"Lord Nancy, the world of God's Domain is very dangerous, please be careful of each other, maybe there is some purpose." Captain Wendy quickly reminded, worried about the accident.

"It's okay, no one can lie in front of me, and if I can't even accommodate a refugee, how can I build a huge empire in the Oracle world?"

Nancy said proudly, her snow-white neck was raised high, and at the same time, she held up the simple token, releasing a mysterious brilliance, covering Xiang Li Xuan.

"You are willing to be my territorial citizen. As a lord, I promise that as long as you do your best to provide energy for the territory, I will not limit your growth and will give you a bigger stage."

[Hint: Are you willing to join the Nancy Territory? 】

"I would."

Li Xuan chose to agree without hesitation, and chose to agree in the prompt that appeared suddenly.


The light shone, and Li Xuan's whole body glowed with brilliance, and his identity began to change at this moment. He officially integrated into the base and became a new citizen of the base.

Name: Li Xuan

Level: Level 10 [full level, need to change jobs]

Occupation: Lumberjack

Combat Strength: 130

Good at: logging, weeding, planting, pest control.

Occupation: Dominion, Nancy's Domain

Potential: unknown


Looking at the change of ownership of the attribute panel, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, looking forward to Lord Nancy, and wanted to change jobs as soon as possible.

"Welcome to my territory, please come in, I will transfer you immediately, the wood you brought is very valuable."

Nancy waved the quaint token, and the door of light at the gate opened, inviting Li Xuan to enter the territory.

Following the invitation of Lord Nancy, Li Xuan took the big log and stepped into the territory step by step, from the darkness to the bright place in an instant.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, as well as the bright red sun, and looking down at the beautiful green territory, Li Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He finally joined a new territory and could finally change jobs. Li Xuan, who was in a relaxed mood, looked good in everything.

In particular, the environment of this territory is very beautiful. The houses and walls are decorated with plants and flowers, exuding fragrance.

It's a pity that these embellishments seem to be dead objects, which are built in the construction base, not energy, and cannot be eaten.

However, the environment here made Li Xuan think of elves and those legendary beautiful races.

Just looking at the appearance of Lord Nancy, it seems that it is a little different from the legendary elves, and it seems to be more mysterious.

"Please come with me, I'll take you to the barracks to change careers, what profession do you want to transfer? My barracks is now a first-level, and you can change the lumberjack to two professions.

One is a swordsman, the other is an apprentice archer, Wendy is a swordsman, but she is an elite soldier, so she has learned bow skills and is stronger in combat. "

When Lord Nancy saw Li Xuan coming in, he first used the token to absorb the energy contained in the wood, and then happily invited Li Xuan to change jobs.

After hearing Lord Nancy's words, Li Xuan thought for a while and said, "Transfer to swordsman, it's more suitable for fighting."


Lord Nancy took the lead, led Li Xuan to the barracks, raised the token without hesitation, and helped Li Xuan change jobs.

As the brilliance shone, Li Xuan was bathed in the ocean of light, the whole person began to transform from the inside out, and even the soul was skyrocketing.

That soul, who had eaten a lot of hawthorn and was not far from the golden upper class, was at the moment of changing careers.

The skyrocketing soul made Li Xuan's soul level directly break through to the top of gold, becoming a real powerhouse of gold.

The abilities that were suppressed by this world have been unblocked in one step, and they can exert stronger combat power.

Even the summoning skeleton under the control of Dark Zhang can be used, but Li Xuan still needs to experiment to what extent it can be used.

Also at this moment.

He was suddenly covered with a layer of blue armor, a layer of ancient personal armor.

The armor is not gorgeous, but it is thicker and more majestic than the previous lumberjacks.

The point is that the axe in Li Xuan's hand has also become a sharp long sword, exuding a cold and cold light.

Name: Li Xuan

Level: Level 1 [1100]

Occupation: Swordsman

Combat Strength: 150

Good at: swordsmanship, logging, weeding, planting, pest control.

Occupation: Dominion, Nancy's Domain

Potential: unknown


"The initial attack power is 150, which is more powerful than the full-level lumberjack. This is only level 1. If I increase to level 10, how much will my combat power be?"

Li Xuan couldn't imagine it, and felt that the gap between occupations was huge, like a gulf.

"Congratulations, Li Xuan, for becoming a swordsman."

Lord Nancy also saw Li Xuan's attribute panel, and she was very surprised to see that Li Xuan was so good at it, but when she saw the potential column, her surprise was even stronger.

"Is the potential unknown?"

Lord Nancy scrutinized Li Xuan with wide eyes, trying to see something, but found nothing, she just had curiosity in her heart.

At this moment.

She suddenly remembered something, and quickly asked: "By the way, Li Xuan, which territory are you from? How did you become a refugee?"

"I come from the territory of Gu Xiaohao next door, where I encountered unfair treatment, so I chose to leave and become a refugee." Li Xuan told the truth.

"Gu Xiaohao's territory next door? There is a territory near me? This is important news."

Lord Nancy's fair face became solemn. In the world of God's Domain, the lords were in a competitive relationship, and they often attacked each other.

There is a lord next door now, and Lord Nancy naturally pays attention to it, she couldn't help but ask again.

"Li Xuan, what is the strength of Gu Xiaohao's territory? What kind of arms are there?"

"The strength is not bad. There are a few farmers, a lumberjack with special talent, and a dragon blood warrior. As for the lord Gu Xiaohao, he is very timid..."

Li Xuan briefly talked about it, including the fact that Gu Shan ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Dragonblood Warrior who has special talent may be transferred to the role of a little hero, basically everything he knows.

"The strength is quite strong, but the lord Gu Xiaohao is a bit bad, and he dare not leave the territory. This has a great impact on the early development of the territory."

After listening to Li Xuan's words, Nancy was very solemn at first, but when she heard the timid Gu Xiaohao, Nancy felt the opportunity.

"Li Xuan, thank you for the opportunity. I will give you a credit. When you reach the tenth level and the barracks is promoted to the second level, I will transfer your job immediately."

Lord Nancy looked at Li Xuan gratefully, and was glad that he accepted this unknown refugee.

"You're welcome, come on and upgrade the base, my upgrade speed is fast, but don't let me reach level 10, the barracks is still level 1." Li Xuan said with a smile.

"Don't worry, with the big log you provided, I can recruit a few more soldiers and a few elves, and then hunt wild creatures, gather plants, and speed up the development of the base."

Lord Nancy is very confident that with this big log, the development speed of the territory can be greatly improved.

Especially after increasing the population of the territory, the speed will be faster, so Lord Nancy waved the token with a smile, and the light enveloped the barracks.

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