"It's really a good thing. The dark power has increased by at least 30%. Even the number of summoned dark creatures and the summoning intensity have skyrocketed. Very soon, I will be able to comprehend the dark enchantment."

The burning light in Li Xuan's eyes became more and more solid, like clouds emerging from his eyes, floating in the air slightly, making Li Xuan's whole person more and more extraordinary.

Silently closed his eyes, the overflowing power began to converge, and soon all the visions disappeared, and Li Xuan returned to his original appearance.

"Now the abyss fortress cannot be attacked by force, it must be in a stable state. The Imperial Beast Sect is guarded by a saint-level ancestor, so there is no need to worry for the time being.

Now my only goal is to improve my strength, so next, I should look for a new world and search for the source of elements in other worlds. "

Li Xuan said secretly, this is actually a proposal to upgrade the ancestors, let him improve his strength as much as possible, and prepare for future wars.

"Then let's go, just to experiment with the dark control of the source level, how strong is it."

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he took out the jade talisman and passed it on to the female general Chu Wanqiu, Huo Linger of Qixingmen, and many of his subordinates.

Tell them that they have found a way to improve, and their strength will skyrocket next time they return.

After seeing the reply, Li Xuan looked at the concern from Chu Wanqiu in the message, and he smiled slightly, feeling that he really owed a lot of favor.

"Soon, I'll be back soon."

Following Li Xuan's words, his soul began to detach from his body, and under the power of the summoning rules, he headed towards the world of summoned beasts.

Then he fell into the endless darkness, the darkness of loneliness, death and fear, where it all ended.

But now.

After he had the dark control of the source level, he found that he didn't have that sense of fear, and even had a feeling of transformation, which was very strange.

【Ding! You are dead, randomly resurrecting...]

With the sound of the machine, Li Xuan's world changed again, and when he woke up again, he was already in the ocean, in the blue water.

"Huh? It's a shark this time? Let me see what the talent is."

Li Xuan muttered to call out his talents, and found that he had obtained three more talents, one was to strengthen his teeth, one was to strengthen his body, and the other was to use elemental abilities to cast underwater vortexes.

In short, it is not a good talent. Li Xuan integrated them into his own talent, and he was too lazy to continue his research, so he used Advent directly.


With the display of his descending ability, Li Xuan took Qin Yue as the coordinate, descended from the summoned beast world to Qin Yue's side, and saw Qin Yue who was bathing in a wooden barrel.

"Eh? Husband, you...you're here."

Qin Yue originally heard the voice, her eyes turned cold, and a tyrannical aura rushed to the surroundings, but when she saw that it was Li Xuan, she immediately restrained all her aura.

"My little Qinyue is stronger again."

Li Xuan's soul escaped from the shark's body and used Heroic Spiritualization to stay by Qin Yue's side.

His right hand wrapped around Qin Yue's slender waist, carried her on his shoulders, and strode towards the soft collapse.


Qin Yue's face was slightly red, she said something embarrassed, and then she was thrown on the soft collapse.


The two fell into a two-person world.

100,000 words omitted here....

three days later.

In Qin Yue's reluctance, Li Xuan returned to the world of summoned beasts with the golden thread presented by Qin Yue.

This golden thread is very unusual. It is condensed by Qin Yue's soul. It can be integrated into Li Xuan's soul to protect him. It is a powerful soul protection method.

Li Xuan has many soul talents, and his ability to protect himself is easy, but Qin Yue insisted on giving it to himself, and Li Xuan accepted it.

Next, reincarnation begins again.

Li Xuan has acquired more and more talents, and he can't remember many of them.

Every time he is reincarnated, his strength is improving weakly. As long as his soul can bear it, he doesn't need to stop at all.

"There are at least 50 reincarnations, but unfortunately the best reincarnation was in District 11. I don't know what Districts 1-10 look like? Quack!"

Li Xuan was lying on the lotus leaf and murmured, and instinctively called twice. After realizing it was a lazy toad, he shook his head speechlessly.

"In Summoning Beast World, it should be divided into 100 districts. When I came here, it was 99 districts. Through continuous reincarnation, I have been to many districts, even 11 districts.

But I have never been to areas 1-10. I am really curious to see how strong those areas are, quack! "

Li Xuan was very curious. When he was in District 11, Li Xuan acquired an ability, that is, soul transformation. This is a very powerful ability, which helped him escape the detection of the saint-level ancestors.

Through this ability, Li Xuan realized that there is a difference between talents, and the better the talent, the higher the area.

"Try it. According to my wishes, there is a certain chance of being close to Zone 1-10, and try reincarnation."

Li Xuan knew that he could slightly affect the reincarnation. Although the probability was not high, there was hope to get close. With this thought, Li Xuan committed suicide again and returned to the darkness.

【Ding! You are dead, randomly resurrecting...]

With the sound of the machine, Li Xuan slowly opened his eyes.

The goal is the blood-colored earth and the blood-colored sky. A twisted blood moon floats in the sky, exuding a depressing breath.

For some reason, Li Xuan felt that this blood moon seemed to be smiling at himself, a strange smile.

He felt that the world was very quiet, without the slightest sound, not even the chirping of insects and birds, the quietness was heart-pounding.


Li Xuan's back was cold, and a creepy feeling came to his heart.

It seems that something is moulding his back, but Li Xuan has already opened the perspective of God, and there is nothing around.

Only through God's perspective, he saw that this is the three districts.

Enduring the horror in his heart, Li Xuan glanced behind him~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and saw nothing.

But when Li Xuan looked back, he suddenly found out of the corner of his eyes that there were a pair of small leather shoes in front of him, a pair of small red leather shoes.

What makes Li Xuan dignified is that from his God's perspective, he can't see anything, and he doesn't even know how the little red shoes appeared.

An inexplicable coolness came from his neck, and it seemed that something was breathing on his neck, and a feeling of heart palpitations to the extreme came to his heart.


A terrifying flame appeared all over Li Xuan, and the whole person was enveloped in the flames, turning the surrounding into a terrifying sea of ​​fire.

But Li Xuan didn't feel the slightest peace of mind. Instead, he felt more and more strange and felt that something was wrong.

Because the little red shoes appeared on his feet at some point, just like he was wearing a pair of little red shoes, and he couldn't take them off no matter what, as if they were growing on his own feet.

"Hee hee hee, you are not dead!"

The silver bell-like laughter came from his ears, and Li Xuan was inexplicably frightened, and he did not hesitate to use all his offensive abilities.

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