When Li Xuan's soul escaped, he deliberately used Heroic Spiritualization briefly, in order to reassure Little Hedgehog and Lord Nancy.

And the scene of his detachment from his body also caused Lord Nancy to be very surprised. He didn't expect Li Xuan to have this ability at all.

Thinking of Li Xuan's departure as soon as he changed his career to become a hero, Lord Nancy was very disappointed and a little reluctant to leave Li Xuan.

Of course, Lord Nancy also saw that Li Xuan was in a hurry and had to leave. Although she was reluctant, she still said with a blessing.

"Li Xuan take care!"

"Take care of yourself!"

The little hedgehog also waved its claws and shouted, reluctantly watching Li Xuan float towards the sky.

"If possible, I will definitely come back to find you!"

Li Xuan left his words, and the faint light gradually dissipated, leaving the world of God's Domain little by little, and returned to the world of summoned beasts.

【Ding! You are dead, and you are randomly reviving. 】

With the sound of the machine, Li Xuan's world returned to light, and he was reincarnated as a big injured black cat.

Instead of watching the newly acquired talent, Li Xuan directly gave up his physique and chose to become a heroic spirit.


The talent descending ability was suddenly activated, and the heroic Li Xuan disappeared in a ray of light through the contract formation, and came to Qin Yue's world.

Blackrock City, the bedroom of the city master's mansion.

Qin Yue lay dying on the soft collapse, her small body was as motionless as a porcelain doll, and the dense cracks covered her fair skin.

The delicate body full of cracks is very fragile, as if Qin Yue will shatter when touched.

The key point is that Qin Yue's body is flowing with terrifying power, and a heart-pounding power is constantly transpiring, leaking frantically from the cracks in her skin.

The turbulent power leaked out, causing Qin Yue, who was close to collapse, to wither more and more, with more and more cracks.

Fortunately, there is an unknown power protecting her and keeping her in the status quo, but pain flashes from time to time on her snow-white face full of cracks.

Li Xuan, who had just arrived, was extremely distressed when he saw this scene, and he was distressed to mobilize the Holy Healing ability in his talent and began to treat quickly.


The power of light poured out from Li Xuan's hands, forming two sacred light groups that wrapped Li Xuan's hands.

Under the surge of Li Xuan's power, the two light groups gradually expanded, and finally turned into a larger light group that slowly sank, shrouded Qin Yue's body, and completely shrouded her from head to toe.

The tyrannical Lay on Hand ability flashed, and the holy brilliance shone, healing her skin, her internal organs, and all her injuries with all her might.

Lay on Hands talent is a very special talent. It takes one year to use it again after each use. It is a very rare and rare talent with a strong healing effect.

Li Xuan has never used this talent, just in case, now looking at the weak little Qin Yue, Li Xuan has long been distressed to the extreme, and the Holy Healing talent is naturally activated without hesitation.

Under the powerful Lay on Hands talent, Qin Yue's situation gradually began to improve.

The wounds in her body healed quickly, and the cracked skin gradually healed, returning to white and snow-like soft skin.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuan's heavy heart eased slightly, but he still tried his best to release the talent of Holy Hands, and he didn't mean to stop at all.

He clearly knew that Qin Yue's injury was only temporarily suppressed.

The violent power in her body is still transpiring, and it continues to destroy Qin Yue's body. She may become the same again at any time.

Li Xuan was well aware of this, so he naturally healed her like a life-threatening situation, guarded her, and refused to stop for a second.

After the soul reaches the holy level, the power that Li Xuan can mobilize is even more terrifying. With the tyrannical Lay on Hands talent, the therapeutic effect that can be achieved is simply amazing.

As for consumption, Li Xuan doesn't care at all. Li Xuan, who is a saint, has reached the stage of endless life. Even if he doesn't practice, his strength will continue to grow.

Li Xuan, who is a saint, no longer needs to unilaterally ask for soul power from Qin Yue. Instead, he began to feedback Qin Yue to strengthen her soul.

The symbol of the holy level: domain, associated holy artifact, wandering in the void, holy bloodline, returning to the original, endless life, and complementary enhancement with the master.

Needless to say, this is the most obvious sign of the holy level, and it is impossible to become a holy level without a domain.

The accompanying holy artifact is a holy-level weapon and armor, which can be condensed at will with the mind of a holy-level powerhouse. It is a powerful holy artifact in the true sense.

Voyage in the void is flying. You don't need to condense golden wings like the gold level, you can fly in the void and walk in the void.

Saint-level bloodline means that Li Xuan's descendants can gain bloodline augmentation, and have a strong strength at birth, making it easier to reach the holy level.

As for returning to the basics, it is to completely restrain his own power, and he looks like an ordinary person, no longer as flamboyant as the gold level.

The last is to complement each other with the Master. In the future, he and Qin Yue will form a magical cycle of complementarity, mutually reinforcing each other and strengthening each other's souls.

This kind of complementarity accelerates the strength of both sides, and it is an extremely terrifying auxiliary cultivation ability.

If an ordinary person signs a contract with a holy beast, he can definitely increase his strength rapidly in a short period of time, which is very abnormal.

Li Xuan is now unrestrainedly mobilizing his energy to heal Qin Yue. If he was an ordinary warrior, he would definitely not be able to sustain such consumption.

But for Li Xuan, this consumption is nothing at all. Even when Qin Yue was healed, his and Qin Yue's strengths were both rapidly increasing.

Li Xuan can clearly feel that Qin Yue's strength has reached the top of gold, and is moving towards the golden consummation.

This includes Li Xuan's increase and the help of Qin Yue's body's terrifying power. With these two improvements, Qin Yue's strength has increased like a rocket.

Treatment continues.

Li Xuan's hands were always swaying with divine brilliance, even if Song Xiaomei noticed the situation when she came back and hurried over, Li Xuan didn't stop~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Today, Song Xiaomei was busy dealing with things in Black Rock City, and she didn't know Qin Qin. The matter of Yue and Li Xuan, but seeing Li Xuan's dignified appearance, she couldn't help worrying and stood aside nervously.

As time passed, the treatment continued, and Li Xuan had no intention of stopping, and released his Holy Hands ability with all his strength.

One day, two days, three days...

After a full ten days, Li Xuan felt that Qin Yue's injuries had completely recovered, and then stopped the treatment, and turned to sit next to Qin Yue, holding her fair little hand lightly.

At this moment, Qin Yue has returned to its original state, and the power surging in her body has gradually subsided, but those powers have not been absorbed by Qin Yue, but have just fallen silent.

All of Qin Yue's internal and traumatic injuries have recovered, and she has returned to her cute, pink and jade-carved appearance, which looks very cute.

Li Xuan gently placed Qin Yue's little hand on his cheek, looked at her quietly, and waited for her to wake up.

quite a while.

Li Xuan suddenly locked on the long knife next to the soft collapse, and looked at the handle of the knife, where there was a special mark.

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