Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Chapter 29: I didn't expect them to be so weak

"I have to study hard. Even if I have no foundation, I can't give up. I must become a pharmacist and buy herbs for cats."

Qin Yue said secretly, Wu Liuliu's big eyes were full of determination, and she remembered the name of the herb.

A giant flower, the price is one hundred thousand, there is no market for it!

After jotting down the giant flower in her heart, Qin Yue picked up the thick herbal medicine book and studied hard and tried her best to recognize the medicine.

Because there is no foundation, Qin Yue needs to start learning from the first page and memorize it all.

It is indeed not easy to learn such a thick herbal medicine book in a short period of time.

This also caused Qin Yue to study very hard and very difficult.

On the other hand, the remaining nine apprentices have all the basics and have studied it, and most of them have only read it once before learning other things.

Even Song Xiaomei had already picked up the herbs and tried to prepare a hemostatic medicine.

Such a gap made Qin Yue feel more and more anxious, and the learning speed was also affected.

"Don't worry, everything is not a problem with me, take your time."

Li Xuan leaned on Qin Yue's shoulder and spoke warmly, comforting her softly with firmness.

This kind of comfort also made Qin Yue breathe a sigh of relief and study carefully.

One person and one cat fell into the learning process. From time to time, they went to the medicine cabinet to compare them one by one, observe the medicinal materials, and distinguish the taste of the medicinal materials.

Time passed slowly in this atmosphere, and soon three days passed.

This afternoon.

Qin Yue, who was in charge of the shop, and Kitty were lying on the counter reading a book. Since it was noon, it was lunch break.

Qin Yue felt sleepy after reading the book for a while, and fell asleep on her stomach in a daze.

Only the kitten squatted quietly in front of the picture book, and the little paw turned over the picture book from time to time, reading the book carefully.

Tata Towers!

The sound of high heels stepping on the ground sounded, and the sound was very rhythmic.

Following this voice, the female pharmacist wearing a red cheongsam twisted her waist and slowly walked from the pharmacy to the hall.

When she saw Qin Yue sleeping, the female pharmacist frowned, slightly unhappy.

However, when she saw a snow-white kitten carefully looking through the picture book, the female pharmacist showed a look of surprise.

You must know that learning is very boring, even after a human has studied for a period of time, it feels very boring.

But this snow-white kitten watched with such serious attention, which was a bit surprising.

"Interesting, really interesting."

The female pharmacist in the cheongsam twisted her plump body, slowly stood beside the kitten, and watched silently.

This reading lasted for more than ten minutes. During this process, the kitten always read the book seriously, focused and devoted.

Such a miraculous performance made the female pharmacist curious and felt that this kitten was very unusual.


The sound of hitting Hache sounded, and soon the other apprentices on the lunch break came out of the lounge.

When they saw the female pharmacist, they hurriedly stood up and saluted respectfully, "Hello, Sister Qi."

So many people shouted in unison, and Song Xiaomei shouted loudly on purpose, which also woke Qin Yue from her sleep and hurriedly stood up.

"Qi... Hello, Sister Qi."

"Well, go wash your face, and do the first round of tests later. If you get less than six points, you can leave." The female pharmacist in cheongsam said a little displeased.

She is already twenty-six years old, and she doesn't like being called her boss or master the most. She likes being called her sister the most.

That's why everyone in the store called her that, but today she failed to refine the medicine, and Qin Yue was sleeping, she was very upset and frowned.

Everyone naturally discovered this, and found that she was frowning, and everyone became cautious, worried about being fired.

five minutes later.

After washing, everyone stood in the hall, quietly waiting for Sister Qi to ask the question.

"The total score is ten, and one point is added for each correct answer. Now I have ten questions, and you can write down its medicinal properties, growth environment, and taboo medicinal materials on the paper."

Sister Qi took out a small blackboard, quickly wrote ten questions on it, and then walked around the crowd, patrolling in circles.


The voice of writing slowly sounded, and everyone lowered their heads and worked hard to answer the questions, but this time the exam questions were too difficult, and many of the questions were not in the herbal medicine book.

This also caused everyone present to be very nervous, feeling that something was going to happen.

Among them, Qin Yue was the most worried, because she found out that she knew one type of medicinal material, and she didn't know any other herbs.

Qin Yue panicked instantly when she thought that she was about to leave when the score was less than six points, especially when Sister Qi was standing next to her, Qin Yue's palms sweated even more.

"Don't worry, just write as I said." Li Xuan opened his mouth and began to communicate with Qin Yue.

"Well, thank you brother Li Xuan."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Qin Yue calmed down, as if she had found the backbone, and began to answer the questions according to what Li Xuan said.

Sister Qi originally saw that Qin Yue was flustered, but now Qin Yue suddenly regained her composure and solved the problems one after another, which surprised Sister Qi.

You must know that this question is very difficult, because she was in a bad mood and deliberately asked such a question in order to drive away more apprentices.

Originally, she also wanted to drive away Qin Yue, but the cat was so cute that Sister Qi was a little reluctant, so she slowly changed her mind.

As for whether Qin Yue did well in the exam, it was not a matter of Sister Qi's words.

However, it was surprising that Qin Yue answered one question after another so quickly, and Sister Qi did not expect it.

"Am I wrong? This girl is very powerful? No, she doesn't look like someone with such a scheming. Could it be related to this cat?"

Sister Qi was puzzled and felt that it had something to do with this cat.

Amidst such doubts, when the time finally came to stop the exam, Sister Qi took the baking paper and started grading.

Sure enough.

There were very few questions that everyone could answer. Only seven people passed. Except for Qin Yue, the highest score for the others was only 8 points.

Only Qin Yue's score reached 9 points, this result is really surprising.


The apprentices stood nervously, watching Sister Qi correct the exam papers, all of them were uneasy.

Mainly because the subject was too difficult, they were all worried.

"Brother Li Xuan, why didn't you answer the last question? Isn't it too difficult?" Qin Yue asked in her heart.

"No, it's a very simple test question, I've seen the herbs in these questions in the Summoning Beast World, it's super simple,

The reason why I didn't answer the question was to hide my clumsiness, and I didn't want to be too good to arouse the jealousy of others.

There is a saying that goes well, wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. If we answer it with 9 points, it will not look so good. "Li Xuan warned.

"So that's the case, I Thank you Li Xuan, brother." Qin Yue nodded ignorantly, and there was a faint gain.

"Okay, now the scores are announced."

Sister Qi stood up and glanced around, and finally her eyes fell on Qin Yue.

"Zhao Mengmeng scored 8 points, Song Xiaomei 7 points, Ye Fan 6 points, Niu Yanan 6 points... In the end, Qin Yue scored the highest with 9 points."

"What? 9 points? She actually got 9 points? How is it possible? Such a difficult question." Someone asked in surprise.

"That's right, doesn't she have no foundation? How could she get nine points, even Mengmeng only got eight points. She has learned medicine recognition since she was a child."

Everyone looked at Qin Yue in astonishment and couldn't believe that Qin Yue had scored nine points, which was a bit scary.

"This is the question Qin Yue answered. You can see it by looking at it. The answer is very standard. She didn't sit down at all for the tenth question, did she not know it, or was she too lazy to do it?"

Sister Qi handed out the test paper for everyone to watch.

After everyone passed the test paper, they all looked at Qin Yue with disbelief.

They felt that Qin Yue was really amazing, and she answered so well that she even wrote down the growth environment of the plants, and the key points were written in great detail.

This time, everyone completely believed it, and their eyes on Qin Yue changed completely.

The center of everyone's attention.

Qin Yue stood blankly, swallowed nervously, and whispered in her heart.

"Brother Li Xuan, didn't you say you want to hide your clumsiness? Why did it become like this?"

"Missed, I didn't expect them to be so weak, sorry." Li Xuan shook his head helplessly.


Qin Yue was stunned for a while. Although what Brother Li Xuan said was true, why did he feel that what Brother Li Xuan said was very annoying?

If Song Xiaomei heard this, she would probably pinch the cat's ears.

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