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in the public eye.

The man with sword eyebrows and star eyes slowly walked into the store, his dark eyes scanning the four directions.

When he saw Li Xuan's figure, the sword-brow and star-eyed man was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed dramatically.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" The heroic woman asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, this store is not suitable for us, let's go, go to another one."

After Jianmei Xingmu finished speaking, he immediately turned around and left, and walked out of the inn quickly.

This scene made everyone stunned, and even the heroic woman was puzzled, but she hurriedly left the inn with many big men.

After these people left, the inn returned to silence again. Several young men didn't know why, and they discussed puzzledly.

However, some strong people who were good at observing words and expressions found that the last person the Jianmei man looked at was Li Xuan, and instantly they guessed something.

Even the proprietress realized this, and her gaze towards Li Xuan changed again.

"Okay, how much is it!"

Li Xuan put down the wine glass, turned and walked to the counter where the proprietress was.

"A total of 20 blue spirit coins."

The shop boy answered in a timely manner. After the answer, he found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and the covered shop boy couldn't help scratching his head.

"Sorry, I don't have any money, can I exchange it for something else?" Li Xuan came to the proprietress and asked.

"You don't have to pay the bill, I'll treat this order." The proprietress said immediately.

"No, I'll give you this small porcelain bottle, and give me 10 jars of fine wine and a few hundred blue spirit coins." Li Xuan put a small porcelain bottle on the table and said calmly.


The proprietress was stunned for a moment, and looked at the small porcelain vase suspiciously. Although she didn't know what was in it, she instinctively felt that it was not simple.

So she hurriedly said: "Little Er, go and bring 10 jars of fine wine, hurry up!"

"Yes! Madam Boss."

The shop boy hurried to the wine cellar, moved 10 jars of fine wine, and carefully placed them next to Li Xuan.

After seeing it, the proprietress took out another 1,000 blue spirit coins, put it in a money bag, and handed it to Li Xuan.


Li Xuan waved his hand, the things on the scene disappeared, and then his figure disappeared.

This scene shocked everyone on the scene again, and everyone stood up in an instant.

"Space ability? My god! This is a gold-level powerhouse!"

"Gold level? How is this possible? He's so young!"

"What's wrong with youth? Space ability can only be learned at the gold level."

"No wonder, no wonder his temperament is so detached, it turns out to be a gold-level powerhouse, wait, we... We actually saw a gold-level powerhouse up close?"

Everyone said in horror, they couldn't believe their eyes, and they were all frightened.

The shop assistant was even more frightened on the spot, so scared that he slumped on the ground. The proprietress picked up the small porcelain bottle and opened it quickly.

In an instant.

The rich Danxiang overflowed from the small porcelain bottle. The proprietress smelled the Danxiang, and the Black Iron Great Perfection Realm, which had been stuck for two years, moved slightly at this moment.

Without any hesitation, the proprietress immediately swallowed the only pill in the small porcelain bottle and began to absorb it without hesitation.

The reason for this choice is to prevent others from being greedy. Now that I take it on the spot, no one will peep.

Of course, the proprietress also took a certain risk. After all, the pills are not so easy to take. It is too noisy and prone to accidents, but the proprietress still takes it decisively.

Originally, the proprietress was still very worried, afraid that it would take too long to absorb the medicine pill, but what everyone did not expect was that.

Soon, the atmosphere belonging to the bronze level was rippling in the inn, and the strength of the proprietress easily reached the bronze level.

Feeling the fluctuation of spiritual power that belongs to the bronze level, the proprietress looked at Li Xuan's position with complicated eyes and whispered softly.

"Thank you sir!"


outside world.

On the streets of Yunyang Town.

Li Xuan walked slowly, God's perspective locked on the big men who had left before, and walked over unhurriedly.

Inside the Lucky Inn.

Several big men followed the man with sword eyebrows and star eyes and the heroic woman, walked in quickly, booked the room on the second floor on the spot, and checked in directly.

However, everyone was very confused about what happened just now, and couldn't figure out what was going on.

"All come in!"

The man with sword eyebrows and star eyes waved to the crowd and led them into the room.

"Brother, what happened? After you saw that handsome young man, why did you suddenly leave?

Although he is handsome, I didn't feel the fluctuation of his spiritual power. He doesn't seem to be a martial artist? "

The heroic woman was puzzled and asked for the first time.

"Sister, you have to remember that the fluctuation of spiritual power does not mean everything, and some people can easily hide their spiritual power." The man with sword eyebrows and star eyes solemnly warned.

"Ah? Did you find something, eldest brother?" the heroic woman asked.

"Yes, I feel murderous aura, a strong murderous aura. We have killed monsters all year round, and we have been condensing murderous aura.

But compared to that handsome young man just now, our murderous aura is the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue. "The sword-brow and star-eyed man said solemnly.

"Yinghuo and Haoyue? How could there be such a big gap? How old is that young man?

Big brother, you killed 3,000 monsters before you accumulated the murderous aura you have now. Among your peers, and even the older generation, you do not have as much murderous aura as you have accumulated.

The first elder even called you the first person in the family in the future. With so much murderousness, how could we be fireflies? "

The heroic woman didn't quite believe it, mainly because it was too unbelievable. After all, the three thousand monsters were made by fighting.

If you rely on slaughtering monsters raised in captivity, you can't cultivate murderous aura at all. Only real battles can condense murderous aura.

It takes a lot of time to kill 3,000 monsters. Her eldest brother has gathered so much murderous aura at this age, which is quite remarkable.

"What do you know? It was because my murderous aura reached a certain level that I felt the extraordinaryness of that handsome young man.

That kind of terrifying murderous aura was like a black cloud pressing down on the city, like the end of the day. Was it a mass murder? "

The sword-brow and star-eyed man was horrified. Just now, he deeply felt the terrifying murderous aura. The murderous aura that was as vast and boundless as the ocean would make anyone feel fearful under this murderous aura.


When the heroic woman heard this and saw the big brother so solemn, she was also a little frightened, and whispered: "Big brother, is it true?"

"Of course, how dare I joke about this kind of thing? And when will you run away when you see me?"

"Yes, Big Brother, you are the most proud, even if you are a master of the Great Perfection of Silver, you are not afraid,

But I didn't expect you to be scared away today. It seems that the handsome young man is indeed extraordinary. "

The heroic woman spoke softly and became curious about Li Xuan.

"Remember, don't underestimate anyone when you walk outside in the future, sometimes the strong are by our side." The man with sword eyebrows and star eyes urged.

"Okay brother, I remember."


On the roof.

Li Xuan stood quietly, a glimpse of clarity flashed in his eyes.

"Murderous? I deliberately concealed my strength, but I didn't expect it to still be exposed."

Li Xuan sighed, he had traveled through too many worlds, and the beheaded creatures were innumerable, and even when facing the abyss attack, he alone blocked the tide of polluting creatures.

The creatures killed in that battle alone are unimaginable. Looking back now, Li Xuan found that he had indeed killed too many creatures.

"Looking back, I will study how to restrain my murderous aura to prevent myself from exposing myself again~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I am planning to go to those big sects, get good benefits, and get a supernatural fruit,

But I'll talk about this later. I'll go to that store first. It seems to have some good stuff in it. "

Li Xuan's figure disappeared in the illusion, and when he reappeared, he was already in a dim alley next to a shop.


When a wild cat saw Li Xuan's sudden appearance, it was startled, and hurriedly jumped to the roof to dodge away.

Li Xuan ignored it, but strode to the door of the store next to him, looking up at the name of the store.

Fairy Shop.

Such a name is not easy to hear. A shop that dares to name it must have some good things. Li Xuan is going to go in and search to see if there is any gain.

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