"And stones."

Li Xuan calmly took out three stones from his pocket, two small and one large, and handed them all to Gu Xiaohao.

Originally, he planned to keep it secretly, but unfortunately, the stone could not be researched, and he could not put it in his own space, so he simply gave it to Gu Xiaohao first, so that he could upgrade as soon as possible, anyway, there were a lot of stones.

"Three stones, good work, I will now announce that your identity is the vice-captain and the serial number is No. 2." Gu Xiaohao announced excitedly.

As his voice fell, golden light shone around Li Xuan, his serial number became No. 2, and his authority was a little more powerful.

This scene made the peasants at the scene look at Li Xuan with envy, only peasant No. 1 frowned.

"Walk around, cook and eat."

With a big wave of his hand, Gu Xiaohao led the crowd around the black pot, cut the purse into two halves, boiled half of them, and usually poured them into ancient tokens.

The other three stones were also injected into the token, and the energy on the token instantly increased by one degree.

“It’s so cool to finally be able to build farmland.”

Gu Xiaohao didn't care about eating, and immediately ran to the southeast corner of the base, waving the quaint token.


The light shone, and about one mu of farmland appeared in the southeast corner. The land was extremely fertile and very suitable for planting plants.

"Finally there is farmland, and the next step is to find seeds."

Gu Xiaohao looked at his farmland with satisfaction, but when he thought about the problem of seeds, he had another headache.

No way, even weeds are hard to find, let alone seeds. He can only tell the farmers to pay more attention to the seeds.

Next is meal time.

Due to his outstanding performance, Li Xuan ate more food, and his experience points increased steadily.

This also caused the farmers to always look at Li Xuan enviously, even the No. 1 farmer looked at him enviously.

"Everyone go back to rest, and continue to look for plants, stones, and if possible, find seeds as much as possible."

After eating, Gu Xiaohao told everyone a few words, and then he went back to his big wooden house and locked the door to rest.

Li Xuan was puzzled when he saw this scene, and felt that this guy was a bit like running away.

Enduring the doubts in his heart, Li Xuan walked to the farmer's dormitory, but as soon as he reached the door, he heard a wolf howling from outside the territory.

There were also bursts of black mist around the base, and the suppressed breath swarmed from all directions, as if it would devour the entire base.

Li Xuan found that the bright environment in the base was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. A strong sense of crisis made Li Xuanyi step forward and walk into the cabin.


After everyone entered the cabin, Li Xuan put the wooden latch in the cabin, and then looked out through the crack of the door.

Hu Hu Hu!

A strange voice sounded from outside the door, and Li Xuan had a creepy feeling, as if something terrifying had appeared in the territory.

Suppressing the panic in his heart, Li Xuan took two steps back, and found that the rest of the farmers were all huddled together, holding their heads and daring to look outside, all shivering like small quails.

Li Xuan didn't dare to be careless, and just like them, he closed his eyes, holding his head and not looking outside, only observing secretly from the perspective of God.


From the perspective of God, Li Xuan saw a white shadow drifting by. Because the speed was too fast, Li Xuan couldn't see what it was at all.

But the inexplicable cabin trembled, as if it had been hammered by a tyrannical force.

A faint sense of crisis rose in Li Xuan's heart. He put away the perspective of God, and found that the sense of crisis had not changed. He opened the perspective of God again, and the sense of crisis remained the same.

This made Li Xuan unclear. He didn't know where the problem was, and he didn't see any problems outside.


There was a sudden loud noise from the door of the wooden house, and Li Xuan suddenly found that a pair of footprints appeared on the ground at the door, but there was no one in front of the wooden house.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Li Xuan continued to watch silently like other farmers, listening to the sounds outside.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of the collision continued, and there was always a sound coming from the outside. The footprints sometimes appeared, sometimes disappeared, and sometimes there were even two symmetrical footprints, which was very strange.

The sound lasted for a full five hours, and then the sound suddenly disappeared, as did the footprints, and the outside became very quiet, too quiet.

Li Xuan was inexplicably flustered. He didn't dare to be careless. He immediately put away the perspective of God, and didn't dare to look outside. Instead, he closed his eyes and rested like other farmers.

As time passed, the eerie silence became more and more obvious, and the silence became more eerie.

Fortunately, this feeling didn't last long, it only lasted for ten minutes. After that, there was no longer this strange quietness, and everything returned to normal.

And this time.

The peasants in the wooden house breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted their bodies one by one, and began to sleep soundly.

The sense of crisis in Li Xuan's heart also disappeared. He looked out through the crack of the door and found nothing unusual. He observed it from the perspective of God, and still didn't see any danger, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Leaning in the corner, Li Xuan squinted and thought, always feeling that this strange quietness was too frightening, and he didn't know what caused it.

"Let's upgrade as soon as possible, this world is too weird."

Li Xuan said secretly, and slowly spent the night in his sleep.

In the early morning, the light entered the wooden house through the crack of the door, and the sleeping farmers slowly got up, walked out of the wooden house one by one, and stood outside with their hoes.

Li Xuan didn't sleep all night, but he had many talents to help him, even if he was suppressed, it would have no effect.

So he also walked out in good spirits and looked around secretly.

There are no special changes in the base, and it looks similar to before. The only difference is that there is a slender scratch in the southeast corner of the wooden house.

This scratch reduces the thickness of the wooden house by half~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If you try again, there will be a hole in the wooden house.

Li Xuan remembered this scratch and decided to stay away from the southeast corner when resting at night to prevent accidents.

"The sun is so good, but unfortunately there is still a black hole outside the base, this **** God's Domain world."

Gu Xiaohao walked out, looking at the sun in the sky while stretching.

There are some contradictions in his words, but it is true, only in the base can see the bright sky, can see the sun.

Out of the base, all they can see is a black hole, and everyone needs to be careful to prevent being attacked.

"Let's go, little ones, get more plants back. Now that the farmland is built, the next step is to build the barracks. I need more energy."

Gu Xiaohao shouted and greeted everyone to set off, while he was patrolling the base, wandering in the base, not daring to leave the base.

Li Xuan ignored the somewhat cowardly lord, but followed Captain No. 1 and walked out of the dark base.

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