Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 277: Self-destruct seal script

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Deacon Zhang saw this tear, but he didn't dare to say anything. Instead, he carefully left the room full of curiosity.

After coming outside, Deacon Zhang couldn't hold back his doubts and muttered secretly.

"Elder Shi must have lost, but why did he cry? With his arrogant and arrogant genius, he shouldn't be able to withstand such a blow. Did something else happen after the defeat?"

Deacon Zhang really wanted to go out and see what was going on, and wanted to know the whole process, but when Big Fatty and the others went to repair the door, they would definitely figure out what was going on.

So Deacon Zhang waited silently, waiting for Fatty Wang to return.

As the sun sets in the west, the golden sun shines on the streets, paving the world with a layer of golden light and shadow.

The figures of the big fat man and others gradually appeared at the door of the store and quickly returned to the store.

"Fatty, tell me what's going on? What's the battle scene like? I saw Elder Shi cry just now." Deacon Zhang hurriedly said.


The big fat man hesitated, his face became very strange, and he didn't know whether to tell the whole incident.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and say it immediately!" Deacon Zhang got angry and urged loudly.

"Yes! I'll say it now." The big fat man sorted out the language and continued:

"From the information we have inquired, Elder Shi did not go to the ice and snow shop, but went directly to the residence where Mr. Li Xuan lives.

As a result, as soon as I entered, I was kicked out, and even the door was broken, and then..."

When the big fat man said this, the expression on his face became more and more strange, and he even thought about laughing a little.

"What happened after that? Don't betray me!" Deacon Zhang urged.

"Afterwards, Lord Li Xuan rushed out, and under the watchful eyes of many people, in the eyes of many people who couldn't believe it, he took Elder Shi and smashed it on the ground.

The smashed Elder Shi had a blue nose and a swollen face, and there was blood in the nose he smashed. At first, Elder Shi was still stubborn, but he was not convinced.

After being smashed dozens of times, Elder Shi finally wilted and chose to beg for mercy. As a result, Lord Li Xuan seemed to have smashed it smoothly, and he stopped after several more smashes.

Finally, after some conversation, Elder Shi took out two extraordinary fruits to save his life, and then Elder Shi staggered back.

However, another thing happened during this period, that is, Elder Shi's clothes were torn, and when he was halfway there, the clothes fell off, and the whole person was exposed on the street.

It happened to be seen by a few middle-aged women. Not only were those old women not ashamed, but they also laughed.

At that time, Elder Shi was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and finally got dressed in shame and anger, and ran back. You all know that behind. "

The big fat man explained little by little and told the whole incident.

After Deacon Zhang heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and his head was buzzing.

He never thought that it would turn out to be like this. It would be too much to be carried and smashed on the ground. As a result, his clothes fell off halfway, and he was mocked by several middle-aged women.

For the arrogant and arrogant Elder Shi, this is simply a great shame.

"No wonder the Stone Elder Council looks like this. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. It's really miserable."

Deacon Zhang sighed, imagining in his mind the scene when Elder Stone's clothes fell. For some reason, he wanted to laugh.


The big fat man couldn't help laughing out loud, and hurriedly covered his mouth, but as a result, Deacon Zhang almost laughed, so he managed to hold it back and shouted immediately.

"Go to West Street to buy goods."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The big fat man and the others hurriedly ran away, leaving with a group of people.

"Mother, what's this called? This time, it's a shame for Elder Shi. I knew about the less aggressive expansion of the Chamber of Commerce."

Deacon Zhang felt a headache and felt that this matter had a great impact on Elder Shi.

The main reason is that this genius has never endured hardship since he was a child. He cultivated in a frank manner and did not encounter any hardships. As a result, he suffered a big loss this time, and he was unlucky to the extreme.

"I hope Elder Shi can persevere in the past, otherwise, the half-step golden road will not be reached." Deacon Zhang shook his head and returned to the store with a sigh.

the other side.

In Li Xuan's small courtyard.

Li Xuan sat in the study holding the talisman book and watched it, flipping page by page curiously.

Beside him, Li Xue'er looked at Li Xuan admiringly, her fair and slender little hands kept standing quietly along the cinnabar ink.

On the desk, there is a stack of white long strips of paper. The paper is translucent and has aura fluctuations. It is not ordinary at first glance.

There is also a white brush beside the paper. The brush is very small and can write very small characters, and it also fluctuates with aura.

Obviously, these things have a certain relationship with the talisman.

"The spirit pen, spirit paper, spirit ink, writing spirit characters and depicting spirit patterns can actually form a spirit rune that stores spells. It's a really good idea."

Li Xuan muttered to himself, feeling that this thing is very interesting, if he draws a batch of magic talismans, enters the self-destruction talent into it, and then buries it underground, it will definitely be a super mine.

Of course, dozens of sheets can also be attached to the steel mantis, and the iron mantis can be sent to attack the enemy, and the impact will be catastrophic.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan can't wait to start learning, but there is only one way to draw the spirit pattern, which feels very simple, Li Xuan turned to look at Li Xueer and said.

"Li Xue'er, how many kinds of spirit patterns are there? There is only one of them, and it looks very simple."

"Sir, the number of spirit patterns is very large, it is estimated that there are thousands of them, and most of them are in the hands of major forces. The book is the basic spirit pattern. This spirit pattern involves the formation technique.

I don't know the specific reason, but I'm in the primary stage now, and I only have basic spirit patterns plus spirit characters and symbols. "

Li Xueer explained softly, not concealing anything at all, and at the same time was surprised that Li Xuan said the spirit patterns were simple.

Because it took her three months to learn to write spirit patterns, but Li Xuan said it was simple after reading it once, which surprised Li Xueer, but also a little depressed and envious.

She didn't doubt Li Xuan's words, such strong people didn't bother to lie to her at all, but it was because she didn't lie that she was depressed.

Think about it, it took three months of hard work to learn it, and people will read it once. This gap is really heart-wrenching.

Fortunately, Li Xuan took over the Chamber of Commerce. In the future, the entire Chamber of Commerce was owned by Li Xuan. She had to rely on her, so she didn't think so much, but seriously explained the knowledge of talisman to Li Xuan.

Time passed, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past two days, under the guidance of Li Xueer, Li Xuan's talisman technique has progressed At the same time, he has also mastered the method of dividing the corpses of monsters, and he knows their value.

For example, the most precious demon pills can be sold for a very good price, and furs can be used to make refining materials, and even replace the spirit paper for runes.

Blood can replace cinnabar, and it can also bathe in the blood of monsters and strengthen the body. It is definitely a great supplement for low-level warriors.

In addition, the limbs of monsters can be used to make weapons, and the flesh and blood can be used as food, which is also a great supplement. In short, monsters are treasures.

This kind of harvest makes Li Xuan very happy. Of course, he is looking forward to the two extraordinary fruits, because the extraordinary fruits will arrive tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to it."


PS: Take a day off tomorrow and go to the hospital to see a doctor.

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