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the other side.

Li Xuan and the others returned to the living room and gathered together to watch the long knife.

This long knife now looks simple and unpretentious, but there is a faint red flashing.

Looking at the red light, even the stupid Qin Yue realized the extraordinaryness of this knife, so she couldn't help turning her little head to look at Li Xuan on Xiang's shoulder.

"Brother Li Xuan, this knife is very extraordinary. I have a very special sense of belonging when I hold it, as if it belongs to me in the first place."

"Oh? Xiaomei, take it up and take a look." Li Xuan looked at Song Xiaomei.


Song Xiaomei raised her slender, snow-white hand, and spread out her fingers to hold the red light long knife, but after her hand held it, the red light went out.

"Eh? I don't feel anything, the red light is still out?!" Song Xiaomei looked at the long knife a little blankly.

"Let me try."

Li Xuan's soul emerged, and then Yingling turned his right hand and held the knife, and then there was no more, and there was no change in the slightest.

He even felt that it was an ordinary long knife, and it was useless.

"Qin Yue, try again." Li Xuan handed the long knife to Qin Yue.


Qin Yue's little head was confused, and she held the long knife in her hand obediently. In an instant, a red light appeared on the long knife, and an inexplicable depressing breath was rippling.

This sudden change made the three of them stunned again, and Song Xiaomei even looked envious.

"Brother Li Xuan, I can feel that this knife contains some kind of special ability that only I can use." Qin Yue blinked her eyes and looked at Li Xuan.

"You first cancel the red light and the abnormality on the knife, which will easily cause others to peep." Li Xuan suggested.

"Okay, wait, I'll drop a drop of blood first."

Qin Yue used a dagger to cut the belly of Bai Nen's index finger according to the feeling in the dark, and dripped a drop of red blood on the long knife.

In an instant, the long knife fluttered rapidly, shrouded in Qin Yue's surroundings, like cheering.

Not to mention Song Xiaomei, even Li Xuan was envious of such a change.

Because Li Xuan felt the horror of this knife, the power to tear everything apart was really shocking.

"Brother Li Xuan, I feel that this knife has a special ability." Qin Yue suddenly said.

"What ability?" Li Xuan wondered.

"Absorb blood and condense blood beads. As long as I use this knife to kill mutant beasts, I can absorb the blood essence of mutant beasts and condense blood beads. Blood beads can strengthen our physique."

Qin Yue said in surprise, little stars flashed in her eyes.

"It actually has this ability! To what extent can the blood beads strengthen the body?" Li Xuan hurriedly asked.

"I don't know, but there seems to be no upper limit, but the stronger the strength, the more blood beads are needed." Qin Yue felt it carefully and said seriously.

"Is there no upper limit?"

Li Xuan was also moved. If the blood bead was so powerful, Qin Yue's future would be even more brilliant.

"Go, try it outside the city." Li Xuan said without hesitation.


Qin Yue nodded hurriedly, took Song Xiaomei and her **** bear, and followed Li Xuan out of the city for the first time.

After half an hour.

Several people stopped at the entrance of Mountain Dog Forest.

This forest is the territory of mountain dogs, and there are thousands of them. Although they are all black iron monsters, they are in groups and it is not easy to deal with.

And now, these mountain dogs have become Li Xuan's target.

"You guys are waiting for me here, I'm going to catch some mountain dogs."

Li Xuan left a message, and the figure suddenly rushed into the mountain dog jungle, and the shadow disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Brother Li Xuan, pay attention to safety." Qin Yue said quickly.

There are a large number of mutant beasts in the Mountain Dog Forest, and they are well-known in Black Rock City. Even if Qin Yue knew that Li Xuan's strength was strong, he could not help but worry, and was foolishly afraid that Li Xuan would be in danger.

"Don't worry, Li Xuan is strong, grab a few mountain dogs and come out soon." Song Xiaomei waved her hand, she was not worried about Li Xuan at all, but comforted Qin Yue.

"Well, I hope he will come back as soon as possible." Qin Yue blinked and looked at the forest.

Time passed, and soon howls came from the forest, with panic in the voice.

"Listen, this is the anxious voice of mountain dogs. They will bark like this when they are in danger. Li Xuan must be beating them. Maybe he can catch a few more mountain dogs and come back." Song Xiaomei smiled and analyzed.


Qin Yue finally calmed down and continued to look forward to Li Xuan's return.

Also at this time.

A large shadow enveloped the area.


Bang bang bang bang bang!

More than a hundred dying mountain dogs were thrown out and landed not far from Qin Yue, occupying a large area in an instant.

Then Li Xuan stepped on the steel mantis, quickly emerged from the forest, and stopped not far away.

The moment the steel mantis appeared, Song Xiaomei's **** bear was so frightened that his body tensed up. If it wasn't for Li Xuan stepping on the steel mantis, the **** bear would have screamed in fright.

"Okay...a lot of mountain dogs!"

Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei looked at so many mountain dogs, and the two cute girls were stunned, looking at these mountain dogs like little dumb cats.

They thought that Li Xuan would go in and catch a few mountain dogs, but they didn't expect that more than a hundred of them would be brought back at once, which really shocked them.

But the steel mantis surprised Qin Yue and the others, and they didn't understand what it was.

"Qin Yue come and try it and see the effect." Li Xuan raised his small paw at Qin Yue.

"Oh oh."

Qin Yue walked over stupidly, but even when he came to Li Xuan's side, Qin Yue was still dumbfounded, and his little head was still a little confused.

Fortunately, Song Xiaomei recovered faster, she ran over and shook Qin Yue, and then she woke up the confused Qin Yue.

"Brother Li Xuan, what is this? Did you catch a mutant beast in the forest? Why do I feel it is dangerous?" Qin Yue looked at the steel mantis.

"This is the Iron Mantis, my subordinate, the strength is not bad, you try to kill a mountain dog first, and see the effect." Li Xuan jumped on Qin Yue's shoulder and said expectantly.


Qin Yue nodded hurriedly, walked to a mountain dog with a long knife, and stabbed the mountain dog's heart with great precision.

Qin Yue, who has received the inheritance, although her personality is still clumsy, her combat power is quite powerful, several times stronger than Song Xiaomei, and even Li Xuan's many combat skills are passed down by Qin Yue.

Therefore, in terms of combat, Qin Yue seemed to have changed a person, and dealt with a mountain dog neatly, and then the red light on the long knife shone, and the mountain dog was sucked into a mummified corpse.

Seeing that the long knife was so domineering, Qin Yue was a little frightened and looked at Li Xuan for the first time.

"Wrong, keep killing!"

Li Xuan encouraged, but his eyes turned to the position of the knife handle. There was a groove there, and something seemed to be condensing.


With the encouragement of Li Xuan, Qin Yue continued to wield the long knife and killed the mountain dog again.

After killing the mountain dog, a ruddy blood bead condensed in the groove of the knife.

"Brother Li Xuan, this is it." Qin Yue hurriedly picked up the small porcelain bottle and collected the blood beads.

"I'll try it out."

Li Xuan took the porcelain bottle~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and swallowed it without hesitation. In an instant, a warm current flowed through the body, and the spiritual power in the body increased a little, but more importantly, the physique was increased.

"It seems that good things can be used in alchemy. Qin Yue, you continue to kill mountain dogs. These mountain dogs are dying." Li Xuan urged.


Qin Yue was very obedient, and immediately started beheading. The main monster died, and the quality of the blood beads absorbed would decrease. Qin Yue naturally did not dare to slack off.

It's just that there are more than 100 mountain dogs, even if Qin Yue kills them, it will take a lot of time.

During this period, Li Xuan and Song Xiaomei also tried the knife, but they killed the mountain dog and couldn't condense the blood beads, only Qin Yue could.

Obviously, only Qin Yue can use this knife.

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