Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 116 One Piece World Mission

Although Tianyu had some guesses about what happened later, he was not completely clear, because when those things happened, he had already entered the Summoning Space.

The devastating power before really stimulated him.

Based on his current performance, there are countless people in the world who want his life. He originally thought that he could barely protect himself, but now it seems that it was just his delusion.

With the devastating power before, if there was no protection from the Extraordinary Group and Dragon Country, I am afraid he would have died in the wilderness long ago, and there might not even be a body left.

"Power, you must have enough power to protect yourself!" Tianyu clenched his fists, his heart fluctuating.

After entering the Summoning Space, Tianyu rarely found that there were not many people today. They should have been attracted by the attack on the Extraordinary Group.

However, these things had nothing to do with Tianyu, and he did not delay too much. He went directly to the Sky Platform and stepped onto the sixth floor.

After experiencing this incident, Tianyu abandoned all ideas and only wanted to become stronger as soon as possible.

This world is different from what he understands. There are too many hidden strong men. If he cannot become strong enough, his life is in his control.

Now the extraordinary team can still protect themselves, but when he has been evaluated as a super god at the SSS level for ten or twenty times, a hidden super strong man suddenly pops up. Can the extraordinary team still protect themselves? Tianyu expressed doubts.

As soon as he stepped onto the rooftop, one task after another appeared in front of him. This time Tianyu did not choose randomly, but observed carefully.

"The mission of "Tianlong Babu", issued by Qiao Feng, the mission is to save Zhu'er; the mission of "Avengers", issued by Thor, the mission is to help Thor pick up Thor's hammer; the mission of "One Piece", issued by Nefertari Weiwei, the mission is to help Alabasta eliminate Crocodile and restore Alabasta to normal."

Looking at them one by one, Tianyu made a decision and clicked on the mission of "One Piece".

Under the current circumstances, the tasks he chose are the ones that require the shortest time. Only by passing the most levels at the fastest speed can he become stronger faster.

"Learn from Tianyu and accept the task of Nefertari Weiwei in the One Piece world. Enter in ten seconds, 10, 9, 83, 2, 1"

The next moment, Tianyu's eyes went dark and his body disappeared. He was already familiar with this situation, so he didn't panic at all. After the light came again in front of him, Tianyu opened his eyes.

"Is it so unlucky? I actually fell into the desert?"

After looking at the surrounding environment, Tianyu covered his forehead helplessly. At this moment, he was in the desert of Alabasta, with no village in front and no shop behind, and he didn't know where to go or where the direction was. It was simply!

In the animation, the protagonist group naturally walked in the desert, but Tianyu had no way to judge the direction based on the one-sided picture.

So, at this moment, he can be said to be lost.

"Tsk, it seems that I can only choose a direction and keep going. I will always meet people, and I can ask them clearly at that time."

With a helpless sigh, Tianyu looked at the sun in the sky and decided to move in the direction of the sun. He would go wherever he went and ask for directions after seeing people, and then go to the palace or the rainy land.

Perhaps for other people, after accepting this task, they must find Weiwei to understand the situation before they can find a way to complete the task.

But for Tianyu, it is not necessary, because he knows all the plots and the crisis that Alabasta is facing now.

As long as he eliminates Crocodile and deals with Kosha, Alabasta will naturally return to peace.

At that time, even if he does not see the person who issued the task, he can complete the task, so whether he can find Weiwei or not will not have much impact on him.

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