"If I go to that world, I can reach the golden perfection in the shortest time, or even half a holy level."

Li Xuan said secretly, and a strong expectation rose in his heart, but for the sake of safety, he still decided to condense the blood-colored enchantment before deciding.

Of course, Qin Yue's golden thread was also needed to save his life. This time, the golden thread helped Li Xuan a lot.

If it wasn't for her, Li Xuan would have suffered very serious injuries, and he might have to recover for decades.

Considering this, Li Xuan told Qin Yue about this.

Qin Yue naturally had no choice but to nod her head without hesitation, and even prepared to condense special golden threads within three days regardless of consumption.

"You don't have to work so hard, take your time, it will be enough to condense golden threads within a month. I still need to understand the blood-colored enchantment, and it will take at least a month..."

Li Xuan said quickly, he didn't want Qin Yue to consume too much. This little girl is usually very shrewd, but when she came to her, she was like a little fool. Li Xuan was really afraid that she would consume too much.

Under his strict request, Qin Yuecai decided to slow down the speed of cohesion, extending it from three days to one month.

that's all.

Time passed slowly in Li Xuan's comprehension enchantment, and soon another month passed.

This morning.

The refreshed Li Xuan returned to her world with Qin Yue's slender waist in his arms. After some exhortations, he returned to the world of summoned beasts and began to try to go to the world of rules.

The world of rules is very strange. The whole world is like a game. Everything is set, and everyone must act according to the rules, which is very incredible.

Li Xuan stood in the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, clasped his hands together, and condensed his physique according to the rules and talents, that is, the body of a regular peasant.

This is inherent in talent, and any regular peasant is like this, and the appearance is exactly the same, just like it was carved out of a mold.

After condensing the body of a regular peasant, Li Xuan's eyes flashed with starlight, and he saw a starry sky and stars shining in the starry sky.

These stars are bright and dark, large and small, and each represents a summoning.

For the sake of safety, Li Xuan chose a relatively small and dim star and responded to the call.


The dark passage suddenly appeared, and Li Xuan's body floated away automatically, heading towards the end of the passage.


It's endless darkness again.

The sense of loneliness enveloped the body and mind again. Fortunately, Li Xuan has a dark origin, and has a strong resistance to the sense of loneliness, and even a little bit of adaptation.

In such darkness, a round of turning gray gates slowly appeared, appearing directly in front of them like a vortex.

without hesitation.

Li Xuan plunged into the vortex and disappeared completely.


A creaking sound similar to opening and closing the door sounded, and Li Xuan shuddered and slowly opened his eyes.

The entrance is a rough gray plank, and the disordered tree grain extends from the plank in all directions.

What made Li Xuan frown was that these tree lines seemed to resemble a smiling face.

Inexplicably, Li Xuan felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of the smiling blood moon in District 3.

Taking a deep breath, he thought that he could revive himself by self-destruction, the blood-colored barrier he had newly mastered, the two special golden silk threads presented by Qin Yue to save his life, and the huge benefits of this world.

Li Xuan suppressed his irritability, turned his head to look around, and found that he was in a strange cabin.

The wooden house is very small, only about ten square meters. Li Xuan's position is close to the corner of the wooden house, like a wood carving, standing on a dim disc.

Next to him, there are four identical discs, and there are faint vortices flashing on the discs.

Turning his head to continue watching the wooden house, he found that the floor of the wooden house was the same as in his memory, black, but white flashing from the crack of the door, which made Li Xuan a little puzzled.

Because according to the copied memory, the outside of the door should be black, but it turned out to be white now, which is a little wrong.

Doubts filled his heart, and Li Xuan couldn't help but watch from God's perspective.

What terrified him was that the God's perspective, which could sweep hundreds of kilometers, was suppressed by some kind of force, and he could only see the position within a radius of one meter.

Such a scene made Li Xuan more and more surprised and cautious. At the same time, he carefully tested his abilities and found that many of his abilities could not be used.

"It seems that the passive ability in terms of physique has the least impact. If the head is dropped, it should be able to be pressed back."

Li Xuan said secretly, observing from God's perspective, because it was close to the corner of the wooden house, God's perspective just saw a little area outside the wooden house.

It is a pity that only the black earth can be seen, and no plants can be seen bare.

This is somewhat similar to the memory, which makes Li Xuan a little at ease. The only thing that puzzles Li Xuan is why there is a touch of white at the door of the wooden house.


A strange voice sounded, and on the four discs on Li Xuan's left side, four figures slowly appeared, four identical figures.

They were dressed in coarse clothes, had bald heads, and their faces were dull. They looked stupid and lacked any sense of agility.

After these figures appeared, some stiffly raised their hands, condensed a wooden hoe, and then carried the **** to the outside mechanically.

Li Xuan frowned when he saw this scene, raised his hand instinctively, mocked his own head, and found that he was also bald, and his clothes were exactly the same as theirs.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, Li Xuan also condensed a wooden **** in his hand, resisted it on his shoulder, followed at the end pretending to be dumb, and walked out slowly.


The door of the wooden house rang, and the dim gas poured into the wooden house. Li Xuan moved forward step by step, and finally saw the whiteness out of the corner of his eyes.

"It turned out to be a person, a silver man."

Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, finally understood what was going on, and his mood finally settled down, because except for the man, the scene was probably similar to what he remembered.

Li Xuan, who had stabilized his mood, followed the team and finally stopped in front of the silver man.

For the sake of safety, Li Xuan stood stiffly at the end, secretly looking at the man in white.

This man looks like a scholar in ancient times. He is dressed in white, has a long sword around his waist, and holds a book in his hand. Li Xuan glanced at it and could not understand the text on the book.


A light whistle suddenly sounded, and the figure in white suddenly walked up to Li Xuan and looked at Li Xuan carefully.

Those black and white eyes seemed to be able to see through Li Xuan.

"It seems a little smart, is it an elite farmer?"

The man in white moved his right hand gently in the void, and soon an illusory interface appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Number: No. 6

Occupation: Farmer

Combat Strength: 11

Good at: weeding, planting, pest control.

Belonging to: God's Domain Gu Xiaohao's Domain

Potential: unknown


"Combat strength 11? Unknown potential? Interesting~www.wuxiamtl.com~ actually summoned a special peasant. That's great, Gu Xiaohao is also lucky."

The figure in white looked at Li Xuan in surprise, looked at it carefully, and then said.

"Don't know how the other farmers are? Look at their attributes."

Gu Xiaohao took a step to the right, selected a bald head next to Li Xuan, counted the void again with his index finger, and the illusory interface appeared again.

Number: No. 5

Occupation: Farmer

Combat Strength: 10

Good at: weeding, planting, pest control.

Belonging to: God's Domain Gu Xiaohao's Domain

Potential: 13


"The potential is very low. The average potential of the last wave of farmers was 15 points. This time there is a 13 point. It's too bad."

Gu Xiaohao shook his head and continued to check the information of another farmer.

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