The main reason was that the knock on the door was too fast. It was obvious that the person who knocked on the door was anxious, which also made Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei a little confused.

Bewildered, the two cute girls walked to the gate of the courtyard with their little feet.

Because it was their friend Black Girl who knocked on the door, a Black Girl with an eagle as a summoned beast, and it was really strange that Black Girl appeared so anxiously.


The courtyard door was opened by Song Xiaomei, she asked in confusion.

"Sister Hei Niu, why are you here? Why are you in such a hurry? Did something happen?"

"Something has happened, and it has something to do with you. It's serious." The black girl said eagerly, with a very solemn expression.

"It's about us? What's the big deal?" Song Xiaomei hurriedly asked.

"It was Wang Jun who came, entered the city, and even escaped into the city under the attack of bronze-level masters.

With his strength and hatred for you, I am sure that he will definitely come to seek revenge for you. ' said the black girl seriously.

Hei Niu was originally at work. After hearing the news about Wang Jun, she immediately came to pass on the information. She didn't know about Wang Jun's death.

"Wang Jun? A Wang Jun with a wild lion summoned beast?"

After Song Xiaomei and Qin Yue heard this, their expressions changed slightly, and their expressions became tense.

Especially in the absence of Li Xuan, the two seemed to have lost their backbone and seemed very nervous and uneasy.

"Yes, it's him. This guy is very difficult to deal with. You'd better hide. Why don't you go and hide with me for two days, it will also be safer." Hei Niu said solemnly.


Song Xiaomei and Qin Yue looked at each other and lost their minds.

Because they usually listen to Li Xuan, but now that Li Xuan is away, they instantly don't know what to do.

"Don't be stupid, pack up your things and follow me quickly." The black girl hurriedly urged.

"Oh oh."

Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei hurriedly packed their things, quickly left the house, and came to Hei Niu's house, choosing to live here temporarily.

The black girl's house is not rich, it's just a small remote house, but it is very concealed and suitable for hiding, so the two stayed here temporarily.

As for Hei Niu, after arranging the two, she hurriedly left for work, preparing to search for Wang Jun through her own channels.

the other side.

Song Yuan, the bronze-ranked Summoner, stood on the city wall with an ugly face, looking down at the entire city, watching the pedestrians coming and going on the street.

Ever since the hunter Wang Jun escaped to the city from his hands, Song Yuan has been pulling his face, his expression always gloomy.

Mainly because, as a middle-ranking master of bronze, he didn't kill a master of black iron great perfection, which made him feel very embarrassed.

So he activated his power and searched the whole process, but an hour had passed, and there was still no news.

This made Song Yuan very unhappy, and his face was always gloomy.

Also at this time.

Those of his subordinates came back, and they all looked depressed, obviously they didn't find Wang Jun.

"Trash, it's all trash, I can't even find anyone, what's the use of you, trash!"

Song Yuan was furious, pointed at the noses of his subordinates and cursed, his face so gloomy that it was almost raining.

"My lord, the iron tiger of the law enforcement team is asking to see you." A subordinate suddenly came over and saluted respectfully.

"The law enforcement team? What are they doing here? I have nothing to do with them, and I am busy looking for Wang Jun now, so how can I see the law enforcement team!"

Song Yuan said gloomily, preparing to launch more relationships and send more people to hunt down Wang Jun, and he is bound to be found out.

"Sir Song Yuan, Tiehu of the law enforcement team said that there is information about Wang Jun." The subordinate said again.

"What? You have information about Wang Jun? Why didn't you tell them earlier, let them come over quickly." Song Yuan immediately ordered.


The subordinate left in a hurry, and soon brought Iron Tiger with him.

It's just that Iron Tiger is holding a wooden box that looks like a food box.

"Tie Hu, do you have news about Wang Jun? Tell me where he is. I will lead troops to surround him and never let him escape again." Song Yuan said solemnly.

"Sir Song Yuan, you don't have to go." Tie Hu shook his head.

"Don't be a fart! Wang Jun's strength is stronger than he imagined, and if he is allowed to stay in the city, there will inevitably be major troubles.

Now you actually say you won't let me go, what are your motives? "Song Yuan roared immediately, his eyes staring at Tiehu like knives.

"Sir Song Yuan, don't worry, that's not what I meant." Tie Hu hurriedly explained.

"Then what do you mean? Make it clear." Song Yuan said again.

"I... Forget it, let me show you the food box."

Iron Tiger didn't make any excuses, he opened the food box directly, and a strong **** smell permeated instantly.


Song Yuan frowned, staring at Tie Hu with coldness, then lowered his head and looked into the food box, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"This is Wang Jun? He actually died, how is it possible? Who was so capable to kill him? Even I can't do it. Could it be the city lord or the deputy city lord who shot him?"

Song Yuan's eyes flashed with surprise, and he looked at the head in the food box in disbelief.

"No, not the city lord, nor the deputy city lord, but an unknown powerhouse, and he just let the summoned beast take action, and he killed Wang Jun with one move." Tie Hu said.

"One move? Wang Jun has a snake bloodline, which can increase his combat power and kill him with one move. I'm afraid he is at the silver level." Song Yuan said solemnly.

"It's very likely to be at the silver level, the situation at the time was like this..."

Iron Tiger began to explain a little bit, and told the whole story, including the scenes and details at that time.

"I didn't expect that there are such masters hidden in the city. You really can't underestimate the world."

Song Yuan said solemnly, a look of awe flashed across his face.

However, this matter must be investigated clearly, and where the silver rank is must be found, otherwise, let alone him, even the city lord and the deputy city lord will not be at So Song Yuan said solemnly: "Iron Tiger, this You continue to investigate the matter, and you must find out the information of the silver-level person, definitely."

"It's your lord, I'll do it right away."


the other side.

Hei Niu also received the latest news about Wang Jun, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief after learning that he was shot to death.

"It's good to be dead, I'm finally relieved when I die."

The black girl who was in a good mood ran back home and told Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei all the information.

The two cute girls were also surprised when they heard the news, and Qin Yue asked seriously.

"You mean, maybe it was a cat or a dog who killed Wang Jun?"

"Yes, there is a high probability of cats and dogs. The place where Wang Jun was killed is in a small alley not far from your medicine store." Hei Niu explained.


Qin Yue was stunned for a moment, thinking that when they walked to that area before, Li Xuan suddenly left.

Li Xuan came back soon after, with blood all over his paws, which made Qin Yue suspect.

"Could it be that brother Li Xuan helped me solve a big problem without my knowledge? Has he been guarding me silently?"

Qin Yue said secretly, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that Li Xuan did it, because only Li Xuan would protect her without any regrets.

Of course, she wasn't sure, so she turned to look at Song Xiaomei.

Sure enough.

At this time, Song Xiaomei also looked at Qin Yue with surprised eyes, obviously confirming something, and obviously guessing something.

The performance of the two of them made Hei Niu look a little dazed, feeling very inexplicable. She didn't know what kind of riddles these two little girls were playing.

"What's wrong with you?" the black girl couldn't help asking.

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