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Lan'er's startled breathing attracted everyone's attention. Deacon Zhou was stunned when he saw Lan'er, and clearly recognized the other party's identity.

Xiao Jian also heard Lan'er's exclamation. Although he didn't know much, even Lan'er exclaimed, which naturally proved that the gold level was terrible, so he couldn't help saying.

"Is there any chance of my talent reaching the gold level?"

"Are you talented? Difficult, very difficult, one in ten thousand." Deacon Zhou shook his head and sighed.

"One in 10,000 chance? So difficult? What about dark affinity? Could it be 100% advanced to the gold level?" Xiao Jian said again.

"How is that possible? Do you think gold rank is a wild vegetable? How can it be so easy to reach gold rank,

Even if there is a dark affinity, it is difficult to reach the gold level, and it requires hard training. "Deacon Zhou said directly.

"How many chances are there? 1% chance?" Xiao Jian was in a better mood.

"It's not that low. As long as you are willing to work hard and don't die prematurely, there is about a one-third chance." Deacon Zhou said.

"One-third? That high?"

Xiao Jian was dumbfounded and looked at Deacon Zhou blankly, knowing that he had a one in ten thousand chance, but the dark affinity actually reached one third.

Such a gap can be described as heaven and earth, so Xiao Jian was a little bit shocked.

"Don't worry, the dark affinity is also graded. One third of what I said is to raise the dark affinity to the extraordinary. The ordinary dark affinity is still almost." Deacon Zhou continued.

"It turned out to be like this, it scared me to death." Xiao Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief, no longer so much pressure.

"Don't worry, the dark affinity has not appeared for many years, not to mention the extraordinary level of dark affinity, your talent is already rare."

Deacon Zhou patted Xiao Jian on the shoulder and continued.

"How are you thinking? Do you want to take the old man as a teacher? The old man is at the silver level, and his strength can be ranked in the top three in this city, no, the top four."

Deacon Zhou thought of Li Xuan and hurriedly put the ranking to fourth.

In the past, Blue Fist was the strongest in this city, and City Lord Wu was second, and he could rank third.

Later, seeing the horror of the black werewolf, Deacon Zhou felt that he could only be ranked fourth, there was no way, the black werewolf was too scary to offend.

"Meet Master!"

Xiao Jian had long wanted to become a strong man, and now he has the opportunity to become a disciple of a silver-level master, so he hurriedly knelt down and saluted, and kowtowed to his teacher.

"Okay, good disciple, get up quickly, today is really a good day, I will go to Xingyuelou in a while, this old man will take you to celebrate." Deacon Zhou said happily.

"It's Master."

Xiao Jian also smiled, feeling very lucky today.

First, Laner's problem was solved inexplicably, and now she has worshipped the silver-level teacher, which is a day that changed her destiny.

The happy Xiao Jian hurriedly summoned Laner and introduced him to the master, Deacon Zhou.

Deacon Zhou had already investigated the lineage of the city lord, and just now recognized Lan'er's identity. Now looking at the situation of Xiao Jian and Lan'er, Deacon Zhou also had the idea of ​​cooperating with the city lord.

I used to be afraid of the city lord, and it is not good to recruit disciples with great fanfare. After all, the city lord is the official city lord who accepts his fate, so we still need to pay attention.

Now with Xiao Jian's relationship, Hei Pao Sect can recruit disciples with the help of the city owner.

Such recruitment is much stronger than it is now, and it can recruit more disciples, thus making Hei Pao Sect stronger and stronger.

Think of this.

Deacon Zhou couldn't wait to talk about this matter, but don't worry, finish the test first, and then go to Xingyuelou to talk about it later.

Deacon Zhou, who was in a good mood, sat on the main seat leisurely, and arranged for Xiao Jian to help test the civilians as well.

Anyway, as long as you report the result according to the situation of the crystal ball, it's simple.

Xiao Jian was naturally very enthusiastic about his work and devoted himself to testing, especially when he was working under the envious eyes of many civilians, Xiao Jian felt a little overwhelmed.

When it was almost time for the test, Deacon Zhou ordered the two disciples to go to the Xingyue Building next door to reserve the room, and they were ready to celebrate today.

The two disciples were ordered to leave the mansion quickly and go to the Xingyuelou private room.

Star Moon Building.

Li Xuan was drinking wine leisurely on the second floor, looking at the scene of the mansion from the perspective of God, and also thought of his own talent, dark and friendly.

"I have upgraded the black iron affinity to the Great Perfection, but unfortunately there is no extraordinary fruit. If you take the extraordinary fruit, then..."

Li Xuan's eyes flashed with anticipation, thinking about whether to go to the black robe gate, and also practice their abilities, maybe they can reach the gold level.

"It's a pity that decades are too long. I don't have the time, but they can get their hands on their cultivation methods and study them carefully."

Li Xuan muttered, and suddenly heard a loud noise from downstairs, followed by an arrogant voice.

"The black robe gate is reserved, everyone leaves, immediately!"

With this arrogant voice, the customers in Xingyue Building frowned.

This restaurant is a high-end restaurant. Most of the people who eat and drink have some skills, money, strength and background.

Being driven out like this, everyone was naturally very upset, but they couldn't provoke Heipaomen, so they could only admit their counsel and leave.

"I'm gone, I can't be bothered."

"Alas! Sure enough, a big fist is a skill."

"Now the black robe is getting stronger and stronger, it is said that there are many silver-level elders."

"Isn't it true, let's go, Hei Pao Men has spoken, and it is estimated that no one dares to eat here."


Everyone reluctantly got up and left, one by one they chose to admit their counsel and did not dare to provoke Heipaomen.

After a while, Li Xuan was the only customer left in the entire restaurant, eating and drinking upstairs.


"Huh? Why is there still the sound of eating upstairs?"

A tall black-robed man with sensitive ears heard the sound from upstairs.

"Did someone leave?" Another short black robe was surprised.

"Go, go up and have a look, I want to see who doesn't give me black robe face like this."

The two men in black robes frowned and started walking upstairs along the stairs.

There was dissatisfaction on their faces, and they were obviously angry.

With such emotions, the two walked to the entrance of the second floor and looked in the direction of Li Xuan.


The pupils of the two men in black robes shrank sharply, and they hurriedly turned around and ran down again, at a very fast speed.

After the two ran to the hall of Xingyuelou, they gathered together in surprise.

"Senior brother, is the black werewolf just now the super strong man that Master said?" The short black robed man asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's him, definitely him, the terrifying black werewolf who beat up the master of the Blue Fist faction."

The tall man in black robe wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, took out a portrait from his arms and opened it. The portrait showed Li Xuan's figure impressively.

"It's really him! Mother, it scared me to death. I almost got angry just now, but fortunately I didn't make a sound." The short black-robed man said in a trembling voice. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"I almost got angry just now. Fortunately, the master warned us before and painted a portrait. If there is no master's advice, then we will explain it here."

The tall man in black robe patted his heart in fear, and hurriedly walked out with his junior brother.

"Two adults, do you still want to book a room?" the shop owner asked hurriedly.

"Bag! The money that the adult upstairs spent eating is all ours. This is money."

The tall man in black robe put down the money and left in a hurry, preparing to report this matter to Master.


The store owner looked at the money on the table and the people in Heipaomen who left in a panic. Thinking of the one who was eating upstairs, the store owner vaguely understood something.

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