Walking at the end of the formation was a beautiful woman in white clothes, holding two swords, shuttling back and forth in the crowd like a dancing butterfly.

Xiaolongnu now practices the Nine Yin Manual, and her martial arts have made great progress. In addition, she has learned the art of fighting with both hands, Quanzhen swordsmanship in the left hand, and Jade Girl swordsmanship in the right hand, which is extremely powerful, and she has become a quasi-five-master master!

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Once she encounters a tough nail house, Xiaolongnu will take action, and often the opponent's eyes will blur, and his body and head will be separated!

"Why is the enemy coming under our noses? Where are the few 10,000-man troops next to us?" Kublai Khan shouted angrily.

"Report to the four kings, the Han people have set up four battle formations at the four corners, like millstones, and they are changing the formations back and forth. They can't rush through for a while."

"Guo Jing is leading tens of thousands of troops in front of us, and the offensive is extremely fierce. He is simply willing to pay any price! Several generals have been pinned down by him, and it is expected to take half an hour to break through."

"Good-for-nothings! They are all good-for-nothings!" Kublai Khan was furious.

"I know my crime." The soldier who was reporting the news knelt down trembling.

"I said they are good-for-nothings, what the hell do you care?" Kublai Khan's face sank.

After all, his personal guards have tens of thousands of people, but they were actually penetrated by hundreds of people. It's really embarrassing.

"That Taoist doesn't seem to be simple. Even I can't see through his strength!"

Beside Kublai Khan, the Blood Knife Patriarch was wearing a blood-colored monk's robe and showed a puzzled look.

After becoming the Mongolian military advisor, Blood Knife Patriarch went to war with the army for merit. He was extremely skilled in martial arts and cunning, so he was highly valued by Kublai Khan.

"Who is that man?"

Kublai Khan was proficient in the way of the battlefield and had already discovered something was wrong, so he asked.

"Four kings, that man is wearing a Taoist robe and is so young. If I am not mistaken, this is the leader of Quanzhen Sect, Zhao Zhijing." A Hu man with a high nose, deep hair and yellow beard said.

This man is called Yikesi, a Persian merchant who focuses on jewelry.

He, Xiaoxiangzi and Nimoxing are all extraordinary in martial arts, have unique skills, and are insidious and cunning.

After joining Mongolia, Kublai Khan also treated them very highly, second only to the new national teacher Blood Knife Patriarch.

"It turned out to be him. He is really amazing. No wonder King Jinlun died in his hands."

The Blood Knife Patriarch was slightly stunned, and gently flicked the blood knife on his waist, making a series of knife sounds, like a ghost crying.

"This king has also heard of this person. I heard that he is the current leader of Quanzhen. No one dares to disobey his orders to the Taoist sect. His reputation is very high?"

"That's right!"

"If this person died in battle, the morale of the Han people defending Xiangyang would be greatly dampened, right?" Kublai Khan thought about it, and suddenly his heart moved.

"Yes, this person is famous all over the world. If he died, the soldiers of the Southern Song Dynasty might be better, but the Quanzhen Sect and those people in the world would definitely collapse without a fight!" Xiaoxiangzi replied respectfully.

"If this person rushes to this king, can you all join forces to kill him here?" Kublai Khan thought for a moment, suddenly sneered, and his expression was extremely arrogant.

"I think this is a foolproof plan!" The Blood Knife Patriarch was silent for a moment, then nodded gently.

Based on the strength shown by the other party, they should still be able to deal with it.

"Fourth King, are you thinking..."

"Yes, I will use my body as bait to lure this man to death!" Kublai Khan sneered.

"Absolutely not, the Four Kings are the sons of a rich family, and they will not sit in the hall, so why bother to compete with such people in the world!" The two eunuchs hurriedly persuaded.

"No need to say more, my Mongolian men have always valued heroes the most. If he can rush to me, it doesn't matter if I give him a chance!" Kublai Khan was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

This is interesting, conquering cities and territories all the way, unstoppable, and there is no sense of accomplishment at all.

Kublai Khan suddenly felt a long-lost excitement, probably this is the refreshing feeling of fighting wits and courage, and defeating all the heroes in the world!

Thinking of this, Kublai Khan's whole body trembled with excitement, and he couldn't wait.

"As peerless heroes, the four kings are naturally invincible. The fact that the Taoist died at the hands of the four kings is also due to the merits of his ancestors!" Yikexi rolled his eyes and immediately flattered them.

His martial arts were slightly inferior to Xiaoxiangzi and Nimoxing, but he seemed to be more appreciated by Kublai Khan, which was naturally due to his eloquence.


Kublai Khan raised his strong wine, drank it all, and laughed at the sky. There seemed to be a flash of disdain in his eyes, and then it disappeared quickly.

On the other side, Tianyu attacked with all his strength, and the lightning-fast momentum was as fast as lightning.

The Mongolian army had more than 100,000 soldiers stationed under the city, but Tianyu could break through the city with a sword.

In an instant, he was surrounded by enemies, and there were no less than thousands of them.

Although these personal soldiers are not warriors, they are all loyal to Kublai Khan, full of energy and courage!

In terms of the combat effectiveness of the army, these Mongolian soldiers can easily beat up Akechi Mitsuhide's soldiers! Even a random team of one or two thousand people can beat Akechi Mitsuhide's army of ten thousand people to lose their armor and weapons!

Tianyu's terrifying deterrent power, like a killing god, seems to have no effect when facing these people.

The other party came with the determination to die, and they are not afraid of death at all!

After charging forward for another mile, Kublai Khan's death guards risked their lives to resist, and the soldiers holding halberds rushed forward to block Wang Jia.

"We can't rush through!"

"Zhi Jing, come back first, and make a long-term plan!"

Qiu Chuji and Wang Chuyi and others charged several times, but were intercepted. Seeing Tianyu going forward alone, they hurriedly shouted to Tianyu.

Although the Quanzhen Sect members were brave and vying for the lead, they were gradually controlled by the army formation and could not advance an inch.

In fact, under normal circumstances, these hundreds of people who provoked Kublai Khan's army should have been left with nothing.

But Tianyu's performance in the front was too outstanding, and with the support of Xiaolongnu, killing people was like cutting vegetables, and the Divine Eagle was also extremely brave, so they could barely hold on until now.

But even so, now about 30% of them have been lost, and they can only stay where they are and tie up the enemy.

The inner circle of the dog-beating stick technique and the outer circle of the Tiangang Big Dipper formation were both deployed at the same time, with the shadows of the sticks crisscrossing and the swords flashing, and they could barely hold on.

"You stay where you are. After I kill Kublai Khan, I will come to join you!" He used his internal strength and said in a voice transmission.

In front of him, hundreds of personal soldiers and generals came out with spears, which seemed to be an extremely powerful formation. Everyone's eyes were shining, and they were not afraid of Tianyu's terror at all.

"Are they all warriors? Not bad!"

Tianyu took a deep breath and rushed into the crowd. Several long spears stabbed Tianyu and broke all of them instantly.

He didn't care what kind of changes and killing moves this formation had, and he squeezed in directly. The extremely dense formation was immediately rushed out with a big hole.

Tianyu waved his heavy sword, and the armor of more than ten Mongolian soldiers in front of him was broken and bleeding.


Although Qiu Chuji and others were used to Tianyu's bravery, they couldn't help shrinking their necks and were a little scared when they saw this scene.

The swordsmanship of the Quanzhen Sect emphasizes subtle changes, stability and solemnity, but in Tianyu's hands, it becomes open and closed, dominating the world!

A Taoist priest felt very awkward, but couldn't say what was wrong with Tianyu.

It's the same swordsmanship, which is extremely powerful in the hands of others, but as humble as a chicken in his own hands. It must be his own problem.

More than a dozen martial arts masters stood behind the formation, each with a heavy breath and extraordinary skills.

"Good martial arts!"

Seeing Tianyu breaking in alone, hundreds of shield-bearing warriors hurriedly gathered, and the huge shields fell to the ground, turning into a huge shield wall.

Behind the shield wall, a burly man wearing a handsome robe and holding an exquisite bronze wine jar came.

As he spoke, the man waved his hand gently, and the group of spearmen just now surrounded Tianyu, forming a huge circle, ready to go.

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