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There were three terrifying explosions again, and with these explosions, a thicker corrosive poisonous mist enveloped all directions, scaring the Snowman King to back away in a hurry.

"This is too ruthless. It exploded in frustration, and it exploded again."

The Snowman King hurriedly shrank in the snow, leaving only his eyes to watch secretly. Although the Snowman was a clone of it, the Snowman King was still afraid.

After this wave of explosions, the man in black robe flew towards Area 98 and quickly disappeared into the distance.

"Phew! Now the world of summoned beasts is getting more and more chaotic, and even such terrifying existences have appeared. I think the black-robed people are at least terrifying powerhouses within the 50th area."

The Snowman King secretly analyzed and felt that this was very possible. After all, the more you went to the central area, the more powerful people were. It was like the main city, and the strong people were like clouds.

A marginal and barren land like Area 99 is like a novice village, and most of them are weak people, such as Human Race, Aya Race, Big Ear Race, Rolling Race...

The Snowman King is willing to stay here, and he wants to be a lord more.

"Alas! I will try to be as low-key as possible in the future. These outsiders are too terrifying, and we can't afford to offend them."

The Snowman King slowly emerged from the snow, and his small body was the size of a basketball, which looked very cute.

After it emerged from the snow, it turned its head and ran towards the Snowman King Valley. It ran as fast as walking on the snow on the ground. In half an hour, it ran to the Snowman King Valley.

in the middle of the valley.

A huge snowman like a second-story building is standing quietly, exuding the breath of bronze great perfection.


After the little snowman ran, he plunged into the body of the fat snowman and completely merged into it.


The giant snowman opened his eyes, looked solemnly in the direction of Area 98, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief.

"A thousand crocodiles were killed not far from my territory, which greatly shocked the surroundings. They don't know who did it. No one should dare to approach my territory in the short term."

The Snowman King muttered, feeling that this time he was a blessing in disguise and that he had more room to grow.

"Strive to reach the silver level as soon as possible. Soon, within three months, I will definitely reach the silver level."

The Snowman King closed his eyes again and began to practice.

the other side.

In the willow woods outside the Snow King's Valley.

A group of human reincarnators got together to brag about each other through chat channels.

"Brother Brown Bear, I didn't expect you to have a relationship with the Snowman King. With the protection of the Snowman King in the future, we can develop more safely."

"The Snowman King is a Bronze Great Perfection powerhouse. Brother Brown Bear, you are really amazing. You are so strong that you are recognized by such a powerhouse."

"It's really strong, Big Brother Brown Bear has broken through to the top of the black iron, and he can speak like a human being, and he is also the strongest in our district.

I suggest Brother Brown Bear to be our leader, what do you think? "

"agreed, agreed!"


The chat channel information flashed endlessly. Everyone gathered in the willow forest to worship a brown bear, and kept praising in the chat channel, recommending the brown bear to become the leader.

"Hahaha, don't worry, as long as my brown bear is here for a day, I will definitely keep you safe." The brown bear was in a happy mood and assured him.

"But two crocodiles were observing at the border two days ago, and I'm worried that they will have plots." A fox said worriedly.

"It's okay, I have already told the Snowman King about this, the Snowman King let me not worry, it will be resolved,

If you find anything, you can report it immediately. I have contact with Snowman King's Frost Fireworks.

As long as there is a situation, I will release Frost Dazzling, and the Snowman King will come over immediately. "

The brown bear pointed to a piece of ice on his paw and said proudly.

"It turns out that, with the words of the Snowman King, the safety aspect has indeed greatly increased." The fox nodded.

"That's for sure, it's a Bronze Great Perfection, and can break through to the Silver Rank Snowman King in the future." Brown Bear said to himself.

"It's good, we will have the protection of the Snowman King in the future, and we will no longer have to be afraid."

"Indeed, everyone can fully improve their strength in the future."


In the willow forest, many human reincarnators chatted and talked with each other, and even saw a squirrel reincarnator standing on the head of the wolf reincarnator.

In short, the atmosphere at the scene was very good, everyone's relationship was happy, and a posture of advancing and retreating together.


when people are chatting.

Li Xuan's God's perspective found the anomaly here, and flew quickly from a distance, landed not far away, and slowly walked towards them.

"Who are you?"

Seeing Li Xuan walking from a distance, the brown bear immediately questioned loudly.

"Sure enough, it is a human reincarnation. I will give you two choices. One is to follow me, and the other is to be knocked out and taken away by me. Choose yourself." Li Xuan said lightly.


The human race reincarnators stood up vigilantly and stared at Li Xuan in a surrounding posture, but they didn't dare to attack. They felt that Li Xuan was a little awkward.

"Choose quickly, otherwise I don't mind doing it right away." Li Xuan said coldly, walking towards the brown bear step by step.


Whoosh whoosh!

The three tyrannical reincarnators took the lead, preparing to test Li Xuan's strength, because they could not see through Li Xuan.

Bang bang bang!

With three muffled sounds, the three tyrannical reincarnators fainted and were slapped directly by a slap.

"Too weak, that's all?"

Li Xuan looked at these reincarnators speechlessly. The only ones who attacked him just now were the strengths of Hei Tie and Hei Tie. Li Xuan was even worried that he accidentally shot them to death.


Brown Bear saw that three tyrannical reincarnators were slapped unconscious by a slap, and he was also terrified, feeling the horror of Li Xuan.

"I admit that you are very strong, but we have a lord. As long as you defeat our lord, we will go with you." The brown bear said loudly.

"Your lords? Yes, then I will convince you." Li Xuan suddenly thought that by defeating the lords, he could gain some territory and nodded in agreement.


The brown bear immediately raised his paws and released the icy fireworks on his wrist, and the next second fireworks burst into the sky.

With the release of the fireworks, Brown Bear breathed a sigh of relief, looking forward to the appearance of the Snowman King and defeating Li Xuan.

Time passed slowly, and the sound of bang bang bang became louder and louder, as if some kind of heavy object was hitting the ground.

As the voice grew louder, the joy in the hearts of the human race reincarnated became more and more intense.

When the snowman king's two-story figure appeared in front of him, everyone couldn't help cheering.

"Haha, the Snowman King is here. Every time I see this figure, I feel terrified."

"Yeah, Bronze Great Perfection, this is a very high level."

"Yeah yeah."


Following the discussion of the crowd, the Snowman King came not far from the crowd, and the huge size brought enormous pressure to the crowd.

The huge snowman king also fixed his eyes on the reincarnated person at the scene and the black-robed man on the opposite side.

In the end, it didn't matter, the Snowman King was so frightened that his pupils shrank, and then he turned around and ran away.

Bang bang bang!

This time, the vibration was very fast, and even the willow trees that were in the way were accidentally stepped on and damaged.

Everyone looked at the snowman king who fled like a rabbit, completely dumbfounded, as if petrified.

They never thought that it would be this scene, the snowman king came and ran away after just one glance, which was really unexpected.

So at this moment, everyone was a little sluggish, and their heads were buzzing.

"Did I let you go?" Li Xuan's voice sounded abruptly, ringing in everyone's ears.

The snowman king who was fleeing stopped immediately, turned his head cautiously, and looked at Li Xuan.

"My lord, I really didn't know it was you, please forgive me, please."

The Snowman King was so frightened, he knelt down and kept kowtowing.

It was really frightened, and even the silver level was killed by the explosion. How could it possibly provoke this black-robed man with its small bronze perfection.

So the Snowman King directly begged for mercy, and even expressed his willingness to be his subordinate.

"My lord, as long as you don't kill me, I am willing to be your subordinate and follow you forever." The Snowman King hurriedly expressed his loyalty.

"Okay, give me some of your territory for a while, then go to mine, that's all."

Li Xuan said lazily, waved his hand and the ground shook, and a mysterious portal rose from the ground, standing in front of everyone.

"Go in, you will live in my territory in the future." Li Xuan said.

"Yes Yes!"

Everyone did not dare to disobey Li Xuan~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and slowly walked into the portal in anxiety, leaving only the Snowman King himself.

The Snowman King was also unambiguous, and immediately gave his territory to Li Xuan, and then walked into the portal obediently.


The Snowman King's territory began to shrink rapidly, and a large area merged into Li Xuan's wolf territory, expanding the territory again.

Li Xuan felt the situation in the territory and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, since this matter is over, let's go to Qin Yue. I haven't seen her for a long time. I don't know what happened."

Li Xuan turned into an orange cat, secretly communicated with Qin Yue, waiting for the appearance of the summoning circle.

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