Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 282: The whole city shakes [Give (the humble squirrel) a big reward, plus more...

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the other side.

outside the city.

A child covered in blood was running fast towards the city.

His eyes were red, and he looked behind him as he ran, and then continued to run in the direction of the city.

This kid is none other than the black-faced kid who went to Li Xueer's shop to sell demon rabbits.

At this moment, his clothes were torn a lot, his body was dirty, his body was black and ashes caused by the explosion, he had no weapons or anything, even one shoe was missing.

But he didn't care, he still ran into the city in a hurry, gritted his teeth and ran with all his strength.

After a period of running, he finally ran back to the city, and immediately ran to the door of the neighbor next to his house.

Bang bang bang!

"Uncle Zhuzi, open the door, something has happened, something has happened."

The black-faced child knocked on the door vigorously, and at the same time looked at the old donkey cart tied to the door, gritted his teeth and began to untie the ropes tied to the donkey cart.


The door was opened, and a haggard middle-aged man with handicapped legs came out.

"What's wrong, Kuroko? Where's my son? What are you doing to untie the twine?"

"Uncle Zhuzi, something happened, come with me to the outside of the city, take your donkey cart, hurry up!" the black-faced child hurriedly said.

"Going outside the city? Leading a donkey cart? What's the matter?"

Uncle Zhuzi was puzzled, but seeing that Heizi was covered in blood, and his son did not come back, Uncle Zhuzi was stunned, and had a bad premonition.

" tell me what's going on, quickly!" Uncle Zhuzi said in a trembling voice.

"You'll know when you go."

After the black-faced child finished speaking, he ran out in a hurry, not even going back to his own house, and headed straight for the direction outside the city.

Uncle Zhuzi hurriedly followed, and drove the broken donkey cart to the outside of the city. He didn't know what happened, but he had a bad premonition in his heart.

With this bad premonition, Uncle Zhuzi left the city, followed the black-faced boy all the way, and finally stopped near the forest outside the city.

When he got here, Uncle Zhuzi saw a child standing outside the forest, also covered in blood.

"Uncle Zhuzi, park the donkey cart at the edge of the forest and come in quickly."

The black-faced child hurriedly waved his hand and walked carefully into the forest with Uncle Zhuzi.

But as soon as he walked into the forest, Uncle Zhuzi smelled a strong smell of blood, which made Uncle Zhuzi feel more and more depressed and worried about his children.

In this mood, Uncle Zhuzi continued to walk forward, and finally stopped near a grass and saw the scene in front of him.

In the next second, Uncle Zhuzi's pupils shrank sharply!

the other side.

Inside Li Xueer's store.

There was an elegant-looking middle-aged man who was shopping with a book boy in the store. After they finished shopping, they turned to look at the big bamboo basket next to them.

"Huh? What a strange talisman."

The elegant middle-aged man walked in front of the big bamboo basket and picked up one of the relatively complete magic symbols. He felt that the painting method of this magic symbol was a bit wrong, and it was a little different from what he imagined.

With deep doubts, the elegant middle-aged man looked at it for a while and felt that although this thing was damaged, it could actually increase his inspiration and give him a direction for the future.

Surprised, he turned to look at the counter and said, "Boss, how much is this talisman?"


Li Xueer was checking the goods, and when she heard the question, she turned her head and glanced, thinking that Li Xuan had said that these talismans were garbage, they could throw them away, give them away, or burn them.

Even Li Xuan said that these talismans were too weak, and they were all abandoned talismans.

Li Xueer thought for a while and said, "You can give it to me, but let me state first that this talisman is broken and its power is very weak."

"It doesn't matter, my goal is to study its drawing method. The structure and drawing method of this magic talisman have been improved, and it is simply imaginative." The elegant middle-aged man said the truth.

"You are also a talisman master?" Li Xueer was surprised, she did not expect to meet a talisman master here.

"It's only the second order, but these magic talismans gave me inspiration and let me find the way to enter the third order,

Well, under normal circumstances, there are five spirit talismans and one spirit stone. I will buy you ten and give you ten spirit stones. The extra is thank you for letting me find the third-order path. "

The elegant middle-aged man took out ten spirit stones from his pocket and put them on the counter with a smile.


Li Xue'er looked at the ten spirit stones and was very surprised, but she was even more surprised that the magic talismans could bring inspiration to the talisman masters.

Thinking of this, she immediately decided to increase the price of these magic charms, but they couldn't sell them cheaply, let alone throw them away or destroy them.

At the same time, Li Xueer was also a little depressed.

Because listening to the customer's wishes, this talisman obviously has a lot of value, but Li Xuan didn't care so much, which made Li Xue'er a little depressed.

Fortunately, the price offered by the other party was not low, so she happily accepted the spirit stone and completed the transaction.

Shortly after.

The elegant middle-aged man left the shop, got on a carriage, walked out of the city, and headed towards the imperial city. He was going to see his teacher, a real master of magic talismans.

shortly after they left.

An old donkey cart drove into the city from a distance. The donkey cart had a shed, but there was a faint smell of blood coming from it.

When they arrived at the gate of the city, the soldiers who were guarding the city were leaning against the gate lazily.


Li Xueer's shop.

Li Xueer sorted out the magic talismans in the big basket one by one, tidying them up and placing them on the counter, quickly forming stacks of talismans.

When she was about to finish sorting, there was a sudden noise outside the door, followed by four or five city guards rushing into the store.

"Boss, let's buy magic charms, the damaged ones." The leading city guard hurriedly said.

"Ah? Broken talisman? Are these?" Li Xueer pointed to the talisman in his hand.

" should be these." The city guard said uncertainly.

After the city guards finished saying these words, several big men soon ran into the store and hurriedly shouted: "We buy magic charms, the damaged ones."

"We buy them too, the broken ones."

Another group of people rushed into the store, and the store was crowded with pressure, and everyone was clamoring to buy magic charms.

Seeing that so many people came to buy the charms, Li Xueer finally realized that something was wrong, and immediately guarded those charms and said vigilantly.

"Why did you buy the Broken Spirit Talisman?"


When everyone heard this, they seemed to be reluctant to tell the reason. At the same time, they also looked at the door worriedly, as if they were worried that someone would come over.

At this time, the smell of blood came from outside the door, and a donkey cart was parked in front of the store.

Seeing the arrival of the donkey cart, everyone's faces flashed with disappointment, knowing that they could not buy it in advance, so they could only helplessly shake their heads and leave.

"Boss, boss, we sell monster corpses, which are very powerful monster corpses."

The crisp child's voice sounded.


Several children and a lame middle-aged man took out a **** wolf demon from the donkey cart and tried to carry it into the store.

These children and middle-aged people are very weak, and they have not even reached the black iron level.

But the wolf demon they were carrying turned out to be a bronze-level wolf demon, and it was still in the middle of bronze.

Such a powerful wolf demon cannot be obtained by these people at all, and Li Xueer frowned at this moment.

"Boss, your magic talisman is too powerful, and it killed the wolf demon all at once. It is too strong. I want to continue to buy magic talismans."

The black-faced child said hurriedly, not intending to hide, but scratched his head with a smirk.

"Spiritual talisman? You mean, the wolf demon was killed by a broken talisman?" Li Xueer's complexion changed completely, and she looked at the black-faced child in disbelief.

"Yes, we went to the forest to kill the demon rabbit, but this wolf demon suddenly came out and wanted to kill us.

In desperation, we threw out the ten broken talismans, and the wolf demon blew up all at once, and even we were blown away by the shock wave.

Fortunately, we were lucky and only suffered skin trauma, but these magic talismans are really too strong, the power is terrible,

Such a good amulet, why do you say its power is low? "

The black-faced child explained, looking at Li Xueer with some puzzlement.


Li Xueer was dumbfounded and stood still.

She never thought that the power of these talismans would be so strong that ten Zhang actually killed the bronze wolf demon.

You must know that when she went to see Li Xuan at that time, Li Xuan looked disgusted and asked her to take away these broken talismans, just like throwing garbage.

But did not expect.

The broken talisman was so terrifying, which simply subverted Li Xueer's cognition.

"Could it be that such a terrifying amulet is considered trash in the eyes of Lord Li Xuan?"

Li Xueer said blankly, she really didn't want to believe such a fact.

"Boss, can we still buy magic talismans?" the black-faced child asked nervously. He was actually quite worried, after all, such a high-value magic talisman must be very expensive.

If it was someone else, he would definitely hide the continue to sell magic amulets here at low prices, but the black-faced child is kind-hearted and thinks that the magic amulet saved their lives, and he is willing to say everything.

"You wait, I'll go out first."

After Li Xueer finished speaking, she hurried out of the store with all the magic talismans she had arranged, and went straight to Li Xuan's courtyard next door.

She had to confirm it again to confirm why Li Xuan regarded such a high-value thing as garbage.

She ran so fast that she didn't even have time to knock on the door, she rushed directly to the study where Li Xuan was, and then she was stunned again.

Because she saw the ground and threw a bunch of broken talismans. The key point was that she saw that Li Xuan was tearing up the talismans in his hands and throwing them on the ground as garbage.

Seeing this scene, Li Xueer was dumbfounded again, and hurriedly ran over to stop it.

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