with nearly a hundred people from both sides fighting fiercely, but generally speaking, the side of the Golden Gun held the advantage.

First, due to the number of people, the Golden Gunmen were twice as many as Da Gang Ya and the others; second, there was the difference in weapons. The Golden Gunmen had heavy weapons.

Several machine guns fired down, and only half of the thirty or so people who originally entered Dagang Ya were left in a matter of seconds.

But the situation soon reversed.

"Bang!" The window exploded.

Tianyu rushed in from the side window with the goddess of beauty, fired quickly with both hands, and instantly put six machine gunners down.

Although Tianyu didn't have any marksmanship skills, the distance was only three to five meters and the opponent was still motionless. It was strange that he couldn't hit him due to his physical condition.

On the other side, Ling Lingqi also led Li Xiangqin to kill. The flying knife in Ling Lingqi's hand kept shooting out, and he also harvested four or five people in a short time.

Although the marksmanship of Aimee and Li Xiangqin was also very good, it was not much beyond the scope of ordinary people, so the two were much inferior.

In just a few breaths, the other side directly suffered more than a dozen casualties.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The sound of gunfire continued, and the cold light of flying knives flashed, harvesting lives one by one.

Every gunshot took away a head of the other side; every flying knife flashed and pierced the enemy's neck.

After just a dozen breaths, the battle in the room stopped.

It was not that Tianyu and others killed all the other side, but that the remaining people were scared and ran away.

In the final analysis, these people who could follow the Golden Gun were all greedy and cherished their lives. How could these people really work for someone?

Seeing Tianyu and Linglingqi harvesting each other's lives like the god of death, a group of people were shocked.

"It's really amazing!" The dirty and dusty big steel teeth widened his eyes and swore.

The same was true for Aimee and Li Xiangqin, who were so surprised that they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

The previous performances of Tianyu and Linglingqi can only be described as wonderful.

They felt that they were just here to make soy sauce and had no place to use their skills.

"Let's go! Only the Golden Gunman is left." Tianyu said lightly.

The Golden Gunman was very cunning. When Tianyu and the others appeared, he ran away when he saw that the situation was not good. This was also the main reason why others did not resist.

The real boss ran away, so why did they resist!

At this time, Tianyu looked very calm on the surface, but in fact, his stomach had already turned upside down.

This was his first time killing someone, and he was not a pervert, so how could he not react at all.

"I know where he is, follow me." At this time, Li Xiangqin stood up and went upstairs.

Ling Lingqi, Da Gangya, and Ai Meishen followed closely with murderous looks on their faces.

"Wow!" Walking up the stairs, looking at the corpses on the ground, Tianyu finally couldn't help vomiting.

"First time killing someone?" Ai Meishen, who was lagging behind, heard the noise behind and stopped.

Then he turned around and looked at Tianyu with a smile, "It's okay, you'll get used to it after vomiting."

Tianyu ignored Ai Meishen and adjusted his breathing and uncomfortable emotions as quickly as possible.

"Can you do it? Big Gun God, do you need a little help from me?"

Tianyu rolled his eyes at Ai Meishen. "Can I do it? Let's try it tonight and we'll know."

Ai Meishen was stunned at first, then understood what Tianyu said, and a blush flashed across her face.

But when it comes to driving, she is not inferior to Tianyu, the old driver, and said with a smile; "Okay, I'm afraid you can't handle it at night!"

Tianyu was too lazy to talk nonsense with this woman, and quickly adjusted himself and went upstairs.

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