"The lark won't die, right? Maybe it was poisoned by inferior medicine pills, hehe." The black-haired dog came out and shouted again.

"Shut up! If you push harder, believe it or not, I'll kill you." Wind Rat said coldly.

"Come on, come and kill me, I'm in the island world, come and kill me, come on."

The black-haired dog continued to bark, feeling that he was not in the same world as everyone else, and was completely defiantly provocative.

"Damn, I'm mad at me."

The wind rat was so angry, but he really couldn't do anything about it, because he had discovered that after the summoned beasts were summoned away, most of them were in different worlds, and they couldn't even see them.

So the wind rattled his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

"You deserve it if you're mad, you have the ability to hit me, and that lark, like a fool, blindly believing in the mutant beast, thinking that inferior medicinal pills are good,

Anyone with a little IQ would not think that this is a good medicine pill. After all, we were reincarnated together. How long it has been so long, how could it be possible to refine the medicine pill? It's ridiculous. "

The black-haired dog continued talking, barking endlessly.

It was just at this moment, when the black-haired dog was barking.

A mechanical beep suddenly sounded.

【Ding! The certification is successful, and the level of the illusion lark is black iron. 】

"Fuck? Black iron?"

The black-haired dog was dumbfounded when he heard this prompt, and he uttered foul language, his whole mind was blinded.

Because the lark was certified before, and its strength was an ordinary median summoned beast, why did it suddenly become a black iron rank now? This is really suffocating.

"What's the situation? Lark, how did you become a black iron?" Dali Hu hurriedly asked.

"Hahaha, I actually reached the black iron level, the effect of this medicine pill is too strong, before I thought it was the most complete consummation,

Who would have thought that I would become a black iron rank, so cool, I would become the third black iron rank among us. "

The Illusionary Lark spoke quickly, jumping up and down happily, obviously out of joy.

"It turned out to be really a black iron grade. You can see the certification mark." Wind Squirrel likes verification, and immediately checks the certification mark.

Sure enough, the previous ordinary mid-rank summoned beast had directly turned into a black iron-ranked summoned beast.

"It's really a black iron level. I envy me to death. I also want to level up, and I also want to become a black iron level."

"The big change beast is reliable. No matter what he does, he is trustworthy. It's not like a black dog, that guy knows how to bark."

"That's right, this black-haired dog is a stupid B. It is estimated that he was a useless person in his previous life, and now he is arrogant and clamoring for a little achievement. It's ridiculous."


The chat channel broke out. While everyone praised the big change beast, they also kept ridiculing the black dog, and many people even scolded him directly.

There are now more than 80 people in the chat channel, so many people scold one person at the same time, it is really overwhelming.

The black-haired dog looked at the full screen of scolding, and he was so angry that he couldn't help but scolded him back.

As a result, more severe scoldings came, all of them scolded him, and the black-haired dog who scolded was a little suspicious of life.

The black-haired dog was so angry that he gritted his teeth and closed the chat channel, but he felt terribly aggrieved, especially when he thought that the big change beast could refine the medicine pill, the black-haired dog was even more depressed.

"Damn, if everyone buys the pills of the mutant beasts, won't they reach the black iron level soon? They all surpass me?"

The black-haired dog was stunned, hurriedly walked into his storage box, and slowly opened it.

Here he hides some useful herbs, the herbs needed by the beasts of change, the name is Yoyo grass.

Originally, he thought that in the future, he would sell the yoyo grass at a high price and trap the beasts.

But now I quickly changed the moisturizing pill. If someone else bought it and its strength surpassed him, it would be troublesome, so he immediately started the auction.

【Ding! Tip, Yoyo grass does not meet the purchase criteria. 】

"Huh? It doesn't match? Didn't the mutant beasts release the required tasks before?"

The black-haired dog clicked on the required tasks suspiciously, and found that Yoyocao's task was actually completed. Just three seconds ago, someone submitted Yoyocao, and a lot of them were submitted.

So this task is no longer needed, it is completely completed.

Seeing such a scene, the black-haired dog was stunned, and his mind was blinded. You must know that he bought these leisurely grasses at the prince's expense.

Now it's good, but it's useless, which makes the black dog angry enough.

"Damn, who completed this task? I'm so **** off, wait, why are there eight pills left, who bought another one? No, there are seven left."

The black-haired dog looked at the ever-decreasing amount of medicinal pills, and he was completely stunned. He found that these guys were all hiding good things, and they didn't take them out until the critical moment.

"Damn, damn, there are fewer pills, and there are only five pills left. We must grab them as soon as possible. No, the price has gone up? Why has the pill increased in price?"

The black-haired dog saw that the price of the elixir suddenly increased by 10%, and he panicked instantly, like an ant on a hot pot, he couldn't do anything at all.

"By the way, soul crystals. Transformed beasts need soul crystals the most. As long as I can get this thing, I can buy medicine pills."

The black-haired dog immediately went to find the prince~www.wuxiamtl.com~ anxiously asked the prince to find the soul crystal.

When the black-haired dog was in a hurry, everyone in the chat channel was also a little anxious.

Some people couldn't help but say.

"Beast changer, my strength is too weak to take moisturizing pills. Are there any lower-level pills?"

"I don't dare to take it, but the effect of this medicine pill is too strong, so one must be stored in advance."

"Yes, I'm going to find a way to find resources now."


The summoned beasts watched the elixir continue to decrease, and they also fell into a state of urgency. They all tried to make money, and they were worried that the elixir would be bought.

Li Xuan didn't pay much attention to all this, mainly because he was too lazy to pay attention.

But after five trades, he also got a lot of good things.

Among them, there are even repairing flowers that improve self-healing, explosive apples that improve self-exploding ability, and variety fruit, etc. There are five items in total.

These things are very useful. For example, the Variety Fruit can improve the ability to change, making the changes more real and changeable.

Normally, the ability to change can only be turned into a target with a similar size, or a creature with a small size gap. It cannot be a rabbit and become the size of an elephant.

If the change level is increased, this restriction will be greatly reduced, and it can become bigger, more special, and more like, even the breath is exactly the same.

So Li Xuan ate all the five ingredients in one go, and when he finished eating, he heard frequent beeps.

【Ding! After taking it, your change ability will be upgraded to the intermediate change. 】

【Ding! After taking it, your intermediate self-healing will be upgraded to advanced self-healing. 】

【Ding! After taking it, your defense ability will be upgraded to medium defense. 】



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