Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 209: Hei Tie Dan (add more rewards to the boss of [Stolen Soymilk])

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"Yes, yes, we are quiet, quiet."

A few hooligans nodded quickly and knelt down uneasy, not daring to look at Li Xuan.

"I ask you, it is difficult for you to become a black iron rank with your xinxing. How did you become a black iron rank?" Li Xuan asked suddenly.

In fact, he had been wondering this question for a long time. Although there are many warriors in this world, there are far more black iron levels than he imagined, and even more are a little abnormal.

Because the number of bronze-level and silver-level is still normal, but the black-iron level is a bit too much, Li Xuan is very puzzled about this.

"Master Black Wolf, we have reached the black iron level by taking the pill. Many people have taken this pill. Of course, this pill has great side effects." The scarred youth hurriedly explained.

"Pill? What kind of pill? What are the side effects?" Li Xuan immediately asked, with a strong interest in his heart.

"It's the black iron pill. Eating this medicine has a certain chance of sudden death. Even if you reach the black iron level, you will never be able to improve again, and if you give birth to a child, there is a high chance that the child will not be able to practice.

The reason why we eat these medicine pills is that we already have descendants, and we were too poor and miserable before. No one can look down on waste like us.

At that time, the Shendan Sect was looking for a person to test the pill, and they could take the black iron pill for free, so we signed up and survived by luck.

By the way, the black iron pill is very expensive now, it is said that the Shendan Zong perfected the black iron pill, and the chance of sudden death has been greatly reduced..."

The scarred youth hurriedly explained and told a lot of questions about the black iron pill.

"So that's the case, Hei Tie Dan, Shen Dan Zong, is very valuable for research."

Li Xuan muttered secretly, preparing to study the black iron pill, and even experiment with these little gangsters.

"Where is the black iron pill sold?" Li Xuan looked at the gangsters.

"Uncle Black Wolf, there is Shendan Hall, it is the shop of Shendanzong, and there are many other medicinal herbs." The scarred youth hurriedly said.

"Well, you can find a single-family house nearby. I'm useful. In addition, you can take me to the Shendan Hall." Li Xuan pointed to the scarred youth.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The scarred youth complained in his heart. The last time he led the way to the Blue Boxing Sect, Li Xuan fought the Blue Fist Sect against each other. This time he went to the Shendan Hall, and he was afraid that he would cause trouble again.

But the scarred youth didn't dare not listen, so he could only lead the way obediently.

The rest of the gangsters hurriedly followed Li Xuan's order and went to the neighborhood to find a single-family house.

They didn't dare to run away. Running away in front of the strong was like courting death. They could only be obedient.

after they leave.

Xiao Jian's parents recovered after this, and then swallowed.

"Mr. Li Xuan is so strong, didn't your son say that Li Xuan's strength is poor?"

"I guess my son doesn't understand, let's go, let's go to my son and tell him the good news,

At the same time, he asked his son to ask Mr. Li Xuan for help to solve the Laner incident. "

"Yes, yes, hurry up and find your son."

Thinking of this, the two hurriedly closed the shop door, hurried to the house in the backyard, and shook their drunken son awake.

"Son son, something happened in the store, wake up."

"Something happened? What happened?" Xiao Jian asked sleepily.

"It's Boss Scar's gangsters, and they're here to collect protection fees again." Father Xiao Shu explained.

"What? These **** are so hateful!" Xiao Jian became energetic, clenching his fists and cursing.

"Don't worry, the matter has been resolved, those gangsters no longer dare to charge us protection fees, and they won't dare to charge our protection fees in the future." Xiao Shu explained again.

"Why? They are so difficult to deal with, why don't they charge us protection fees?" Xiao Jian was puzzled, but he clearly knew how difficult these gangsters were.

These little gangsters are like dog skin plaster, as long as they are targeted, they will cause all kinds of trouble, sneak attacks, smash stores, throw dung water, all kinds of troubles, it can be said that they can do anything.

This kind of gangster makes Xiao Jian feel very difficult and doesn't know how to solve it.

Now that his father said that it was resolved, those gangsters dared not come to the store to collect protection fees, which made Xiao Jian very surprised.

"It's Mr. Li Xuan. As soon as Mr. Li Xuan appeared, he frightened the gangsters. Later, Mr. Li Xuan's words made the gangsters kneel and beg for mercy. Mr. Li Xuan is really amazing."

"Yeah, son, you didn't see the scene just now. Those little **** kowtowed and bleed, and they were all terrified."

Xiao Jian's parents spoke hurriedly, describing the scene just now in detail as much as possible.

Xiao Jian was also a little surprised when he heard what his parents said, and he couldn't help feeling a little comforted in his heart.

Originally, through the ancient blood, he summoned Li Xuan, and when he saw that it was Hei Tie, Xiao Jian began to give up on himself.

In the end, he did not expect that this black werewolf was still a little capable, and he actually obeyed the gang of gangsters, which surprised Xiao Jian.

"It seems that those gangsters are not very useful. When they meet the real black iron level, those little gangsters will not be able to do it." Xiao Jian muttered secretly.

"Xiao Jian, you have to be nice to Mr. Li Xuan in the future. Maybe you can ask Mr. Li Xuan to help you solve the problem between you and Lan'er." Xiao Jian's mother said immediately.

"It's useless, Li Xuan's strength is only black iron, it's too weak." Xiao Jian shook his head and sighed.

"Is that so? I saw that Mr. Li Xuan was domineering just now. One sentence scared the gangsters to their knees." Xiao Jian's mother couldn't help saying.

"Mother, above the black iron level is the bronze level, and above the bronze level is the silver level.

How could such a master listen to the words of a black iron? Moreover, Li Xuan also lost his right arm, and his combat power is at the bottom of the black iron level. He can't help me at all. "Xiao Jian shook his head.

"Is that so? I always feel that Mr. Li Xuan is very powerful."

Xiao Jian's mother couldn't help but murmured that although she was not literate and didn't know much, she always felt that Li Xuan was not simple.

"Don't say it, you will understand the gap between Li Xuan and the city owner in the future. I can only rely on myself for problems with Lan'er, and no one can help me solve it."

Xiao Jian sighed, and lay back on the bed in discomfort again, leaning on the bed and thinking about how to gain great strength.

When Xiao Jian's parents saw this, they also thought they were ignorant, so they could only shake their heads and leave here and go back to the store in front.

the other side.

Shendan Hall.

Li Xuan bought a bunch of medicinal pills and walked out slowly.

Li Xuan had never seen these strange medicinal herbs, so he naturally had to study them carefully.

If the medicinal pills are too complicated and you cannot study them thoroughly, then go to Shendan Sect to learn alchemy.

As for whether Shendantang would object, Li Xuan didn't care, the big deal was that they agreed.

These pills mainly reminded Li Xuan of the magic of pills.

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