However, Deacon Zhou understood Li Xuan's strength, and immediately took precautions to prevent the wolves from suddenly attacking.

In this kind of alert, they continued to move forward, and they continued to walk forward, but they did not see the wolves after walking for five miles.

Such a result made Deacon Zhou a little dazed, unable to figure out why.

But he still warned himself in his heart that the wolves might still be ahead, so they moved on.

As a result, after walking for another five miles, I still didn't see a wolf pack, not even a wolf shadow.

This made Deacon Zhou puzzled and wondered if Li Xuan was wrong.

"Mr. Li Xuan is stronger than me, maybe the wolves are still ahead."

Deacon Zhou secretly warned himself, and continued to walk forward vigilantly.

Then they walked another five miles, but they still didn't see anything, not even a wolf footprint.

This time, Deacon Zhou became more and more suspicious, and his brows became more and more puzzled.

"Perhaps Mr. Li Xuan is due to the black werewolf. He can investigate further. I will continue to walk forward."

Deacon Zhou cautiously believed that the gray wolf might still be ahead, and they continued to move forward.

Then another five miles passed. From when Li Xuan spoke to now, they have traveled a total of twenty miles, or ten kilometers.

At such a long distance, they still found nothing, which made Deacon Zhou look at Li Xuan with suspicious eyes.

The suspicion in his heart had reached the extreme, and he couldn't help but say, "Mr. Li Xuan, is there really a gray wolf?"

"Yes, they are here." Li Xuan said lightly.

"Ah? Here?"

Deacon Zhou turned his head suspiciously, looked at the position ahead, and saw the vast grass.

Except for a wood to the southeast, everything was plain and nothing was seen.

Yet at this time.

Just when Deacon Zhou was suspicious.

In the woods to the southeast, there were wolves in shadows, howling wolves one after another, and then gray wolves walked out of the forest and looked at them.

"There really is a gray wolf!!"

Looking at the gray wolf walking out of the forest, Deacon Zhou was stunned and looked at Li Xuan in horror.

You must know that from Li Xuan's speech to the present, they have walked twenty miles, or ten kilometers.

At such a long distance, Li Xuan actually discovered it in advance. Such means are really scary.

You must know that although the detection ability of the silver level is strong, most of them can only detect a few hundred meters, and they will die for a thousand meters.

But did not expect.

Li Xuan actually detected a gray wolf twenty miles away, which is really scary.

Because of this, Deacon Zhou looked at Li Xuan in disbelief, feeling that Li Xuan was more terrifying than he thought.


The wolf howls resounded through the heavens and the earth. Following the wolf howls, hundreds of werewolves rushed forward in a mighty rush. The leader was a three-meter-high gray wolf king.

"The gray wolf king in the upper ranks of silver, **** it, the trouble is big!"

Looking at the gray wolf king, Deacon Zhou's expression changed greatly, and he felt that he was doomed this time, because the upper rank of Baiyin was a real powerhouse, and he was a master second only to the Great Perfection of Baiyin.

Such a master can beat a group of Deacon Zhou, so Deacon Zhou looked horrified and his scalp was numb.

at this critical time.

Li Xuan slowly walked to the front, and the terrifying Longwei suddenly released, slamming into the gray wolf king who came from a distance, "Get out!"

With this loud shout, the gray wolves that rushed over stopped collectively, and the ordinary gray wolves were so frightened by Long Wei that they shivered and did not dare to go forward.

Although the Gray Wolf King could persevere under Longwei, he felt the killing intent mixed with Longwei, and the sense of crisis in his heart.

After retreating for a distance, the Grey Wolf King turned around abruptly, and led his subordinates to flee into the distance like a rabbit.


Looking at the Grey Wolf King who was scared away by Li Xuanyi's voice, and then looking at Li Xuan who was standing at the front, everyone swallowed and their eyes showed horror.

Deacon Zhou looked at Li Xuan blankly, his head buzzing.

He thought that Li Xuan was very strong, but he didn't expect Li Xuan to be so strong that even the gray wolf king who was in the top position of silver could scare away.

Thinking that Li Xuan might be the Great Consummation of Silver, Deacon Zhou lowered his posture.

Xiao Jian next to him was equally horrified. He admired Li Xuan more and more, and even hoped in his heart that he would be able to scare away the wolves with a roar like Li Xuan.

"I must become such a strong man. With my talent and the medicinal pill that Mr. Li Xuan gave me, I must reach the silver level."

Xiao Jian muttered to himself, excitedly looking forward to it, imagining the scene where his strength would greatly increase in the future.

Time passed slowly, and another seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

Everyone finally arrived at their destination and came to the headquarters of Heipaomen.

This is a tall mountain forest, surrounded by black air, which looks very mysterious and extraordinary.

The new disciples walked all the way along the mountain road, looking at the scene surrounded by black gas, they were all very curious.

Li Xuan was also very curious about this black gas. When he walked into the place surrounded by black gas, it was like a fish returning to the water, and he had a very comfortable feeling.

Li Xuan carefully observed these black qi and found that the black qi seems to be the product of the combination of dark elements and spiritual qi, which is very interesting.

"Perhaps, I can take the opportunity to learn the exercises and skills of this world, and when I get a real body in the future, I can quickly gain strength."

Li Xuan murmured, although he still intends to continue to acquire talents and acquire thousands of talents, but one day he will have to acquire a body, so he always has to make some preparations.

"Then let's learn it. You can rely on exercises and other things, and you can learn the skills of this world."

Li Xuan has the Spirit Clan Breathing Technique, which can absorb spiritual power 24 hours a day. The requirements for the exercises are not so high, but more about ability.

After the decision was made, Li Xuan continued to move forward and followed the team to the headquarters of Heipaomen.

The arrival of Li Xuan and others caused quite a stir at the Hei Pao Gate.

The main reason is that there are too many disciples brought back this time, and there is also a silver master, which even alarmed the sect master of Heipaomen.

The door owner personally received Li Xuan, and observed Li Xuan secretly, wanting to know Li Xuan's purpose.

Of course, it was more to see if Li Xuan's strength was suitable for joining Heipaomen.

Wait until after contact.

The door owner hurriedly left, returned to the conference room, and sat with several elders for a meeting.

"Sect Master, does Li Xuan really have the strength of the Great Perfection of Silver?" the third elder asked in surprise.

"Yes, I am the Great Perfection of Silver, but I feel a lot of pressure from Li Xuan. I am afraid that he is the top in the Great Perfection of Silver."

The door owner is a woman surnamed Zhao, and her voice is very feminine when she speaks, which is very comfortable to hear.

In addition, her figure is exquisitely curvy, her skin is as white as cream, and there is a temptation all over her body.

It's a pity that in this world where fat is the the beauty of Sect Master Zhao is not very popular.

"If it is really the Great Perfection of Silver, then it can't be left. Only you and the Great Elder are the Great Perfection of Silver, and the rest are weaker than Li Xuan,

If Li Xuan did something dangerous, it would be too dangerous, not to mention that even you feel that Li Xuan is dangerous. "The third elder said solemnly.

"Yeah, my Hei Pao Sect is all about stability. Li Xuan is too dangerous. I'm worried that it will be bad for the sect, so it's better to be careful." The fourth elder nodded in agreement.

"I also agree that stability is the main priority, and Li Xuan cannot be easily accepted."



In the conference room, there was almost one-sided objection, not wanting Li Xuan to join the sect, only the sect master still wanted to keep Li Xuan, and wanted to make the sect stronger.


There was a knock on the door, and then a figure walked in from the outside, it was Deacon Zhou.

"Sect master, elders, I have a gift here from Mr. Li Xuan. He hopes that the sect can help him find extraordinary fruits."

After Deacon Zhou finished speaking, he walked into the house and put a gift box on the table.

"Extraordinary fruit? We all lack such an important thing, why should we help him.... Wait, this is the flower of darkness? My God, a good thing, a good thing."

The third elder originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw the gift box opened by Deacon Zhou, he was instantly shocked and hurried over.

The surrounding elders also rushed over, even Sect Master Zhao followed in surprise, looking at the gift box in awe.


PS: I have something to do today, and I will make it up tomorrow.

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