Some time ago, many soul lamps were extinguished here, all of which were extinguished during the battle with the abyss.

At that time, the soul lamp of the holy ancestor was shaking frequently. Although it has not been extinguished now, the soul lamp has become ten times dim.

These guards were originally staring at the soul lamp, wondering which powerhouse would die today.

Because so many people have died these days, they are already numb.

They just reported the situation again and again, reporting one bad news after another, making the atmosphere here even more depressing.

just today.

For some reason, the soul lamp that was going out all of a sudden suddenly stopped and no longer goes out, which made everyone puzzled and didn't understand what happened.

"Captain, isn't the abyss attacking humans on a large scale? Why didn't the soul lamp suddenly go out? Could it be that the abyss invasion has stopped?" asked a guard named Lao Liu.

"Impossible, as long as there is a chance, the abyss will invade and kill all human beings. Now that the saint-level ancestor is seriously injured, no one can stop the abyss.

At this moment, it is a great opportunity for the abyss to attack. They will never stop the invasion. There must be a big event that we don't know about. "The captain said solemnly.

"Major event? You mean, there is a super powerhouse appearing, blocking the abyss invasion?" The sixth guessed.

"It's possible, report the matter here first, and the above will definitely pay attention. We just need to be optimistic about the soul lamp here."

After the captain finished speaking, he quickly dispatched the sixth child to report the situation here.

Shortly after.

Lao Liu hurried back, and behind him was a group of high-ranking military officials, including even the injured saint-level ancestor.

"Lord Ancestor, Generals, why are you here?" The captain hurriedly stood up and saluted.

"Don't ask this, where is Li Xuan's soul lamp? Which is his soul lamp?" The saint-level ancestor clutched his heart and asked weakly.

", the brightest soul lamp belongs to Marshal Li Xuan." The captain hurriedly pointed to the soul lamp placed alone.

"Huh! It's okay, the soul lamp is normal, nothing happened."

The upgrade ancestor breathed a sigh of relief, and the surrounding generals also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the situation?" The captain was at a loss, not understanding what was going on.

"Captain, it is like this."

Lao Liu took the captain to the side and whispered in his ear.

"I heard the adults say that the abyss invaded the human world in an all-round way, and human beings have fallen into catastrophe, but at a critical moment, Marshal Li Xuan appeared,

He resisted everything by himself, killed the abyss army, pinched the holy lion man to death, blasted the strange eyeball of the holy level median, and even rushed into the abyss,

Now the space cracks are filled with all kinds of terrifying breaths. According to the detector, there are dozens of holy-level powerhouses in these breaths.

That is to say, Marshal Li Xuan is single-handedly fighting dozens of Saint-level enemies in the abyss, which is very, very dangerous. "

"What? Dozens of saints?"

The captain was horrified when he heard this, and looked at the sixth in disbelief.

"It's true, when I reported the situation in the past, it happened that the detector returned the information and detected that Marshal Li Xuan was fighting frantically in the abyss.

We don't know what the consequences will be, so we came here to observe the situation of Marshal Li Xuan's soul lamp. "Old explained again.

"It turned out to be like this! No wonder the soul lamp didn't go out all of a sudden. It turned out to be the return of Marshal Li Xuan, and he fought with dozens of saints. That kind of scene must be very shocking!"

The captain was trembling in his heart. Although he didn't know what the battle scene was like, he knew that Li Xuan was definitely in extreme danger.

Thinking of this, the captain hurriedly turned to look at Li Xuan's soul lamp, staring at the candle-like light, worried that it would go out.


As if the wind was blowing, the soul lamp that belonged to Li Xuan suddenly shook.

In an instant.

Everyone held their breath and looked nervously at Li Xuan's soul lamp with worry in their eyes.

With an old face, the saint-level ancestor, who has not had much time, also struggled to stand up and looked at the soul lamp worriedly.


The soul lamp swayed again, again and again, every time it touched everyone's heart.

They knew that Li Xuan must have encountered a very terrifying crisis, even if they couldn't see it, they still learned from the soul lamp.

"Don't let anything happen!!" The captain clenched his fists and murmured worriedly, his whole body trembling.

The people next to him were also worried and wanted to replace Li Xuan and help Li Xuan.

But they knew that they had no use at all in the past, and even the aftermath of the battle could shock them to death.

Hu Hu Hu!

The soul lamp swayed again, shaking more frequently, flickering on and off, and even the soul lamp suddenly dimmed a bit.

All of a sudden, the hearts of everyone on the scene were raised, and the saint-level ancestor couldn't help but want to drag his severely injured body to help.

"Ancestor, don't let Li Xuan get distracted. What we couldn't help in the past will only distract him."

A graceful and graceful beauty opened her mouth to persuade her. Her name was Huo Linger. She was the new general, from Qixingmen, and also the master of Li Xuan's world, a gold-level powerhouse.

But at her level, she is still ineligible to participate in holy-level Even if you get closer, you can only die.

All she can do is stabilize the fortress and fight for the last glimmer of hope.

"Will it only distract him? I don't know, but I'm really worried about him. He is now under attack from dozens of saints.

And in places like the abyss, there may be more and more saints appearing. I am really worried about Li Xuan. "The holy ancestor said in a hoarse voice.

"There is nothing we can do, all we can do is wish."

Huo Linger sighed, and continued to stare at the slightly dim soul lamp. Fortunately, although the soul lamp was shaking, it gradually stabilized.

Everyone relaxed a little, but still did not dare to be careless, after all, it was an abyss.

that's all.

Everyone watched nervously, and from time to time they saw the soul lamp shaking violently, dimming again and again, and later, the soul lamp had dimmed by more than half.

The weak little flame made everyone worried to the extreme.

After half a day, the small flame did not change, but completely stabilized, and even gradually became brighter.


A terrifying roar suddenly appeared in the abyss fortress, and the source of the sound was the depths of the abyss passage.

Everyone who was paying attention to the soul lamp was shocked and hurriedly sent people to investigate the abyss passage.

You must know that since Li Xuan arranged the formation in the abyss passage, there has been no enemy in the abyss passage for a long time.

But now.

There was a loud roar from the abyss passage, and something big must have happened.

Worried, Huo Linger led a group of masters and hurried to the entrance of the abyss passage, wanting to rush into the abyss passage to check.

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