
Li Xuan's brows were furrowed. Just now, the soul power returned from Ah'Dai was a little higher.

According to the 1 point feedback from ordinary people, Ah'Dai used to report 3 points, but now it has become 4 points, which surprised Li Xuan.

During this critical period, Li Xuan paid a lot of attention to Ah Dai.

The result is that this guy has poor practice, poor understanding, no special blood, and is a little stupid. In short, he can't do it in all aspects.

But Dumb indeed has more souls than others, which proves that he is different.

Now, the feedback suddenly changed from three points to four points, which made Li Xuan even more puzzled.

"There must be something I haven't discovered."

Using God's perspective, Li Xuan took a closer look at Ah'Dai, especially when he looked at the **** pot, and found a clue.

"A'Dai's matter will be dealt with in a while, let's deal with Bai's family and Cha's family first. It's been a few months, and it's time to move around."

Li Xuan muttered secretly, and took the Zhao clan leader and the fifth elder, waiting silently, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

The Zhao family's team continued to move forward, and continued to drive to the east as they kept turning back.

time flies.

Soon Bai's family and Zha's family came, dashing with killing intent, and saw Li Xuan and the others who were blocking the way.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to choose to die. I really didn't expect it." Patriarch Pai said excitedly.

This time, he brought a large number of masters. Even if the Zhao family is very strong, they will definitely die in the face of the two major families joining forces.


Patriarch Bai and Patriarch Cha were excited, and they were going to kill the Zhao family and kill this yellow family.

At this moment, both sides stared at each other with icy eyes, making a fighting stance.


The head of the Zha family roared excitedly, grabbed the giant sword and charged furiously, and with a crowd, rushed towards Li Xuan.


There was a loud roar, and a terrifying shadow enveloped the area. The head of the Cha family, who was rushing wildly, shrank his pupils, and his face was full of horror.

"This... what kind of monster is this? Run, run!!"

The head of the Cha family screamed in shock, ran back at a faster speed, and fled into the distance like crazy.


The earthquake-like roar resounded in all directions, and the natural disaster-like scene swept this area, and it also scared everyone's scalp numb and their hearts jumped.

Death began to shroud the area, screaming incessantly during the crushing.


Time goes back to a moment ago.

After the Zhao family team and Li Xuan separated, they continued to drive east. The Zhao family members in the team moved forward one by one worried. From time to time, some people looked back and watched, worrying about the patriarch and Li Xuan.

Zhao Dazhu, who was in charge of the investigation, even used the vision of the summoned beast to share, constantly observing Li Xuan and the patriarch.

in the team.

Fatty Zhao, who was riding on the horse, was worried and couldn't help but said, "Big Brother, do you think Master Leopard and the Patriarch can win?"

"Yes, I believe in Lord Leopard, it is a holy beast, it can definitely do it." Zhao Bugui said solemnly, but there were worries hidden in his eyes.

"But Master Leopard is only in his infancy, and there are so many enemies. It is said that the Bai family has a super terrifying hole card that can cause huge damage to summoned beasts.

I'm worried, I'm worried that something happened to Lord Leopard and the patriarch. " Fatty Zhao said worriedly.

"No, Master Leopard is a holy beast, he will definitely survive, he will definitely be able to." Nana, the granddaughter of the third elder, said firmly, clenching her small fists.

"Yes, we have to believe in Lord Leopard. Since he dares to stay, he will have the absolute means to come back." Zhao Bugui's tone was also firm, but his voice was much lower.

Obviously, he is not sure, especially when he thinks of Bai Family's terrifying hole card, Zhao Bugui becomes more and more worried.

Also at this time.

at the moment of their worry.

A loud bang shook all directions, like an earthquake, causing the horses to neigh in fright.

"My God, what did I see? My god."

The scout Zhao Dazhu said in horror, looking at the sky with trembling all over his body, white light flashing in his eyes.

"What did you see, Dazhu? Could it be that Bai's family used that hole card?" Zhao Bugui hurriedly asked, obviously afraid that something would happen to the adored Leopard.

"Yes... Yes, they used their trump card. The trump card was a half-meter-long rune arrow with terrifying power, and it also hit Master Leopard."

Zhao Dazhu spoke quickly, his voice trembling.

"Rune Arrow? It turned out to be such a terrifying trump card, Lord Leopard... What happened to Lord Leopard? He... is he still alive?"

Zhao Bugui's face turned pale, and his whole figure almost fell to the ground as if he had taken time out of his strength. In the end, he gritted his teeth and continued to ask.

"Of course I am alive, and I am alive and well."

Investigator Zhao Dazhu said again, his eyes widened, obviously watching something even more shocking.


The dull loud noise continued, the ground trembled as if it had been hit hard, and the horses in the team became more and more uneasy.

Zhao Bugui didn't understand what the investigators said. It was obvious that the leopard was hit by a rune arrow, so why did he say that he was alive and well, at least he would be injured, right?

So Zhao Bugui asked again: "What's going on, can you explain more clearly?"

"Of course... of course, wait a minute, let me take a look again, it's too shocking, is this the Leopard Master? Is this the holy beast? It's too **** powerful."

Investigator Zhao Dazhu continued to speak, his voice still trembling, but the trembling seemed to be caused by excitement.


The Zhao family members in the team looked at Zhao Dazhu suspiciously, and the originally worried emotions gradually recovered, but instead they became curious.

Because of the situation shown by Zhao Dazhu, it clearly shows that Leopard is fine and that things are going in a good direction~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But Zhao Dazhu also said that Leopard was hit by a rune arrow, so why is he not worried? ? Why are you still excited?

Everyone in the team couldn't figure it out, and they were all waiting for the answer.

However, Zhao Dazhu was still excited to investigate, and he didn't explain it to everyone at all. The angry fat man couldn't help but go into a frenzy.


The fat man kicked Zhao Dazhu to the back and said angrily, "Come on, tell me what's going on!"

"Okay, okay, I said, I said, Master Leopard and the others won, they are rushing back, and they will be there soon. You don't know, the scene just now was really spectacular."

Zhao Dazhu said excitedly, dancing like crazy.

Everyone looked at him like this, and the more they looked, the more angry they became. Even the third elder's lovely granddaughter, Nana, tightened her face and stared angrily at Zhao Dazhu.

"The patriarch and the others will be back soon. Let the patriarch talk about it later. They have experienced it themselves, and they must have made it clearer." Zhao Dazhu hurriedly said.

Following his words, three figures gradually appeared in the distance. Those were the figures of Lord Leopard, the Patriarch, and the Fifth Elder.

It's just that the expressions of the patriarch and the fifth elder were a little dull, as if they had not recovered from the scene just now, which aggravated everyone's curiosity.

After the patriarch and the others came back, Fatty Zhao couldn't help but said.

"Patriarch, just now... what happened just now? How come you have nothing at all? Not even your clothes are dirty."

"I... I didn't participate in the battle at all with the fifth one. Even after we reacted, the battle was over. Lord Leopard was too strong."

The patriarch looked at Li Xuan in awe, and changed from Brother Leopard to Lord Leopard.

No way, the shock brought by Li Xuan was too great. As the patriarch, he was also frightened, and his attitude changed drastically.

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