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"Li Xuan, what are your thoughts? As long as you apprentice, we will fulfill our promise immediately." The Sect Master of Shendan Sect said expectantly.

"Want to be a teacher!"

Li Xuan actually didn't mean to be a teacher. He didn't want to have another teacher, but it would not be very good if so many people refused.

So Li Xuan looked at the fat girl at the back, and Chen Hao, especially Chen Hao, Li Xuan took a few more glances.

"Don't worry, wait until these two people have finished their tests."

After Li Xuan finished saying this, he turned around and returned to the original place.


Everyone was puzzled and didn't understand what Li Xuan meant. They felt that there was something in Li Xuan's words, which seemed to explain that the two people behind were not simple.

"Okay, then continue the test, the next one." Elder Song announced.


The fat girl nodded, walked to the crystal ball step by step, raised her hand on the crystal ball.

In an instant, the urging light flashed again, and the dense air in the purple crystal ball swam, looking very magical.

Soon, another line of fonts appeared.

[Alchemy qualification, excellent! 】

"Another top class? How is that possible!"

The elders were startled and looked at the fat girl in disbelief. Elder Song asked directly, "What's your name?"

"My name is Wu Lan, the blue of the blue sky." The fat girl said proudly.

"Very good, you wait a moment, and the next one will continue the test." Elder Song announced with a deep breath.

Although he announced this sentence, his eyes turned to Li Xuan, because he felt that Li Xuan seemed to know something.

The surrounding elders also looked at Li Xuan with suspicion in their eyes.

"Finally it's my turn."

Chen Hao took a deep breath, still a little irritable in his heart. Originally, he thought that he could suppress Li Xuan through talent, and he was a blockbuster.

But who would have guessed that Li Xuan was also an excellent talent, which made Chen Hao very depressed, especially the uproar caused by Li Xuan's first test can be imagined.

Although it was his turn now, he found that the senior management were all looking at Li Xuan, which made Chen Hao speechless.

Depressed Chen Hao came to the crystal ball, put his hand against the spherical surface, and instantly the purple light shone.

A line of fonts appeared suddenly.

[Alchemy qualification, excellent! 】

When the test results appeared, there was no uproar as expected, everyone just nodded, and the reaction was very dull.

After mainly passing through two excellent qualifications, everyone felt a little numb.

As for those high-level executives, after seeing the test results, instead of looking at Chen Hao, they looked at Li Xuan again.

In this scene, Chen Hao almost vomited blood.

He wanted to say, "It's me, it's me! Why should I look at Li Xuan?"

Depressed Chen Hao walked aside with a dark face, waiting for the follow-up development, but he was very aggrieved, especially Li Xuan's aptitude, which made Chen Hao feel a strong sense of crisis.

"Don't worry, with my teaching, in the future you will definitely be able to refine all kinds of magical medicine pills. It's only a matter of time before you surpass Li Xuan." The deep male voice comforted.

"I know, it's just that I'm not happy and my thoughts are not clear. Why are all good things Li Xuan's? Why does God treat rich children so favorably?

This guy is rich and powerful, extremely talented, naturally friendly, and good-looking, and there are so many high-level executives rushing to accept Li Xuan, why?

I grew up alone and begged for a living. Even when I found a job, I was still beaten, scolded, and abused. I finally lost a sister next door.

They are both human beings, why is Li Xuan so happy and I am so miserable, how unfair God is! "

Chen Hao gritted his teeth, feeling very unhappy, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"This is cultivating the mind, think about it, you will gradually become stronger from the beginning, and you can already be on an equal footing with the children of the rich family, this is growth.

With my help in the future, your alchemy level will definitely surpass Li Xuan's and become the best alchemist.

So don't be bothered by these things anymore. Your goal is to be a top genius, a polluting creature from another world, understand? "

The deep male voice continued to comfort and explain in an orderly manner.

"okay, I get it."

Chen Hao was still unhappy in his heart, but after being comforted a bit, he finally felt better, and officially regarded Li Xuan as a stepping stone to train his heart.

Next, Shendan Zong began to arrange all the disciples. As for Li Xuan, Chen Hao, and the fat girl, they were invited to the Shendan Zong hall.

Arrived at Shendanzong Hall.

Everyone looked at Li Xuan for the first time, and at the tall and mighty sentient beast next to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan, Chen Hao, and the fat girl are all geniuses with excellent qualifications, and they are all good geniuses, but Li Xuan will always be the most valued one.

First, he is young, second, he has passed the title of junior alchemist, and third, that is the perception beast that no one can ignore.

As a perceptive beast of the Great Perfection of Silver, even the suzerain can't afford it.

So everyone looked at Li Xuan, looking forward to his apprenticeship.

"Li Xuan, what are your thoughts? Who are you going to worship as your teacher?"

"Will you be a teacher?"

Li Xuan was silent, he actually didn't want to be a teacher.

The first point is that he didn't stay in this world for a long time, and he didn't need to be a teacher, and the nature of the teacher was different.

The second point is that he has secrets, there is no need to get too close to these people, and he can obtain all kinds of pill recipes by himself.

The third point is that the strength of these high-level leaders is too weak, and the strongest suzerain is only the Great Perfection of Silver.

With such strength, Li Xuan can easily kill the opponent. In the face of such a weak person, who is willing to worship the opponent as a teacher?

So Li Xuan decided not to be a teacher, but if he refused, he would give the other side a face, so Li Xuan thought about it.

"It's not easy for so many people to choose, so, whoever of you can defeat the perception beast, I will worship whoever is."

"Defeat the sentient beast? This..."

The high-level executives were silent, looking at the perceptive beast with a powerful breath, the high-level executives felt bitter in their hearts and could not tell.

There's no way, I can't beat it, even if two elders come at the same time, they may not be able to beat it.

So at this moment, the scene slowly fell into silence, and the senior management did not know how to answer.

"Don't worry, you guys will challenge slowly. When you're done, come find me. You can arrange the two disciples next to you first." Li Xuan smiled, his smile was very gentle.

It's just that everyone looked at this smile and felt a little depressed and a little shriveled.

"Okay, let's choose these two first, elders, please choose." The Sect Master of Shendan Sect suggested.

"Okay! Wu Lan, are you willing to worship me as your teacher?" The female elder spoke and looked at Wu Lan.

"Of course the reason, to see the master!"

Wu Lan happily knelt on the ground and kowtowed a few times to the female elder.

"Very good, you will be my seventh disciple from now on." The female elder said happily.

"It's Master!" Wu Lan was so excited that he hurriedly responded respectfully again.

"Chen Hao, are you willing to worship me as your teacher." Elder Song also asked.


Chen Hao glanced hesitantly at the Sect Master of Shendan Sect, and wanted to take the Sect Master as his teacher, but at the moment there was no second elder to speak, so Chen Hao could only worship Song Elder as his teacher.

"Meet Master."

Chen Hao also knelt down and kowtowed a few times. Although the sound was very loud, Elder Song frowned.

The reason is that Chen Hao's look made Elder Song a little unhappy.

"That's it, Deacon Wang, come and arrange accommodation for them." The sect master spoke, preparing to report today's affairs to the elder Taishang.


Deacon Wang walked out quickly, and began to take Li Xuan and others out of the hall to arrange accommodation.

The sect master was not idle either, he hurriedly left the hall and went to the elder Taishang in the back mountain to retreat to the cave.

"I know, protect such a genius, go."

An old voice came from the cave, it was not loud, but it was particularly depressing.

"Yes! Supreme Elder!"

The sect master hurriedly bowed and saluted, and left carefully.

All that was left was the dark cave.

Soon after, a faint voice sounded in the cave.

"To be recognized by the Perceptive Beast is really extraordinary. Such a genius must be well protected, and I should see him. Unfortunately, it is not suitable now. After half a year, wait for me to leave the customs."

The faint voice slowly fell silent~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There was no sound at all.

the other side.

In a small courtyard with maple trees.

Li Xuan looked around, looked at the quiet courtyard assigned to him, and nodded with satisfaction.

"The environment is good, it suits me very well."

Li Xuan turned around again with satisfaction, looked at the alchemy room in the back room, and the Zongmen material exchange manual on the table, Li Xuan finally smiled.

"Finally at this stage, I can finally exchange things, let's see what good things can be exchanged first."

Li Xuan walked over quickly, picked up the manual and read it, and his eyes soon lit up.

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