"Then let's eat."

Gu Xiaohao handed the water bag directly to Li Xuan with a generous gesture.

It's just that his right hand in his pocket is clenching a strange stone, which can communicate with his father and summon the illusory figure of his father.

It seems that Gu Xiaohao is going to communicate with his father and ask about the situation.

This scene was naturally seen by Li Xuan, who had the perspective of God. He didn't say anything, but took the water bag and hung it on his shoulders.


The Dragonblood Warrior and Gu Shan looked at each other and did not speak, but looked at Li Xuan with strange eyes.

The task of finding water is very difficult. Previously, the Dragon Blood Warriors walked within 50 meters outside the base, and they did not find the water source.

If you want to find the water source, you can only go 50 meters away, even to the shallow danger zone.

The key point is that even in a shallow danger zone, it is not always possible to find a water source, so this task is quite dangerous, and one bad move could lead to death.

Such a difficult task, even if the Dragon Blood Warriors are unwilling to go now, but without water, they have a problem with eating, so they can only find it.

Originally, the most suitable one was Dragon Blood Warrior. He was the strongest after all. Unfortunately, Gu Xiaohao handed this task to Li Xuan, and said it was a trial task.

For Li Xuan, this is not so much a trial as it is a task of life and death.

Dragon Blood Warrior and Gu Shan naturally saw it, but they didn't say anything, but hoped that Li Xuan would bring back water.

If Li Xuan had an accident and died, it would also be Li Xuan's death, and it had nothing to do with others.

So no one said a word now, they all followed Gu Xiaohao to the big iron pot and cooked a pot of weeds to eat.

After dinner.

Li Xuan returned to the farmer's hut, ready to spend the dangerous night.

Considering the stone Gu Xiaohao was holding before, Li Xuan sat in the corner of the house and secretly released his listening ability, listening to the sound of Gu Xiaohao's wooden house from a distance.

Gu Xiaohao's lord's house.

Things were really as Li Xuan expected. After Gu Xiaohao closed the door, he took out the stone and called his father.


An illusory figure appeared, floating in mid-air, exuding the special fluctuations of higher life forms.

Gu Xiaohao told what happened today, including his suspicions about Li Xuan and possible secrets, without hiding anything, which made the phantom figure narrow his eyes.

"It is indeed possible that this person is hiding a secret. The lord of the Divine Realm world has a certain chance of recruiting creatures from a special world when he summons his subjects.

This Li Xuan may come from a special world and has hidden secrets, which are indeed worth exploring.

Well, when he changes jobs, you will have the strongest control over him. When you use this precious crystal, you will be able to explore all his memories.

If he hides a big secret and is worthy of control, you call me immediately, and then I will spend another treasure to control this person into a slave. "

The phantom figure spoke calmly, but when he was talking about the treasure, it seemed a little painful.

"Okay father, when he gets back the water, I'll change his job and investigate his memory." Gu Xiaohao said seriously.

"Well, that's it."

After the phantom figure finished speaking, a treasure crystal was left behind, and then the phantom figure disappeared, leaving only Gu Xiaohao with his chin in thought.

Farmer's hut.

Li Xuan withdrew his snooping ability and lowered his head slightly, feeling a little irritable.

"After all, I have reached this stage. I originally wanted to find hope here, but unfortunately I have to leave in the end."

Li Xuan said secretly, his eyes flashed with coldness, then leaned in the corner and closed his eyes alone to sleep.

The surrounding farmers looked like little quails, sleeping in the corner, only Gu Shan glanced at Li Xuan, who was leaning against the corner, and said nothing.

In this way, time passed slowly, and gradually came the next day.

In the morning, the sun is shining and the air is fresh.

Li Xuan walked out of the wooden house early, holding the water bag and looking at the sky and the blue sky and white clouds.

However, when looking at the scene outside the base, it was still the dark world.

"In this base, it's like a small independent world. It's amazing."

Li Xuan glanced at the entire territory, and then looked at the direction of the lord's mansion. From the perspective of God, he found that Gu Xiaohao was still sleeping.

Li Xuan ignored it, but walked out of the base with the water bladder and walked silently in the dark alone.

Half an hour after Li Xuan left.

Gu Xiaohao got up lazily and saw the Dragonblood Warrior and Gu Shan outside the door, but he didn't see Li Xuan.

"Where's Li Xuan?" Gu Xiaohao said as he modeled the treasure crystal in his pocket.

"He left and left early in the morning." Gu Shan said truthfully.

"Leave? In order to change jobs, he is diligent." Gu Xiaohao smiled.

"Lord Lord, yesterday I saw that Li Xuan's face was a little wrong. Will he betray you? Leave the base forever?" Gu Shan hesitated and said.

"Don't worry, the night in the world of God's Domain is very dangerous. It's fine these days, but on the night of death, it will be very dangerous. Without the protection of the base, there will be no life outside.

So Li Xuan never dared to betray, he could only follow my orders to find water. "Gu Xiaohao believes in himself.

"That's the case, then don't worry, but can he bring back the water? This task is difficult." Gu Shan said again.

"It's really difficult, so you have to work hard to upgrade and have the strength to enter the shallow danger zone as soon as possible." Gu Xiaohao urged.

"Yes! We must work hard to improve our strength."

Gu Shan and the Dragon Blood Warrior hurriedly nodded, then under Gu Xiaohao's order, they left the base and went to upgrade to obtain resources.

the other side.

Shallow danger zone.

Li Xuan has turned into a hedgehog at this moment, using his psychic power to drag the water bag and move forward step by step.

In front of him, the little hedgehog was opening the way, using various attack methods to kill the attacker, and even the corpses were collected by Li Xuan and thrown into the personal space.

During this process, Li Xuan was also eating hawthorn, and his soul power continued to improve, moving towards the golden level~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Such a fast improvement rate made Li Xuan very satisfied. He liked it very much and wanted to keep it for a long time. Lift it up.

It's a pity that there are too few hawthorns, it takes time to find hawthorns, and the outside world at night is too dangerous, Li Xuan can't forget the weird scene that night, he must find a new place as soon as possible.

"First collect the water source, and then take the water source to the female lord next door, maybe you can get attention."

Li Xuan murmured secretly that he also had water in his carry-on space, but he couldn't get it out at all, as if those waters were not qualified to appear in this world.

This made Li Xuan realize once again that the extraordinaryness of this world, this extraordinaryness, comes from the extraordinary nature of higher existence.

Li Xuan even prepared to find some water later and put it in his personal space to see what would happen.

With this thought in mind, Li Xuan followed the little hedgehog and stopped near a strange black plant.

"What's this?"

Li Xuan hurriedly asked, he had a feeling that as long as he ate this strange plant, he would definitely get great benefits.

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