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Everyone is very confident in Master Zhao Qiankun, and everyone is looking forward to the master to win and get 5 million spirit stones.

However, they were still worried about losing, so they gave Deacon Liu a suggestion, that no matter whether Li Xuan wins or loses, he must join the Spirit Talisman Guild.

As long as Li Xuan joins the Lingfu Guild, he is his own, and the competition with Master Zhao Qiankun is a competition between his own people. No matter who wins or loses, the Lingfu Guild will not be greatly affected.

It can be said that the suggestions made by several elders are quite beneficial to the Lingfu Guild.

"Okay, I will report this to Master Zhao Qiankun."

Deacon Liu nodded, hurriedly took away the spirit pattern ceremony, left here, and went to Li Xuan's small courtyard.

Shortly after.

Deacon Liu ran back happily and brought good news to everyone again.

"What did you say? Master Zhao Qiankun agreed with our proposal? Even Master Li Xuan agreed?"

The elders were surprised and couldn't believe that their proposal was accepted.

"Yes, Master Zhao Qiankun also thinks that he was too reckless before, and shouldn't make random bets with the guild's treasure book of spiritual patterns,

But as long as Li Xuan joined the guild, the bet would not be affected, so this proposal was quickly adopted.

However, Master Li Xuan said that joining the Spirit Talisman Guild is also fine, and he must take out five extraordinary fruits, which Master Zhao Qiankun has already agreed. "

Deacon Liu continued to speak, telling everything that happened.

"Five extraordinary fruits? Although it is very precious, it is worth it to be able to pull a master. After the key is added, the bet between the two masters is an internal bet."

"Yes, yes, right now, you can rest assured. Let them bet as they please. Whoever wins or loses will not have a big impact on the guild."

"Hahaha, it's a good thing for the guild to gain a Master of Spirit Talismans. Five extraordinary fruits are worth it."

A few elders were very happy, no longer opposed to the bet, but looked forward to it.

However, after the betting time is one month, everyone can only wait for it even if they look forward to it.

Time passed, and a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Today is the day when the bet begins. The elders in the branch have all left, and even the headquarters has come, and there are several strong supervisors, including two masters.

In short, this bet not only disturbed the headquarters of Lingfu, but even affected the surrounding big forces, and there were people from the Imperial Beast Sect.

The day of the bet.

Because the fifth elder had an opinion on Master Zhao Qiankun, he chose to deal with matters in the branch and waited silently.

Soon half a day passed.

The fifth elder was anxiously waiting in the guild, and when he was thinking about whether to send someone out for the afternoon, many people came back from the outside.

Master Zhao Qiankun also came back, but he was completely lost, even walking a little staggered.

Even after he returned to the branch, he went straight to his room without saying a word.

The rest of the senior management followed, as if they were going to comfort people.

Seeing such a scene, the Fifth Elder was taken aback for a moment, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart, "No way, does it mean that Master Zhao Qiankun lost?"

With disbelief, the fifth elder hurried to find the other elders of the branch, and couldn't help but get together.

"Tell me what's going on? Did Master Zhao Qiankun lose?"

"Yes, I lost, and I lost so miserably. I lost all three battles."

The first elder sighed, the expression on his face was very complicated, and it seemed a little unacceptable.

"We lost all three battles? How is that possible? Master Zhao Qiankun is a veteran master, how could he lose so badly?" The fifth elders widened their eyes in disbelief.

Although he had opinions on the Fifth Elder, he always believed that Li Xuan would lose, but Li Xuan not only won, but also won all three battles, which is really surprising.

"Hey, we also thought that Li Xuan would lose, and even everyone thought so, even the masters from the headquarters thought that Li Xuan would lose.

Just because Master Zhao Qiankun is a veteran master, and his inspiration has been surging recently, through this month's study, he has made a breakthrough in the level of magic symbols, and produced a powerful flame magic symbol.

But I didn't expect that Master Zhao Qiankun still lost, and the worship was terrible. "The Great Elder sighed, and the whole person was greatly shaken.

"What is the specific process? How did you lose?" the fifth elder asked again.

"The specifics are like this. After the two masters exchanged their experiences, Master Li Xuan painted two complete spiritual talismans and gave them to Master Zhao Qiankun.

Then Master Li Xuan studied the magic talisman for a month, and made another review magic talisman, and this month, Master Zhao Qiankun made the flame magic talisman.

The two sides experimented with the magic talisman in the mangrove forest outside the city, and then Master Zhao Qiankun cast the flame talisman, which was very powerful and won a lot of applause, but..."

The first elder thought of something and fell into complete silence.

"But what? Great Elder, tell me quickly." Fifth Elder asked eagerly.

"However, when Master Li Xuan saw this scene, he shook his head in disappointment, and even put away the review charm he made." The elder said solemnly.

"Why is this?" Fifth Elder frowned.

"At that time, we also wondered why this was, and some even thought that Master Li Xuan was putting on a pretense,

As a result, Master Li Xuan asked Master Zhao Qiankun for the two spiritual talismans given a month ago.

Then the two magic talismans blasted the mangroves out of two super pits,

The scene was so terrifying, it could be called horror. "

The elder said solemnly, his eyes full of astonishment.

"It turned out to be like this. The two magic talismans made by Master Li Xuan a month ago were so powerful?" The fifth elder was surprised.

"You'll know if you come with me outside the city to see."

The first elder did not explain, but turned his head and walked outside the city.

The fifth elder hurried to keep up. Originally, he thought that the big pit was not particularly big, but when he got outside the city, looking at the almost non-existent mangrove forest, his pupils shrank in fright.

"The mangroves are gone? How is this possible?" the fifth elder said in shock.

"That's the truth. The magic talisman that Master Li Xuan made a month ago has such terrifying power.

Later, he studied the magic talisman for a month, and the review magic talisman produced, I can't imagine how terrible it is. "The elder sighed.

"Didn't Master Li Xuan use that re-examination talisman?" the fifth elder asked.

"No, because it was a three-to-two victory, Lord Li Xuan had already won, so he took back the magic talisman.

Of course, Master Zhao Qiankun also knew that he lost, he directly admitted that he had lost all three battles, and then walked back in despair, and the whole person was beaten to the point of autism. "

The first elder sighed, he could understand Zhao Qiankun's mood, he clearly broke through himself and developed a tyrannical flame amulet.

In the end, I didn't expect that the magic talisman that Li Xuan made a month ago had such terrifying power, which was really heartbreaking.

The key point is that the last review magic talisman is simply taken out, and it reveals extraordinaryness. Even if it is not used, it gives people a feeling of heart palpitations.

Therefore, although people cannot accept it, they have to accept it. It is so real.

"Hey, I didn't expect that even Master Zhao Qiankun would lose. We didn't offend Master Li Xuan at the beginning, it's really a blessing in misfortune." The fifth elder sighed.

"Yeah, who would have thought that the person who stayed in a small chamber of commerce turned out to be a master, and even beat Master Zhao Qiankun with a single gesture,

Even the Imperial Beast Sect took the initiative to win over Master Li Xuan, and even gave the Imperial Beast Sect the position of an elder guest. "The elder sighed.

"This is inevitable. The importance of a master of amulet can be imagined. It is estimated that there will be more forces to win over Master Li Xuan in the future~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Fortunately, we started to invite in advance." Fifth Elder said.

"Yeah, it's just that Elder Zhao Qiankun is still autistic now. I don't know if he can recover. He is miserable enough. Such a proud person has been defeated so badly, alas."

"It's really miserable."

The fifth elder nodded, feeling a little gloating in his heart, especially when he thought of the extra whip he received back then, he felt very happy.

Of course, he wouldn't say these things, and he still kept a sigh.

the other side.

Li Xuan's residence.

Li Xue'er's slender hand gently tapped Li Xuan's shoulder, her snow-white face was pitiful, she looked at Li Xuan and said in a low voice, "Are you really going?"

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