Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 241: Carrying the hope of the human race with one's own strength

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Following this sound, a steel right foot that had been bitten by countless polluting creatures stomped on the evil-eyed leopard, directly killing it.

Then the steel right foot continued to move, trampling the earth everywhere, trampling the polluting creatures.

In such a scene, everyone's pupils shrank, and they hurriedly stared at the steel right foot.

"Is that a right foot? How can it be so huge? It stepped on the evil-eyed leopard with one foot."

"That's the evil-eyed leopard in the lower ranks of silver. It was trampled to death. How strong is this steel right foot?"

"Look at the top of the steel right foot, many polluted creatures are biting on the steel, is this the powerhouse that blocks the pollution army?"

Everyone looked at the right foot in astonishment. With the adjustment of the camera, they gradually saw the whole picture, and saw a terrifying steel giant standing upright.

This steel giant has long been stained red with blood, and densely packed polluted creatures jumped on him, tearing and biting frantically.

Countless terrifying bugs landed on the arm of the steel giant, and bitten towards the steel arm.

The gnawing ability of these insects is extremely strong, and there are too many of them. Under their desperate gnawing, small pits gradually appear in the steel arm.

Although these small pits recovered quickly, if they continue, the steel giant will probably fall here.

Because in front of the steel giant, dozens of split stone men are frantically attacking, smashing the steel giant with big mouths and bloodthirsty.

Around the split stone man, all kinds of silver-level Dzogchen polluting creatures took the opportunity to attack, stitching monsters, **** bears, devil-claw dogs, brutal lions...

So many creatures are looking for and continue to attack, and they are not afraid to smash at the steel giant.

above the sky.

The polluted bird that blocked the sky swooped down, and its sharp beak and claws slashed at the steel giant.

Even many polluting birds spit flames, burning the iron giants.

on earth.

The tidal water-like polluting creatures surrounded the steel giant, attacking the steel giant like ants frantically, unwilling to take a step back.

The setting sun in the sky is like blood.

The steel giant is fighting alone in the boundless ocean of enemy forces.

With his big steel hand, he grabbed two stone men and smashed them everywhere, strangling all the polluted creatures he saw, and forcibly blocked the polluted army by himself.


His body has been shaken, his steps are no longer steady, and his body is a little staggered. Obviously, the steel giant has reached its limit.

But he has no partner, no reinforcements, and no one can help him. In this tide-like pollution army, he is the only one who carries the burden and fights **** battles.

Above the Grand Plaza of Shendanzong.

Everyone looked at the earth-shattering battle in the mirror, and at the steel giant who was fighting hard and refused to take a step back.

On the Grand Plaza of Shendan Sect, everyone was moved and truly shocked.

That Elder Song even thought of the pictures he had seen before. Seeing that many cities had survived, he still wondered if there was something wrong with the Pollution Legion.

But now it seems that it is not like that at all, but someone has carried everything.

"How can the years be safe, but someone is carrying the burden for us." Elder Song said in a hoarse voice, and the whole person was trembling.

"I didn't expect that someone was really fighting for the human race, carrying the hope of the human race by themselves,

And we are like tortoises with their heads shrinking, hiding in the sect. "The female elder's voice was trembling, and her eyes were already red.

"We have to do something, Elder Taishang, you can do it." The sect master looked at Elder Taishang solemnly.

"It's useless, even if I make a move, it may be buried here, look here."

The elder Taishang tapped the air, the picture in the mirror changed, and the space crack in the cliff appeared in the picture.

In the center of the space crack, a golden arm grabbed the crack and did not move.

Beside the arm, a strange vertical pupil stared at the steel giants who were fighting frantically on the battlefield.

"This is the gold-level Demon King, and it is very powerful. Although it only has arms coming in, its combat power is greatly affected.

But as long as I go over, the Demon King must use the treasure to break through the cracks in space and enter our world,

And the Demon King who just arrived is the most terrifying, with the most magical power all over his body, plus the increase in its bracelet, I can't beat it at all.

Only after it has stayed in this world for a period of time and consumed a lot of magic power, is it its weakest moment.

And at that time, it will also be the moment when I will fight it to the death, so now I can't shoot. "

The elder Taishang sighed helplessly. He doesn't dare to take the lead now. If he is dead, let alone a thousand miles, no one will survive even if he is a thousand miles away.

"However, with this steel giant now, we may be able to unite with him." Elder Song said hurriedly.

"It's useless, although the steel giant is very strong, he is not at the gold level, and he can't even hold the Devil King's finger.

Even if I join forces with him, I will not be able to defeat the Demon King who has just arrived, and it will even accelerate the death of the Iron Giant, so I must not go.

If I don't go, if you go, it will only interfere with the steel giant and become a burden to him. With so many polluting creatures, how many can you resist? "The Supreme Elder sighed.


Everyone was silent, looking sadly at the figure fighting alone in the picture.

The figure's pace was even more staggering, and wounds appeared on his body from time to time. The whole person was bathed in blood and fought alone.

But the steel giant is still fighting without any regrets, holding up the last glimmer of hope for mankind.

In the corner, Chen Hao clenched his fists tightly, his fingers were turning white because of too much force, and the whole person fell into self-blame.

"It is clear that I am the son of heaven and earth, and the one who should save the world, but why should I let others take this responsibility? I am not worthy of being called the son of heaven and earth." Chen Hao roared in his heart.

"Hey, this is just the beginning, it will become more and more dangerous in the later stages, and even the gold-level Supreme Elder will fall, and at that time, only you can carry the banner,

So you have to practice desperately and do your best to be the last hope of the human race. "Ming Lao sighed.

"You mean even the Heavenly Sword Sect will fail?" Chen Hao said in horror.

"Yes, the future only depends on you, you are the last hope, but I have some doubts, who is this steel giant?

He actually worked so hard for the human race. According to my analysis, thousands of miles around will be turned into scorched earth. "

Old Ming was puzzled. At this time, he suddenly looked at the corner of the square, where the perception beast was staring at the battle scene in the mirror.


The body of the perception beast flashed quickly, and soon disappeared above the square, and burrowed into the woods.

Old Ming frowned when he saw this scene, but didn't pay too much attention, because in the mirror picture, the steel giant who was invincible fell down.


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