Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 11 Official Warning

At noon, after the school bell rang, the students went to the school cafeteria in twos and threes.


A fat man sitting in the back row next to Tianyu patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go, I'll treat you to my brother at noon! Let's have a big meal outside the school!"

This little fat man's name is Zhao Qiang. He is one of Tianyu's few friends. He has a pretty good family and often helps Tianyu.

"My brother Qiang is suddenly so wealthy. It seems like something good has happened!" Tianyu said with a smile.

"Hehehe, of course, I am Brother Qiang!" Fatty smiled proudly and deliberately said loudly: "I completed a selection mission last night and received a C-level evaluation!"

Tianyu smiled and understood that the other party was here to show off, and immediately agreed: "As expected of my strong brother, he is awesome! Which world is this recruitment mission for?"

Zhao Qiang gave Tianyu a look like a good brother, glanced secretly at the eavesdropping classmates around him, and said with a posture of being overwhelmed by the high position, "Ahem, he's not a powerful person, he just spent a little more money in "The Richest Tomato Man" It’s just money!”

Seeing Zhao Qiang deliberately raising his voice, Tianyu secretly laughed in his heart.

If a C-level evaluation makes you so proud, then am I, the SSS evaluation winner, going to be promoted?

Hearing the classmates around him begin to whisper, Zhao Qiang's vanity was greatly satisfied.

"Let's go eat." After pretending to help his little friend, Tianyu was too lazy to continue playing.

Tianyu can guess some of the tasks in "The Richest Tomato Man". It is nothing more than helping Wang Duoyu spend money. The hidden task should be to help him pass the test and inherit the family property.

This level of difficulty is not as high as that of "Detective Chinatown 1". Tianyu has no interest in it. After all, the rewards are directly proportional to the difficulty.

Not long after, the two of them arrived at a restaurant called Tingyuxuan and found a seat to sit down.

Tingyuxuan is the most upscale hotel around. Ordinary students would never come here to spend money. Zhao Qiang chose this place to lose money.

"Brother, after I get home from school today, I will send you the strategy for "The Richest Tomato". There are a lot of rewards for a C-level rating!" The fat boy Zhao Qiang patted his chest boldly.

Tianyu shook his head, "No, I'm not interested in tasks in this world. You sit down first while I go to the bathroom."

"Okay, come back quickly." Zhao Qiang took out his mobile phone and began to act like a qualified bow-head.

Tianyu had just walked to the corner of the corridor when he suddenly bumped into a petite lady and knocked her phone to the ground.

"I'm sorry, right? I was on the phone just now and didn't see you." The girl apologized repeatedly.

Tianyu handed the phone to the other party on the ground and said with a smile: "It's okay."

When the girl walked away, Tianyu heard the other party's call.

"Dad, when can you come back? I have to trade tonight, and the gold bars must be prepared in advance. Um, yes. No need to bring them, I have already eaten with my classmates. Also, 20 million gold bars may not be enough, I We have to bear half of the handling fee, which is about 23.5 million. Okay, then I'll wait for you at school."

Tianyu's heart moved when he heard the girl's call. Then he pretended not to hear anything and walked into the bathroom naturally.

Mo Sixuan!

The girl he bumped into just now is the school beauty Mo Sixuan!

And listening to the content of the conversation, it was obvious that the person he was dealing with was the other party.

But who would have thought that the school beauty would actually look like a fat man in the recruitment space? Isn’t it said that women all love beauty?

Moreover, gender cannot be changed in the recruitment space. How did the other party do it?

After thinking about it carefully, Tianyu's face darkened.

When I was in the selection space, the other party was a fat woman, but she wore male clothes and used a male voice!

In Tianyu's memory, the other party did not have an Adam's apple at that time.

"I thought it was because I was so fat that I couldn't see my Adam's apple. Is this the unique hobby of a rich and beautiful person? It's really scary!"

Return to the table.

Tianyu asked: "Fat man, how much do you know about Mo Sixuan?"

Hearing this, Zhao Qiang was stunned, raised his head in surprise, then looked at Tianyu with evil intentions, shook his head and smiled: "What's the matter? Do you still want to attract the attention of the school belle Mo? I advise you to give up! Last time there was This guy brought a team of supercars to express his love to the school beauty Mo, but she was ruthlessly rejected by the school beauty. Do you think you have a chance? "

Tianyu was speechless and said: "I didn't catch her attention, I just wanted to ask you, is her family very rich?"

"No, you don't even know who the school beauty is, and you want to pursue her? She is the daughter of a rich man. Does the city's largest real estate developer know? Chairman Mo Chenggong is her father."

When Zhao Qiang said this, he advised earnestly: "Tianyu, it's a good thing to have a vision, but if you know it's impossible, you still want to fly into the flames. That's irrational. Listen to my advice and change your goal!"

"Okay, okay, it's all up to you."

Tianyu didn't bother to explain, so he stood up and said, "Just leave when you're full!"

"Wait a minute, I'll pay for it. I'll pay for it as promised. Don't argue with me!"

"No one can compete with you!"

"Damn, will you die if you're polite?"

After lunch, the two came to school and started a normal student's daily routine - going to class!

However, Tianyu didn't pay any attention to the lecture.

At this moment, he was already thinking about what tasks he should complete tonight.

He has a "copy cooldown refresh card", so he doesn't need to wait for a month. He can refresh the copy immediately after using it.

After thinking for a whole afternoon, Tianyu decided to go to the "rooftop" tonight!

He grew too slowly in the secular area, and there was nothing good in the rewards except the selection points.

The rooftop is the most dangerous place in the selection space.

Although I don't know how many floors there are, each floor is a terrifying world full of dangers! !

Moreover, in the selection tasks in the rooftop, if the tasks issued by the selection system are not completed, they will be directly erased, that is, death.

It can be said that you must be prepared to die in the rooftop!

For others, the rooftop is almost a life-and-death struggle! !

But for Tianyu, it is not necessarily.

Because he knows the plot! !

This is Tianyu's biggest advantage.

When the bell rang, Tianyu rejected Zhao Qiang's invitation to go to the Internet cafe and returned home directly.

Tianyu made some food for himself, then returned to the room, turned on the computer, and logged into the selection forum.

Until now, the legend about "Tianyu" is still circulating in the Summoning Forum.

Even those who want to buy the guide of "Detective Chinatown" have already raised the price to 70 million.

Seeing such a price, Tianyu was not tempted. It is safest to stop while you are ahead.

Then, Tianyu stopped paying attention to these and began to look for some information about the Sky Terrace.

As the largest Summoning Space Forum in China, there is certainly a lot of information related to the Sky Terrace in the Summoning Forum.

Even the official has issued an authoritative reminder.

Tianyu, with a curious attitude, clicked on the official reminder.

"Warning: About the Sky Terrace, this is an extremely dangerous place, and it is easy to die!"

"In the Sky Terrace, there is a great possibility of encountering a life-and-death crisis, which may come from the Summoner or the Summoner's mission."

"The most important thing is that whether you are alive or not, when you fail your mission, the Summoning Space will automatically wipe out the loser!!!"

A series of blood-red words appeared on the top, which made people tremble with fear.

But it doesn't matter to Tianyu at all. Although his strength is not strong, he knows the plot!

If he can still fail the mission after the spoilers in advance, he deserves to die!

With the memories in his mind, Tianyu is confident that he can pass the level smoothly, and the evaluation will not be low.

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