Although a leaf only gives 0.1 experience points, but if these leaves are picked, Li Xuan can't imagine how many levels he can rise to.

With deep anticipation, Li Xuan acted quickly, his hands flashed quickly, and even mobilized his psychic power to help pick.

With all his strength, Li Xuan picked a bunch of leaves after a while, and the level was raised again.

"Good, good, continue picking, and strive for another level before the little hedgehog comes back."

Li Xuan was pleasantly surprised, and continued to pick quickly, the experience value rose steadily, and the whole person was in a sea of ​​happiness.

Also at this time.

Li Xuan's eyes lit up.

He found a small bird's nest on the branch of the big locust tree, and in the bird's nest there were white eggs that remained motionless.

"There are actually three eggs, a good thing, absolutely not to be missed."

Li Xuan was pleasantly surprised, and cautiously approached the tree branch over there.

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis enveloped his heart, and Li Xuan hurriedly stepped back and returned to the tree branch where the bees were.

"Sure enough, there is danger on every branch, the bees on this branch have been treated, so I can pick here,

If I dare to approach other areas, then I will be in big trouble, not only that, I must pick the leaves here as soon as possible, otherwise the creatures on other branches may be close to this side. "

Li Xuan realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately continued to work, picking leaves and locust flowers quickly, and even squeezed himself to mobilize all power to pick.

Time passed slowly.

Li Xuan picked more and more, and the experience value increased rapidly, and the level continued to upgrade in a golden light.

Li Xuan doesn't know how much he has picked, but he knows that the suppression he is receiving is getting lower and lower, and even the big hands of the soul can condense.

Then the two souls helped to pick them with big hands. Unfortunately, the iron puppets and summoned dark creatures were still suppressed and could not be used. Li Xuan felt very sorry.


Golden light shines.

Golden light appeared around Li Xuan's body again, his level had reached tenth level, and his strength had greatly increased.

Number: Vice-Captain No. 2

Level: Level 10 [full level, need to change jobs]

Occupation: Farmer

Combat Strength: 20

Good at: weeding, planting, pest control.

Belonging to: God's Domain Gu Xiaohao's Domain

Potential: unknown


Looking at his data panel and seeing that he finally reached level 10, Li Xuan was very happy, and the whole person was overjoyed.

"Finally reached level 10. It's too fast. Unfortunately, I have no experience in continuing to harvest. I don't know if it's because of the full level, or because the level is too high, so I don't give experience points. Stop it first."

Li Xuan fell from the air, picked the leaves and locust flowers, and placed them around the big stones. Then he called two subordinates and asked them to transport the leaves and locust flowers to the base.

With so many leaves and locust flowers, these two people estimated that it would take more than a dozen trips to transport them, which is very cumbersome, but this step cannot be canceled, because through these leaves, they can prove the reason for their level upgrade.

that's all.

While guarding the leaves, Li Xuan waited for the little hedgehog to return, but unfortunately the little hedgehog still did not come back at noon.

Li Xuan drew a pattern on the border, which probably meant that he would come back in the afternoon, and if the little hedgehog came back, let him wait here.

Li Xuan didn't know whether the little hedgehog could understand it, but he tried his best anyway.

With a bunch of harvest.

Li Xuan rushed back to the base, and saw the frowning No. 1 farmer in the base, as well as Gu Xiaohao who was so excited that he was beaten with chicken blood.

"Hahaha, No. 2, you are too strong to get so many leaves and locust flowers,

The energy contained in a single leaf is not much, but it is large enough for me to recharge the token, and I must reward you. "

Gu Xiaohao was so excited that if he hadn't had to absorb these leaves as soon as possible, he would have wanted to jump around.

Even so, when he absorbed the energy of the leaves, he was trembling, feeling that he had never encountered such a good thing.

He found that since Li Xuan was summoned, the base seemed to welcome a new life, and the energy increased rapidly.

Every time Li Xuan can bring back a lot of things, the key is to bring a big surprise today, which makes Gu Xiaohao want to cry with happiness.

Therefore, he must reward Li Xuan, a good reward, such as that place for Li Xuan, that important place for real transformation.

"No. 2, I decided to give you that quota. You must be curious, what is that quota?" Gu Xiaohao looked at Li Xuan solemnly.


Li Xuan was very curious. At level 10, he didn't need to pretend to be dumb as before.

"It's very simple, the quota is the transformation, which can make your arms advanced. You are now a peasant, which is the lowest arm, and your combat effectiveness is low.

Later, I will transfer you to a class first, and then use that quota for you, so that you can become advanced and transform into a rare army with a high rate, also called a little hero. "

Gu Xiaohao explained patiently with a smile, without the slightest bit of impatience.

If it was other farmers, Gu Xiaohao would be too lazy to pay attention, but Li Xuan is too good, Gu Xiaohao decided that he must cultivate with all his strength.

"No. 2, there are many types of little heroes, such as warriors with special talents, mages, summoners...

All in all, this place is very important! In the future, he can even transform into a hero. "

Gu Xiaohao spoke quietly, with a little starlight in his eyes.

"Hero?" Li Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, hero, when the little hero reaches level 100, he has the opportunity to transfer to become a real hero, master powerful power, and traverse this area..."

Gu Xiaohao continued to talk, with anticipation in his eyes.

Listening to Gu Xiaohao's story, Li Xuan also had a lot of expectations in his heart, thinking about how much his soul could improve if he became a little hero? How much will the suppressed power be unblocked?

Li Xuan was really curious, and looked at Gu Xiaohao with anticipation, waiting for him to help him change jobs, and then use that quota.

Not far away the peasant watched silently, his eyes full of bitterness.

As the first peasant to be made, he has used special treasures and made elite peasants. No. 1 is not weak, and even has special talents.

But now.

The quota originally reserved for him will be given to someone else today, which makes Farmer No. 1 very bitter, and the whole person becomes extremely decadent.

The main reason is that he appeared several days earlier than Li Xuan, and his level has always been higher than Li Xuan, but Li Xuan upgraded too fast, and surpassed him in a short period of time, which made the No. 1 peasant uncomfortable.

However, he was doomed to fail, because Gu Xiaohao took out the quaint token, and at the same time Gu Xiaohao also took out a mysterious hexagonal stone.


The hexagonal stone glowed with brilliance, reflected in the mid-air, and gradually formed a figure in the air, a middle-aged figure similar to Gu Xiaohao.

At the moment when this figure appeared, the peasants present felt the terrifying pressure, which came from the suppression of the lower level by the higher level.

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