"Don't go, don't go! You will die, you will really die."

The fat doll cried out in horror, hugged the copper-horn doll's leg, and would not let him pass.

"Go away!"

The copper-horned doll kicked the fat doll over with one foot, frowning and looking at Li Xuan carefully.

The fat doll was so anxious to stop it, which also made the copper-horn doll suspicious.

"Could it be that this mouse is really in some danger? Forget it, let's take a look with my true vision ability."

The copper-horned doll was a little more cautious, and quickly turned on the ability of true vision.

This is also the unique ability of true vision that he acquired after he had horns, which can see through false invisibility and other means, which is a very practical skill.

In the past battles, the ability of true vision helped him see through many falsehoods, and it was one of his most confident abilities

Therefore, he trusted this ability very much. After turning on the True Vision ability, he looked at Li Xuan carefully, and found that this was an ordinary speed mouse, and his level was only ordinary intermediate.

Such a weak summoned beast could be pinched to death with a single finger, so he continued on with a sneer.

"Master, stop, you will really die, really."

"Dead? It's ridiculous, it's just an ordinary speed rat, just because it wants to kill me?" The copper-horned doll sneered again and again, not worried at all.

"You will really die. That mouse is really not easy, really."

The fat doll shouted hurriedly, struggling to stop it, but was stopped by a sturdy fel doll.

"You idiot, the young master is bronze, you don't understand the difference between bronze and black iron, so what if your captain dies?

They are only black iron, and there is a huge gap in strength between them and the young master. "The strong fel doll sneered.

"That's right, you two are useless, don't get in the way with your own trash, or I'll crush you to death." Another black iron level said coldly.

"But, it's really dangerous." The fat doll still shouted hysterically, like killing a pig.

This kind of shouting made the copper horn doll very irritable, and couldn't help but say coldly, "Ignorance, today I will show you how strong I am and what I really can do."

After the Bronze Horn Doll finished speaking, he walked towards Li Xuan under the awe-inspiring eyes of his subordinates.

In order to show their extraordinary, in order to show their strength.

He liberated most of his abilities, his hands became more and more sharp, more and more hideous, and finally turned into sharp claws.

After such sharp claws appeared, terrifying power rippled within him, making him even more confident. When he approached Li Xuan, he shouted condescendingly.

"Little dwarf, you are very lucky, because you are fortunate to see the strength of the bronze level, what is the gap when you see it, feel the gap in strength, die!"

Boom boom boom!

There was a loud roar, the ground trembled, and a strong wind howled.

The copper-horned doll, who had just finished speaking, was suddenly lifted up by Li Xuan, like smashing a dog to death.

The small figure holding the doll with copper horns, the violent scene of smashing everywhere.

The fel dolls in the distance widened their eyes, watching this terrifying scene in horror.

"My mother, what's going on? This little mouse is actually smashing the young master?"

"How is that possible? The breath is obviously ordinary, why did it suddenly become so terrifying?"

A few fel dolls spoke in horror, looking at Li Xuan in disbelief, watching him smash the copper-horn doll up and down.

Such scenes, such incredible pictures, scared the fel dolls into fear, and they didn't dare to move around.


There was another loud noise, and after the loud noise, the fel energy doll that was smashed madly finally lay on the ground, and finally was not smashed.


The copper-horned doll lying on the ground was not happy, but stared blankly at the sky, motionless like a dead man, with a faint sadness in his eyes.


Where he was, there was a sharp, stick-like stone, and the stone stuck right on his buttocks, causing him to feel the pain of the tear.

Feeling the severe pain on the buttocks, the copper-horned doll cried, tears rushing, and the heart-piercing cry made people want to laugh.

"Shut up! Cry again and continue smashing." Li Xuan said irritably

"Don't, don't, I'll shut up, I'll shut up."

The copper-horned doll hurriedly stopped crying and looked at the little mouse beside him in horror. Even if his whole body was in great pain, he didn't dare to make a sound.

At this moment, he no longer has the high-spirited spirit he had before, nor the dismissive he had just now. All he has is fear and fear.

"What is the purpose of your coming here? Tell me all the relevant information about District 99, District 98, and District 100. Immediately."

Li Xuan asked in a cold voice, his little neck twisted and made a rattling noise.

"Yes Yes!"

The Bronze Horned Doll hurriedly started to tell the story, telling all the important information she knew, and did not dare to hide any information at all.

after an hour.

Li Xuan, who had received a lot of information, frowned, thinking about how to deal with these fel dolls, whether to cut the weeds and eradicate them.

"Rat... Lord Rat, wait, I have some materials here, the value is not bad, please accept them." The doll with copper horns worried.

He saw that Li Xuan was motivated to kill, and he was afraid in his heart, so he immediately took out something and prayed for his life.

"What, let me see." Li Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"It's all... it's all here."

The copper horn doll endured the severe pain all over her body and struggled to sit up from the ground, and she felt extreme pain in her buttocks.

But he didn't dare to cry out in pain, so he could only carefully take out a small scroll from his pocket.


The small scroll was rippling, and more than a dozen kinds of colorful materials were released from the scroll.


Li Xuan raised his brows and saw the materials to improve the fireball's ability. Although he could only upgrade the fireball to an advanced level, it was also a good thing.

Li Xuan waved his hand impolitely, took away the materials, then turned around and left~www.wuxiamtl.com~ without any hesitation.


Seeing Li Xuan leave, the copper-horned doll finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had escaped the catastrophe.

But the severe pain all over his body, as well as the burning pain in his butt, made him turn his head and look at Li Xuan's back grimly.

And he swore in his heart that when he returned, he would find a master and smash Li Xuan's corpse into ten thousand pieces.


Li Xuan, who was walking away, suddenly stopped and turned to look at the copper-horned doll, "As expected, there is no temptation. Forget it, let's send you a firework."

Li Xuan smiled slightly, his claws suddenly merged, and his body suddenly began to swell.


The terrifying explosion swept across the four directions, sweeping across a large area with vast power.

The copper-horned doll didn't even act to resist, and was instantly drowned by the terrifying fireball, leaving no bones.

Fortunately, Li Xuan didn't get bigger, and the explosion range wasn't particularly scary, but even so, it still left a big hole on the ground.

Looking at this terrifying pit, I discovered the bad fat doll through a sense of crisis, and escaped with the cowardly doll in advance, so I survived by luck.

But except for the two of them, all the remaining fel dolls died, and they dissipated without even screaming.

"It's too terrifying. The Peacock District is a disaster place. In the future, I will never come here again."

The cowardly doll cried and ran into the distance in embarrassment, swearing that she would never come back in this life.

"Yeah, this is definitely a forbidden place. Any creature is so terrifying. I won't come back, and I won't come back if I kill it."

The fat doll ran after him, running into the distance like a wild boar.

【Ding! You are dead, randomly resurrecting...]

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